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NewsNews 2012

The 8th Japan-UK-USA Nanotechnology Summer School successfully held

31 Aug, 2012

The 8th Japan-UK-USA Nanotechnology Students' Summer School was held at MANA, NIMS, on August 27-31, 2012. The summer school was organized by a collaboration of the three institutes, MANA of NIMS, Japan, Nanoscience Centre of University of Cambridge, UK, and California NanoSystems Institute of UCLA, USA.

group photo

Group photo of the participants and instructors.

Tackling the “Mission Impossible”

The workshop-style summer school was held with the instructors including Dr. Masakazu Aono and Dr. Tomonobu Nakayama from MANA, Prof. James Gimzewski and Dr. Adam Stieg from UCLA, Prof. Guy Le Lay from Université de Provence, France, and Prof. Christoph Gerber from University of Basel, Switzerland. The 19 participating students from MANA/NIMS, University of Cambridge, University College London, and UCLA were divided into three teams, where they became “agents” who should tackle the "Mission Impossible: Promoting ignorance, awareness, and crazy ideas" received from the instructors.

photo 1

(Left) Prof. Gimzewski talks about the mission. (Center) Brainstorming by students and the instructors. (Right) Dr. Aono hands over the mission to each team.

Group work as "agents"

The students spent much time for group work to execute the mission through active discussion by "agents" with different backgrounds such as research field, culture, nationality and age.

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Group work by the teams "DORAEMON" (left), "Bamboo Tiger" (middle) and "Nano What?" (right).

Lectures by the instructors

Lectures by the instructors encouraged the students to think “crazy” while searching for innovative solutions to change the world with nanotechnology.


Lectures by the instructors Dr. Masakazu Aono (left), Prof. Guy Le Ley (center), and Prof. Christoph Gerber (right).

Presenting a mission report

On the last day of the school, each team presented a mission report and had to deal with questions and comments from the instructors. The team “Bamboo Tiger” was selected for the “Best Presentation Award”.

presentation's photo

Presentations by the three teams "DORAEMON" (left), "Nano What?" (middle) and Best Presentation Award winner "Bamboo Tiger" (right).

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