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ConferenceConference 2013

MANA International Symposium Held

Date 27 Feb, 2013 - 1 Mar, 2013
(20 Mar, 2013 Update)

MANA International Symposium 2013 was held at Tsukuba International Congress Center over three days from February 27 to March 1, 2013. 21 distinguished researchers from Japan and overseas, including Professor George Bednorz, Nobel Laureate in Physics 1987 and Professor Akira Suzuki, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2010, were invited to give presentations. There were also 16 oral presentations and 87 poster presentations to highlight the research at MANA. In 4 different sessions ”Nano-Materials”, “Nano-System”, ”Nano-Power” and “Nano-Life”, views on “Nano-Revolution for the future” were exchanged.

Date February 27 to March 1, 2013
Venue Auditorium, WPI-MANA Bld, Namiki Campus, NIMS, Tsukuba

Prof. Akira Suzuki, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

Prof. Georg Bedonorz, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

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