Award 2010
Dr. Masanori Kohno received Young Scientist Award from Physical Society of Japan
Dr. Masanori Kohno received Young Scientist Award from Physical Society of Japan (PSJ).
The award was given to him for the field 3 of magnetism at the 25th annual meeting of PSJ on March 21, 2010.
The award was given to him for the field 3 of magnetism at the 25th annual meeting of PSJ on March 21, 2010.
Award Info
Young Scientist Award from Physical Society of Japan (in Japanese)
Physical Society of Japan (in Japanese)
Physical Society of Japan (in Japanese)
Related Papers
Spinons and triplons in spatially anisotropic frustrated antiferromagnets
Kohno M, Starykh OA, Balents L
Nat Phys, 2007; 3: 790-795.
Dynamically dominant excitations of string solutions in the spin-1/2 antiferromanetic Heisenberg chain in a magnetic field
Kohno M
Phys Rev Lett, 2009; 102(3): 037203.
Kohno M, Starykh OA, Balents L
Nat Phys, 2007; 3: 790-795.
Dynamically dominant excitations of string solutions in the spin-1/2 antiferromanetic Heisenberg chain in a magnetic field
Kohno M
Phys Rev Lett, 2009; 102(3): 037203.