(ヘテロ界面設計グループ 森 利之グループリーダー)
1. Theoretical study on diffusion mechanism of fluorine atom adsorbed on Si(111) reconstructed Surface Y. Asari, J. Nara and T. Ohno Surface Science 605 225-231(2011)
2. “Isotropic photo-decomposition of spherical organic polymers on rutile TiO2(110) surfaces” Nobuyuki Ishida, Tamaki Iwasaki, and Daisuke Fujita "Nanotechnology 22, 155705/p.1-p.3 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/15/155705"
3. “Bright-field Scanning Confocal Electron Microscopy using a Double Aberration-corrected Transmission Electron Microscope” Peng Wang, Gavin Behan, Angus I. Kirkland, Peter D. Nellist, Eireann C. Cosgriff, Adrian J. D’Alfonso, Andrew J. Morgan, Leslie J. Allen, Ayako Hashimoto, Masaki Takeguchi, Kazutaka Mitsuishi and Masayuki Shimojo Ultramicroscopy, Vol.111 (2011) pp.877-886
4. “Experimental Examination of the Characteristics of Bright-Field Scanning Confocal Electron Microscopy Images” Ayako Hashimoto, Masayuki Shimojo, Kazutaka Mitsuishi, Zhu Yufang and Masaki Takeguchi Journal of Electron Microscopy, Vol.60 (2011) pp.227-234.
5. “Minerals and Aligned Collagen Fibrils in Tilapia Fish Scales: Structural Analysis using Dark-Field and Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy and Electron Tomography” Mitsuhiro Okuda, Nobuhiro Ogawa, Masaki Takeguchi, Ayako Hashimoto, Motohiro Tagaya, Song Chen, Nobutaka Hanagata and Toshiyuki Ikoma Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol.17 (2011) pp.1-11
6. “The Structure of Water in the Vicinity of an Amphoteric Polymer Brush As Examined by Sum Frequency Generation Method” Takuya Kondo, Makoto Gemmei-Ide, Hiromi Kitano, Kohji Ohno, Hidenori Noguchi, and Kohei Uosaki Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces 91(1), 215-218 (2011).
7. “Polarity replication across m-plane GaN/ZnO interfaces” A. Kobayahi, T. Ohnishi, M. Lippmaa, Y. Oda, A. Ishii, J. Ohta, M. Oshima, and H. Fujioka, Appl Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 181910
8. “Construction of Multilayer Assembly of bare and Pd Modified Gold Nanoclusters and their Electrocatalytic Properties for Oxygen Reduction” Motoko Harada, Hidenori Noguchi, Nikolas Zanetakis, Satoru Takakusagi, Wenbo Song, and Kohei Uosaki Sci. Tech. Adv. Matt. 12, 044606(10pp) (2011).
9. “Crystal face dependent chemical effects in surface enhanced Raman scattering at atomically defined gold facets” *K. Ikeda, S. Suzuki, *K. Uosaki Nano Lett. 11, 1716-1722 (2011)
10. “Surface-enhanced Raman scattering at well-defined single crystalline aces of platinum-group metals induced by gap-mode plasmon excitation” K. Ikeda, J. Sato, and K. Uosaki J. Photo. Chem. And Photo. Bio. A, 221, 175-180 (2011)
11. “Crystal Face Dependent Chemical Effects in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering at Atomically Defined Gold Facets” K. Ikeda, S. Suzuki, and K. Uosaki Nano Letters, 11, (4), 1716-1722 (2011)
12. “Plasmonic Enhancement of Photoinduced Uphill Electron Transfer in a Molecular Monolayer System” K. Ikeda, K. Takahashi, T. Masuda, and K. Uosaki Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, (6), 1280-1284 (2011)
13. “Activity of oxygen reduction reaction on small amount of amorphous CeO(x) promoted Pt cathode for fuel cell application” K. Fugane, T. Mori, D-R. Ou, A. Suzuki, H. Yoshikawa, T. Masuda, K. Uosaki, Y. Yamashita, S. Ueda, K. Kobayashi, N. Okazaki, I. Matolinova, and V. Matolin ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA,?56,??(11),??3874-3883 (2011)
14. Structural phase transformation through defect cluster growth in Gd-doped ceria’ Z. P. Li, T.Mori, F.Ye, D.R.Ou, J.Zou, and J.Drennan Physical Review B, Vol.84(18), article number: 180201(R), pp.1-5 (2011)
15. ‘The diffusions and associated interfacial layer formation between thin film electrolyte and cermet anode in IT-SOFC’ Z.P.Li, T.Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, J. Drennan, and M. Miyayama Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.509(40), pp. 9679-9684 (2011)
16. ‘Stability of ceria supports in Pt-CeOx/C catalysts’ D.R.Ou, T.Mori, K.Fugane, H.Togasaki, F.Ye, and J.Drennan Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.115(39), pp.19239-19245(2011)
17. ‘Two types of diffusions at the cathode/electrolyte interface in IT-SOFCs’ Z. P. Li, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Vol.184(9), pp. 2458?2461 (2011)
18. ‘Mutual diffusion occurring at the interface between La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3 cathode and Gd-doped ceria electrolyte during IT-SOFC cell preparation’ Z. P. Li, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.3(7), pp.2772-2778(2011)
19. ‘Ordered structures of defect clusters in gadolinium-doped ceria’ Z.P. Li, T. Mori, F. Ye, D.R.Ou, J.Zou and J.Drennan Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.134(22), artcile number: 224708, pp.1-7(2011)
20. ‘Diffusion and segregation along grain boundary at the electrolyte-anode interface in IT-SOFC’ Z. P. Li,T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, J. Drennan and M. Miyayama Solid State Ionics, Vol.191(1), pp. 55-60(2011)
21. ‘Defect clustering and local ordering in rare earth co-doped ceria’ D.R. Ou, F. Ye, and T. Mori Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.13(20), pp.9554-9560 (2011)
22. ‘Superstructure formation and variation in Ni-GDC cermet anodes in SOFC’ Z. P. Li, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, and J. Drennan Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.13(20), pp.9685-9690 (2011)
23. "‘Activity of oxygen reduction reaction on small amount of amorphous CeOx promoted Pt cathode for fuel cell application’
" K.Fugane, T.Mori, D.R.Ou, A.Suzuki, H.Yoshikawa, T.Masuda, K.Uosaki, Y.Yamashita, S.Ueda , K.Kobayashi, N.Okazaki, I.Matolinova and V.Matolin Electrochimica Acta, Vol.56(11), pp.3874-3883(2011)
24. ‘Mutual diffusion and microstructure evoluation at the electrolyte-anode interface in intermedaite temperature solid oxide fuel cell’ Z. P. Li, T. Mori, G. Auchterlonie, Y. Guo, J. Zou, J. Drennan, and M. Miyayama Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.115(14), pp.6877-6885(2011)
25. ‘Microstructures and metal-support interaction of the Pt-CeO2/C catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell application’ D.R.Ou, T.Mori, H.Togasaki, M.Takahashi, F.Ye, and J.Drennan Langmuir,Vol.27(7), pp.3859-3866(2011)
26. ‘Direct evidence of dopant segregation in Gd-doped ceria’ Z. P. Li,T. Mori, G.Auchterlonie, J.Zou, and J.Drennan Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98(9), article number 093104, pp.1-3 (2011)
27. ‘Dislocation associated incubational domain formation in lightly gadolinium-doped ceria’ Z.P.Li, T.Mori, F.Ye, D.R.Ou, J.Zou, and J.Drennan Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol.17(1), pp.49-53(2011)