Program at a Glance
Main Hall (8:30~18:30) | ||
June 4, Mon | AM | 8:30 Registration Desk Open |
Chair: Takahito Ohmura | ||
9:00~9:05 Welcome Address / Prof. Sukekatsu Ushioda (President, NIMS) |
Chair: Hideyuki Murakami | ||
9:05~12:50 NIMS Award Ceremony & Award-Winning Lectures 9:10~9:35 NIMS Award Ceremony |
9:40~10:40 [NA-1] "The First Bulk Nanostructured Metal" Prof. H. K. D. H Bhadeshia (University of Cambridge, UK) |
10:40~10:50 Break | ||
Chair: Takahito Ohmura | ||
10:50~11:50 [NA-2] "Engineering the Strength and Toughness of Dislocated Martensitic Steel" Prof. John William Morris, Jr. (University of California, Berkeley, USA) |
11:50~12:50 [NA-3] "Nanoscience for Materials Engineering" Prof. Subra Suresh (National Science Foundation (NSF), USA) |
PM | 12:50~14:00 Lunch Time | |
Chair: Toshiyuki Nishimura | ||
14:00~18:00 Plenary Lectures 14:00~14:40 [PL-1] "Structural Materials Research at NIMS - Since 1997 to the present, and future-" Prof. Kaneaki Tsuzaki (NIMS, JAPAN) |
14:40~15:20 [PL-2] "Designing Nanostructured Metallic Bulk Alloys via First Principles Simulations and Atomic Scale Characterization: The Basis of Modern Manufacturing" Prof. Dierk Raabe (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung, GERMANY) |
15:20~16:00Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Koichi Tsuchiya | ||
16:00~16:40 [PL-3] "Development of High Specific-Strength Alloys for Sustainable Society" Prof. Nack Joon Kim (POSTECH, KOREA) |
16:40~17:20 [PL-4] Challenging Research Topics on Structural Materials Contributing to Future Low Carbon Society - The ALCA Program by Japan Science and Technology Agency - Prof. Yoshinao Mishima (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JAPAN) |
17:20~18:00 [PL-5] "High Strength Sheet Steels to Improve Crashworthiness of Autobodies - Microstructures and Their Impacts –" Dr. Manabu Takahashi (Nippon Steel Corporation, JAPAN) |
18:30~20:00 Banquet@Okura Frontier Hotel |
Hall 300 | Conference Room 101 | Conference Room 102 | ||
June 5, Tue | AM | (9:00~12:00) TS-1 Safe and Secure in Infrastructures |
(10:00~17:00) TS-2 Surface Science for Harsh Environment |
PM | (13:00~17:20) TS-3(1) The New Strategy for Microstructures and Mechanical Properties |
(13:00~16:40) TS-4(1) Advanced Microstructural Chacterization and Modeling -Present Situation and Future Perspectives- |
PM | Multi Purpose Hall | |||
17:30~20:00 Poster Session |
Hall 300 | Conference Room 101 | Conference Room 102 | ||
June 6, Wed | AM | (9:00~15:00) TS-3(2) The New Strategy for Microstructures and Mechanical Properties |
(9:00~15:10) TS-4(2) Advanced Microstructural Characterization and Modeling -Present Situation and Future Perspectives- |
(9:00~15:40) TS-5 Materials Reliability and Database |
PM | ||||
PM | Hall 300 | |||
16:00~17:00 Wrap up General Overview, Poster Award Ceremony, Closing Remarks |
Satellite Simposium | ||||
Conf. Room 102 | Conf. Room 101 | Conf. Room 202 | Conf. Room 303 | |
June 7, Thu |
Day1: Jun. 7 (10:00~17:00) Day2: Jun. 8 (09:00~17:00) Micromechanics of Advanced Structural Materials -Professor Toshio Mura Memorial Symposium- ■Registration fee:free ■For details: English / Japanese |
Jun. 7 (10:00~17:15) Space Use Materials Symposium ■Registration fee:free ■For details: Japanese |
Jun.7 (14:00~17:00) Materials data and managing system for industry ■Registration fee:free ■For details: English / Japanese |
Jun.7 (9:30~17:00) Open seminar of ISIJ neutron research group ■Registration fee:free ■For details:English |
June 8, Fri |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Hall 300 | ||
June 5, Tue | AM | Chair: Kimiyoshi Naito |
09:00~9:40 [TS1-1] "Advanced Hybrid Structures for Fail-safe and Carefree Applications" Prof. Jenn-Ming Yang (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) |
09:40~10:20 [TS1-2] "Thermal Shock Fracture in Ceramic Materials - Fracture Analysis using Disc-on-Rod Tests –" Prof. Shuichi Wakayama (Toyo Metropolitan University, JAPAN) |
10:20~10:40 Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Kota Sawada | ||
10:40~11:20 [TS1-3] "Dissimilar Joints between Alloy 617 and 2 Cr Steel - Creep Behavior and in Depth Microstructural Characterization" Dr. Florian Kauffmann (Materials Testing Institute University of Stuttgart, GERMANY) |
11:20~12:00 [TS1-4] "Understanding of Brittle-to-Ductile Transition Based on Crack-Dislocation Interaction" Prof. Kenji Higasida (Kyusyu University, JAPAN) |
Conference Room 102 | ||
June 5, Tue | AM | 10:00~10:05 [Opening] Dr. Hideyuki Murakami (NIMS, JAPAN) |
"Hot corrosion" Chair: Hideyuki Murakami | ||
10:05~10:55 [TS2-1] "Advanced Coating Systems for High Temeprature Applications" Prof. Toshio Narita (Hokkaido University, JAPAN) |
10:55~11:25 [TS2-2] "Microstructural Evolution and Oxidation of Materials for Power Plant Applications" Dr. Mark A. E. Jepson (Loughborough University, UK) |
"Atmospheric corrosion" Chair: Hideyuki Murakami | ||
11:25~12:05 [TS2-3] "Corrosion Behavior of Weathering Steel in atmosphere of Vietnam" Dr. Le Thi Hong Lien (Institute of Materials Science, VIETNAM) |
12:05~13:30 Lunch Time | ||
PM | "Wet corrosion" Chair: Eiji Akiyama | |
13:30~14:20 [TS2-4] "High-Sensitive and locally resolved hydrogen detection in metals by Scanning Kelvin Probe Technique" Dr. Michael Rowerder (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschumg, GERMANY) |
14:20~15:00 [TS2-5] "Corrosion Behavior of 11 mass% Cr F/M Steel and 15 mass% Cr ODS Steel in Corrosive Solutions" Prof. Masatoshi Sakairi (Hokkaido University, JAPAN) |
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break | ||
"Biomaterials" Chair: Hideki Katayama | ||
15:30~16:20 [TS2-6] "Tailoring Materials for Tribocorrosion Systems: New Approaches?" Dr. Stefano Mischler (Materials Institute, EPFL, SWITZERLAND) |
16:20~16:50 [TS2-7] "Hydroxyapatite Coating by Chemical Deposition for a Bioabsorbable Magnesium Alloy" Dr. Sachiko Hiromoto (NIMS, JAPAN) |
16:50~17:00 [Wrap Up] Dr. Jin Kawakita (NIMS, JAPAN) |
Hall 300 | ||
June 5, Tue | PM | "New Application of Sructural Materials in Industry" Chair: Yoko Mitarai |
13:00~13:40 [TS3-1] "Consolidation and Mechanical-Properties of Atomized Mg-BasedPowders" Dr. Akira Kato (TOYOTA, JAPAN) |
13:40~14:20 [TS3-2] "The Need for Physically Based Modeling and Micromechanical Test in the Aerospace and Nuclear Industry" Prof. David Rugg (Rolls Royce plc, UK) |
14:20~15:00 [TS3-3] "Fractal Analysis in Piezoelectrics - Micro-structure vs. properties -" Prof. Kenji Uchino (Office of Naval Research Global-Asia, USA/JAPAN) |
15:00~15:20 Coffee Break | ||
"New Process for Structural Saterials" Chair: Toshiyuki Nishimura | ||
15:20~16:00 [TS3-4] "Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Prof. Hideki Kakisawa (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN) |
16:00~16:40 [TS3-5] "Recent Progresses in Polymer Processing Technology Mainly Focused on Automobile Industrie" Prof. Tadamoto Sakai (Shizuoka University, JAPAN) |
16:40~17:00 [TS3-6] "Impact of High-Pressure Torsion Deformation on Metallic Materials" Prof. Koichi Tsuchiya (NIMS, JAPAN) |
17:00~17:20 [TS3-7] "Tailored Microstructure of Ceramics by Using Electric and Magnetic Fields" Dr. Tohru Suzuki (NIMS, JAPAN) |
June 6, Wed | AM | "Twinning in Various Crystals" Chair: Takahiro Sawaguchi |
09:00~09:40 [TS3-8] "Twinning and its Effect on Mechanical Properties of Metals" Prof. Hideo Yoshinaga (Kyushu University, JAPAN) |
09:40~10:20 [TS3-9] "Formation of Nano-scale Twins and Double Twins during Fracture of Fine Grained Magnesium Alloys" Dr. Alok Singh (NIMS, Japan) |
10:20~10:40 Coffee Break | ||
10:40~11:20 [TS3-10] "The Rolls of Deformation Twinning in Basal Textured AZ31 Mg Alloy" Prof. Daisuke Ando (Tohoku University, JAPAN) |
11:20~12:00 [TS3-11] "Morphology and Crystallography of Self-Accommodated B19’ Martensite in Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys" Prof. Minoru Nishida (Kyushu University, JAPAN) |
12:00~13:00 Lunch Time | ||
PM | "Lattice Defects and Mechanical Properties" Chair: Nobuaki Sekido | |
13:00~13:40 [TS3-12] "The Effect of Thermodynamic Parameters on High Performance Materials with Respect to their Performance" Dr. Jinichiro Nakano (National Energy Technology Laboratory, US Department of Energy, USA) |
13:40~14:20 [TS3-13] "Ab initio Approaches to Stacking Fault Energy Calculations in Mg-Y Alloys" Dr. Martin Friak (Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research, GERMANY) |
14:20~15:00 [TS3-14] "Strengthening of Fe-Ni Based Alloys with Elastic Anomaly up to Ideal Strength" Dr. Tadahiko Furuta (Toyota Central R.& D. Labs., Inc., JAPAN) |
Conference Room 101 | ||
June 5, Tue | PM | "3D Tomography" Chair: Seiichiro Ii |
13:00~13:05 [Opening] Dr. Seiichiro Ii (NIMS, JAPAN) |
13:05~13:45 [TS4-1] "Advanced Electron Microscopy Techniques in the Quest for Better Functional Materials" Prof. Dominique Schryvers (University of Antwerp, BELGIUM) |
13:45~14:20 [TS4-2] "Fitting Tomography-Based Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to Structural Material Problems: toward Effective 3D TEM Imaging and Analysis" Prof. Satoshi Hata (Kyushu University, JAPAN) |
14:20~14:55 [TS4-3] "Structural Material Genome Study by Advanced 3D4D Characterization" Prof. Yoshitaka Adachi (Kagoshima University, JAPAN) |
14:55~15:10 Coffee Break | ||
"Microstructure Formation from Computational Modelling" Chair: Ikumu Watanabe | ||
15:10~15:50 [TS4-4] "Efficient Phase-field Computation Coupled with Thermodynamic Database for Solidification in Multicomponent Alloys" Prof. Seong Gyoon Kim (Kunsan National University, KOREA) |
15:50~16:25 [TS4-5] "Approaches to Bridge Phase-field Microstructure Modeling and Image-based Calculations of Materials Properties" Prof. Toshiyuki Koyama (Nagoya Institute of Technology, JAPAN) |
16:25~17:05 [TS4-6] "Ideal Strength, Elastic Anisotropy, and Dislocations in Gum Metal" Prof. Daryl C. Chrzan (University of California, Berkeley, USA) |
June 6, Wed | AM | "Diffuse and Small-angle Scattering for Materials Science" Chair: Toshiyuki Koyama |
09:00~09:50 [TS4-7] "Advanced Methods of Neutron and X-ray Diffraction in Materials Science" Prof. Gernot Kostorz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, SWITZERLAND) |
09:50~10:20 [TS4-8] "Cluster Strengthening of Steels - Small-Angle Scattering in Color – Dr. Masato Ohnuma (NIMS, JAPAN) |
10:20~10:40 Coffee Break | ||
"In-situ observation" Chair: Toru Hara | ||
10:40~11:20 [TS4-9] "Probing the Origin and Evolution of Strength and Ductility in Small Volumes with in situ TEM Nanomechanical Testing" Prof. Andrew Minor (University of California, Berkeley, USA) |
11:20~11:50 [TS4-10] "Advantages of In-Situ Straining Tem Technique for Crack Propagation in Brittle Ceramic Materials" Dr. Seiichiro Ii (NIMS, JAPAN) |
11:50~13:20 Lunch Time | ||
PM | "Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Interfacial Phenomena" Chair: Seiichiro Ii | |
13:20~13:55 [TS4-11] "Atomic Simulations of Dislocation Emission Phenomena from Grain Boundaries" Prof. Tomotsugu Shimokawa (Kanazawa University |
13:55~14:30 [TS4-12] "Novel Atomic-Scale Characterization of Ceramic Interfaces Prof. Naoya Shibata (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN) |
14:30~15:05 [TS4-13] "Design of High-Strength and High-Ductility Aluminum Alloys Using First-Principles Calculations: Theory and Experiments" Prof. Tokuteru Uesugi (Osaka Prefectural University, JAPAN) |
15:05~15:40 [TS4-14] "First-Principles Study on the Grain Boundary Decohesion of Iron by Solute Segregation: Temper and Hydrogen-Induced Embrittlement" Prof. Masatake Yamaguchi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, JAPAN) |
TS-5Material Reliability and Database
Conference Room 102 | ||
June 6, Wed | AM | Chair: Yoshinori Ono |
09:00~09:10 [Opening] Dr. Yoshiyuki Furuya (NIMS, JAPAN) |
09:10~10:10 [TS5-1] "Evaluation of Creep and Fatigue Lives under Operating Conditions in the Field" Prof. Isamu Nonaka (Tohoku University, JAPAN) |
10:10~10:20 Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Yoshinori Ono | ||
10:20~11:20 [TS5-2] "Change in Composition of Rusts on Weathering Steel with Anions" Prof. Toshiaki Ohtsuka (Hokkaido University, JAPAN) |
11:20~12:00 [TS5-3] "NIMS Structual Materials Data Sheets in Materials Information Station" Dr. Toshio Ogata (NIMS, JAPAN) |
12:00~13:00 Lunch Time | ||
PM | Chair: Yibin Xu | |
13:00~13:40 [TS5-4] "Study on long term creep in NIMS and Creep Data Sheets" Dr. Kazuhiro Kimura (NIMS, JAPAN) |
13:40~14:20 [TS5-5] "Study on Gigacycle Fatigue in NIMS and Fatigue Data Sheets" Dr. Yoshiyuki Furuya (NIMS, JAPAN) |
14:20~14:30 Coffee Break | ||
Chair: Yibin Xu | ||
14:30~15:10 [TS5-6] "Atmospheric corrosion study in NIMS and Corrosion Data Sheets" Dr. Akira Tahara (NIMS, JAPAN) |
15:10~15:40 [TS5-7] "Present Status and Future Prospects of NIMS Materials Database (MatNavi)" Dr. Masayoshi Yamazaki (NIMS, JAPAN) |