
Home > PR & Outreach > Conferences > The 2nd ISATBMS-2008 will be held on July 16th …

The 2nd ISATBMS-2008 will be held on July 16th 2008, Tsukuba

Date 2008.07.16
(Published on 2008.06.18)

Following the 1st that held on June 5th, the 2nd ISATBMS-2008(International Symposium on Atomic Technology for Biomaterials Science-2008) will be held on Wednesday, July 16th at Tsukuba University.

The speaker is Prof. Phillip B. Messersmith(Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Departments, Institute for Bionanotechnology in Medicine Northwestern University).

ISATBMS Poster Image

ISATBMS-2008 Poster

Prof. Phillip B. Messersmith

Prof. Phillip B. Messersmith