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NewsNews 2020

Satoshi Ishii, Principal Researcher and his colleague's research announced as a press release in American Institute of Physics (AIP)

9 Jul, 2020
(10 Jul, 2020 Update)

Satoshi Ishii, Principal Researcher and his colleague's research "Cooling Mechanism Increases Solar Energy Harvesting for Self-Powered Outdoor Sensors" was announced as a press release in American Institute of Physics (AIP).
The research was published in Applied Physics Letters (APL) on July 7th, 2020.

Press Release

  • American Institute of Physics (AIP)
    "Cooling Mechanism Increases Solar Energy Harvesting for Self-Powered Outdoor Sensors"

  • Journals

  • Applied Physics Letters (APL)
    "Radiative cooling for continuous thermoelectric power generation in day and night"

  • reseacher's photo

    Satoshi Ishii

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