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NewsNews 2011

MANA and Dr. Yamauchi on NHK Special

1 Jan, 2011

MANA's two researchers were featured on NHK Special program "CAN JAPAN SURVIVE?" starting from 9pm on January 1, 2011.

In the program, a photosynthesis experiment using visible-light-sensitive catalyst by Dr. Jinhua Ye, MANA Principal Investigator, was introduced as a promising and key research work. Dr. Yusuke Yamauchi, MANA Independent Scientist, was highlighted as a model case of MANA’s strategy in fostering young promising researchers.

Dr. Ye's photo

Dr. Jinhua Ye conducts an experiment using visible-light-sensitive catalyst.

Dr. Yusuke Yamauchi's Photo

Dr. Yusuke Yamauchi answers to the interview.

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