Article 2023
The collaborative research achievement by Xiao HU, Group Leader, and Xingxiang WANG, trainee, and the research team from TONGJI University, featured in media.
The collaborative research achievement by Xiao HU, Group Leader, and Xingxiang WANG, trainee, and Hong CHEN professor's research team from TONGJI University (China), featured in media.
Media Coverages
「NIMS,フォトニック結晶に新奇な光渦伝搬様式発見」 (Japanese)
「ハニカム構造フォトニック結晶が起こす光渦の不思議な反転現象」 (Japanese)
「NIMSとJST、ハニカム構造のフォトニック結晶が起こす光渦の不思議な反転現象を解明」 (Japanese)
Xingxiang WANG
NIMS Postdoctoral Researcher
Xiao HU Group Leader