Article 2022
Mizuki Tenjimbayashi, Independent Scientist and Gen Hayase, Independent Scientist Appear in Media
Mizuki Tenjimbayashi, Independent Scientist, Gen Hayase, Independent Scientist and their team's research findings appeared in media.
■ Press & Web Magazines *Japanese
・NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN (Nov. 17, 2022) *Registration required
・Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nov. 17, 2022) *Registration required
■ Reference
» 【News】Mizuki Tenjimbayashi and Gen Hayase's research selected for the inside front cover of the journal "Advanced Materials Interfaces"
■ Press & Web Magazines *Japanese
・NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN (Nov. 17, 2022) *Registration required
・Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nov. 17, 2022) *Registration required
■ Reference
» 【News】Mizuki Tenjimbayashi and Gen Hayase's research selected for the inside front cover of the journal "Advanced Materials Interfaces"