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AwardAward 2019

Zhong Lin Wang, MANA Satellite PI Wins Prestigious Albert Einstein World Award of Science

5 Jul, 2019
(5 Jul, 2019 Update)

reseacher's photo

Zhong Lin Wang,
MANA Satellite PI

Zhong Lin Wang, MANA Satellite Principal Investigator (PI) won the prestigious "2019 Albert Einstein World Award of Science", issued by the World Cultural Council (WCC). Albert Einstein World Award of Science is an annual award and was created as a means of recognition and encouragement for scientific and technological research and development", with special consideration for researches which "have brought true benefit and well being to mankind."

The ceremony is planned to be held on Friday 4th October 2019 at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, in the framework of the Tsukuba Conference.

Award image

Albert Einstein World Award of Science

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