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AwardAward 2014

Dr. Kazuhito Tsukagoshi and Dr. Katsuyoshi Komatsu received the Japan Society of Applied Physics Paper Award

18 Sep, 2014

reseacher's photo

Dr. Kazuhito Tsukagoshi(right)

MANA Principal Investigator Dr. Kazuhito Tsukagoshi and MANA Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Katsuyoshi Komatsu were awarded the 36th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Paper Award.

The JSAP Paper Awards are presented to the authors of excellent original papers contributing to the progress and improvement of applied physics. The following paper concerning the growth and properties of large single-crystal graphene domains, of which Dr. Tsukagoshi and Dr. Komatsu are two of the co-authors, was recognized as a comprehensive and excellent study:
Hiroki Ago, Kenji Kawahara, Yui Ogawa, Shota Tanoue, Mark A. Bissett, Masaharu Tsuji, Hidetsugu Sakaguchi, Roland J. Koch, Felix Fromm, Thomas Seyller, Katsuyoshi Komatsu, and Kazuhito Tsukagoshi, Epitaxial Growth and Electronic Properties of Large Hexagonal Graphene Domains on Cu(111) Thin Film, Appl. Phys. Express 6 (2013) 075101.
The award ceremony was held at the JSAP Autumn Meeting 2014 on 17 September, 2014.

reseacher's photo

Dr. Kazuhito Tsukagoshi(right)

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