

Anomalous low-energy scattering in a Bose condensate

Prof. Yusuke Kato(加藤雄介助教授)
【Date & Time】20 December 2006 (Wed), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】8F large seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Prof. Yusuke Kato(加藤雄介助教授)
【Affiliation】東京大学大学院総合文化研究(Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
【Title】Anomalous low-energy scattering in a Bose condensate
The superfluid (condensate) and normal (single particle excitation) components of a bose superfluid are suppose to be able to "penetrate" though each other, i.e. undergo relative motion without having to exchange momenta. Does this imply then that the excited particle will not be scattered off by a condensate even when the latter is spatially modulated by an impurity or a container's wall? The 1d version of this probem was undertaken by Kagan et al (2003) and Danshita et al (2005). Here we employ the Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoluibov equations to study the 3d scattering problem of a particle excitation in the presence of both an impurity potential and a condensate spatially modulated by the potential. The results obtained provide a microsopic picture for the counterintuitive statement that the particle exciation is not scattered by the superfluid.
超流動ボーズ流体における超流動成分(凝縮体)と常流動成分(励起粒子)は「互いにつらぬいて」運動量の交換を行わない相対運動することができるとされている。果たして不純物や容器界面が作るポテンシャルによって空間変調をうけた凝縮体に励起粒子は散乱されないのであろうか? この問題は一次元系においてKaganら(2003)、Danshitaら(2005)によって研究されている。われわれはGross-Pitaevskii方程式とBogoliubov方程式を用いて、三次元ボーズ凝縮系における不純物ポテンシャルとそのまわりで空間変調する凝縮体の作るポテンシャルの双方による励起粒子の散乱問題を研究した。全散乱断面積σは通常のポテンシャル場合では低エネルギーにおいて一定値に近づくところ、ボーズ凝縮系ではエネルギーの4乗に比例して小さくなる。これはS波(l=0)の部分波散乱に異常が生じるためである。また有限温度においてもPopov近似を用いる限りこの結果は変更を受けない。これらの結果は励起粒子が凝縮体に散乱されないことの微視的意味を与えている。本研究は藤田朗丈氏(東大理学部)との共同研究である。
【Contact】Dr. Akihiro Tanaka (田中秋広)

Proton shuttles and enzyme catalysis

Prof. M. L. Klein, FRS
【Date & Time】7 December 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】8F larger seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Prof. M. L. Klein, FRS
【Affiliation】Director of Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter & Director of Center for Molecular Modeling, University of Pennsylvania
【Title】Proton shuttles and enzyme catalysis
The talk will outline some recent attempts by my research group (www.cmm.upenn.edu) to employ the QM/MM Car-Parrinello based DFT methodology to some topical problems in enzyme catalysis. The mechanistic insights thus obtained are already useful to experimentalist notwithstanding the severe limitations on both the electonic structure aspects and the accessible time scales for phase space sampling.
【Contact】Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama(館山佳尚)

Simulation of liquid-crystal transition by an extended multicanonical method coupled with a first-principles calculation

Dr. Yoshihide Yoshimoto(吉本芳英博士)
【Date & Time】16 November 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】8F larger seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Yoshihide Yoshimoto(吉本芳英博士)
【Affiliation】Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo(東京大学物性研究所)
【Title】Simulation of liquid-crystal transition by an extended multicanonical method coupled with a first-principles calculation
The multicanonical method is a powerful state survey algorithm that reduces relaxation time of a simulated system and determines its thermodynamic properties in a wide range of temperature. I have studied its combination with first-principles simulations of real materials. The seminar will present the recent results: the first is to extend the method to make it applicable to the liquid-crystal transition of silicon which tends to be overcooled like water. The second is to utilize the produced ensemble to determine a model interatomic potential from first-principles calculations conserving its thermodynamic properties to a maximum extent.
【Contact】Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama(館山佳尚)

Deconfinement of vortices with continuously variable fractions of the unit flux quanta in two-gap superconductors

Dr. Jun Goryo(御領潤博士)
【Date & Time】2 November 2006 (Thu), 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
【Place】8F large seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Jun Goryo(御領潤博士)
【Affiliation】Department of Physics, Aoyama-Gakuin University(青山学院大学理工学部物理学科)
【Title】Deconfinement of vortices with continuously variable fractions of the unit flux quanta in two-gap superconductors
We propose a new stage for observing a confinement-decofinement transition in the laboratory. In two-gap superconductors such as MgB2, there are two species of vortices, each carrying a continuously variable fraction of the unit flux quanta ψ0= hc/2e. The confined state of these two is the usual vortex which is stable in the low temperature region of the system under a certain magnetic field above Hc1. An entropy gain causes the two fractional vortices to be deconfined above a certain temperature. Here we see an analogy to quarks in a charged pion. We estimate the condition of the deconfinement by using parameters for a thin film of the typical two-gap superconductor MgB2.
MgB2に代表されるような2ギャップ超伝導体においては二つの超伝導成分に対応した二種類の渦糸が存在する。そして各々単位磁束量子ψ0= hc/2e の分数倍の磁束を持つ。Hc1以上の磁場のもとで、低温ではこの二種類の渦糸は束縛状態を作り、通常の単位磁束量子を持つ。しかし或る温度を超えるとエントロピックな効果により非閉じ込め転移を起こし、分数磁束量子を持つ渦糸が遊離するという結果を得た。MgB2の薄膜に関するパラメータに基づきこの転移温度を見積もる。
【Contact】Dr. Akihiro Tanaka (田中秋広)

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of formation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes

Dr. Yasushi Shibuta(澁田靖博士)
【Date & Time】26 October 2006 (Thu), 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Yasushi Shibuta(澁田靖博士)
【Affiliation】Department of Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo(東京大学大学院工学系研究科マテリアル工学専攻)
【Title】Molecular Dynamics Simulation of formation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Several remarkable properties of Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are attractive such as a metal-semiconductor duality determined by its chirality and a high thermal conductivity. In addition to initially developed laser-furnace technique by Smalley’s group in 1996, a catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) method enabled the large-scale production of SWNT. However, the diameter and chirality control is still unrealistic. The formation mechanism of SWNT has been widely discussed since its discovery. However, it is difficult to reproduce the entire formation process of SWNTs due to computational limits on the system size and time scale.
Hence, the formation process of SWNTs is studied by molecular dynamics simulation using novel many-body potential functions between carbon atoms and catalytic metal atoms constructed by fitting binding energies from DFT calculation.
単層カーボンナノチューブ(SWNT)は,その直径と巻き方(カイラリティ)によって導電体や半導体となる等の電気的特性,高い熱伝導特性などが期待されている材料である. 1996年,Smalleyらによるレーザーオーブン法によるSWNT大量合成の成功以来,現在までに触媒CVD法により,大量合成に関しては現実味を帯びてきたが,直径やカイラリティを制御する方法は未だ分かっていない.SWNTの生成機構についても長年議論されており,理論,数値計算によるアプローチが求められるが,系の時空間スケールが現在の計算機能力を超えており,何らかの近似が必要となるのが現状である.
【Contact】Dr. Machiko Ode (大出真知子)

The Coulomb interactions and the chemical hardness / クーロン相互作用と化学的な硬さ

Dr. Taizo Sasaki(佐々木泰造博士)
【Date & Time】12 October 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Taizo Sasaki(佐々木泰造博士)
【Affiliation】First-Principles Simulation group (II), NIMS-CMSC(NIMS-CMSC 第一原理反応G)
【Title】The Coulomb interactions and the chemical hardness / クーロン相互作用と化学的な硬さ
The chemical hardness is the concept that assists obtaining an idea of the probability of chemical bond between atoms and/or molecules. The quantity representing it is called the absolute hardness, defined as η= (I-A)/2, where I and A are the ionization energy and the electron affinity, respectively. It has been considered that the absolute hardness η for the species with the open-shell structure characterizes the strength of the Coulomb interaction between electrons. In the solid state physics, η has been regarded as Hubbard's U (= 2η). Recently, we have found that a major part of η comes from the electron-nucleus term and the contribution of the electron-electron interaction is negative.
「硬さ」は、原子・イオンや分子が他との間で化学結合を作りやすいかどうかを表現しようとする概念であり、定量的にはη= (I-A)/2 (I :イオン化ポテンシャル、A :電子親和力)によって表され、「絶対的な硬さ」と呼ばれる。開殻系では、クーロン相互作用に結びついており、固体物理学では、ハバードのU として馴染みの深いものである(U = 2η)。最近、我々は、孤立イオンの第一原理計算を解析し直し、このηにおいて原子核-電子相互作用が決定的な役割を担っており、電子間相互作用項からの寄与は驚くべき事に負となっていることを見いだした。
【Contact】Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama(館山佳尚)

New Trends in Quantum Chemical Calculations / 量子化学計算の現状と新たな取り組み

Prof. Hiromi Nakai(中井浩巳教授)
【Date & Time】12 July 2006 (Wed), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】8F large seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Professor Hiromi Nakai(中井浩巳教授)
【Affiliation】Faculty of Science Engineering, Waseda University(早稲田大学理工学術院)
【Title】New Trends in Quantum Chemical Calculations / 量子化学計算の現状と新たな取り組み
The seminar presents the historical background of quantum chemical calculations based on the molecular orbital (MO) method and density functional theory (DFT), and gives novel theoretical and methodological treatments developed by Nakai's research group. The first topic is the proposal of energy density analysis (EDA), which enables us to partition the total energy of the system obtained by ab initio MO or DFT calculation into atomic contributions. The second is the development of nuclear orbital plus molecular orbital (NOMO) theory, which can give the nuclear and electronic wave functions simultaneously without the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation.
【Contact】Dr. Takahisa Ohno (大野隆央)

Topological nature of anomalous Hall effect, dissipationless charge-transfer through insulating media, and magneto-electric effect

Dr. Shigeki Onoda(小野田繁樹博士)
【Date & Time】29 June 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】8F large seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Shigeki Onoda(小野田繁樹博士)
【Affiliation】Tokura Spin Superstructure Project, ERATO, JST(ERATO十倉スピン超構造プロジェクト)
【Title】Topological nature of anomalous Hall effect, dissipationless charge-transfer through insulating media, and magneto-electric effect
The topology of the momentum/parameter-space lies at the heart of the quantum Hall effect and the Berry-phase theory of macroscopic electric polarization, as well as a host of other condensed matter phenomena which had not been fully appreciated till recently. In this talk I will discuss from this perspective the following topics (1) the anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnets (2) adiabatic charge pumping in ionic dimer insulators (3) the toroidal moment and magneto-electric
量子ホール効果や電気分極のベリー位相理論に見られるように、物性物理では波数空間やパラメータ空間のトポロジーに根ざした興味深く、しかし最近まで見逃されていた現象が多数ある。そのような観点から、以下のトピックスについて紹介する。 (1)強磁性体の異常ホール効果(2)ダイマー化したイオン結合性の絶縁体における電荷の量子輸送(ポンピング)(3)反強磁性絶縁体のトロイダル・モーメントと 電気磁気交差効果
【Contact】Dr. Akihiro Tanaka (田中秋広)

Ultrafast dynamics of many-body interacting complexes

Dr. JaeDong Lee
【Date & Time】15 June 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. JaeDong Lee
Ultrafast dynamics of many-body interacting complexes
We are strongly motivated to study the ultrafast dynamics of many-body interacting systems due to several reasons; (i) it gives new physics or new science, (ii) the controlled dynamics of the functionally smart systems in the ultrafast time range has the huge potential applicability, (iii) it can give the fundamental cornerstone for the field of "photodynamics". In the experimental side, thanks to an advancement of the ultrashort pulsed laser, it has been possible to study the ultrafast phenomena occurring within picoseconds or femtoseconds. On the other hand, in the theoretical side, it is true that a proper theoretical formulation is still lacking. Accordingly, we suggest the formalism starting from an idea of the real-time diagonalization within the many-body Hilbert space. We demonstrate that the formalism is quite successful and promising by introducing a few examples; (i) Birth of quasiparticles in a semiconductor and related ultrafast phenomena, (ii) Controlled propagation of molecular polarization, (iii) Photoinduced insulator-metal transition of one-dimensional Mott insulator. Besides those, if time is allowed, we introduce further issues related to intriguing ultrafast phenomena.
【Contact】Dr. Junichi Inoue (井上純一)

Quantum Transport Properties in Nano-scale materials / ナノ物質の量子伝導特性

Dr. Hisashi Kondo(近藤恒博士)
【Date & Time】25 May 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Hisashi Kondo(近藤恒博士)
【Affiliation】Inst. for Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo/First-Principles Simulation group (I), NIMS-CMSC(東京大学生産技術研究所/NIMS-CMSC 第一原理物性G)
【Title】Quantum Transport Properties in Nano-scale materials / ナノ物質の量子伝導特性
Major topics in nanotechnology include studies on electron transport properties for nano-scale materials bridging metal electrodes. One of the fundamental issues in the study of molecular electronics is to understand how the transport properties of the molecular device are determined by its atomic and electronic structures. We have studied the transport properties of the junction system of the single molecule bridging Au(111) electrodes by using the non-equilibrium Green's function method. In this talk, the method of calculation and some examples of its application will be presented.
ナノスケールのデバイスの可能性に関連して単分子によるナノ構造体の示す物性が注目を集めており,その伝導特性に関する研究が実験的にも理論的にも活発に行われている.このような系の伝導特性には分子の性質ばかりでなく電極の構造や電極・分子間の接点構造が大きな影響を及ぼすものと考えられる.我々は擬原子軌道を用いたLCAO 法に基づく非平衡グリーン関数法を適用し,単分子がAu(111)表面に挟まれた系の電子状態および伝導特性を調べてきた.講演ではその手法や計算例を紹介する.
【Contact】Dr. Jun Nara (奈良純)

Anisotropy of Upper Critical Fields of conventional superconductivity: Effects of Fermi Surface Geometry

Dr. Masao Arai(新井正男博士)
【Date & Time】11 May 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Masao Arai(新井正男博士)
【Affiliation】First-Principles Simulation group (II), NIMS-CMSC(NIMS-CMSC 第一原理反応G)
【Title】Anisotropy of Upper Critical Fields of conventional superconductivity: Effects of Fermi Surface Geometry
From the early stage of research on classical type-II superconductors, it has been recognized that the detailed anisotropy of Fermi surface has significant effects on H$_{c2}$. Recently, we have derived an H$_{c2}$ equation applicable to low-symmetry crystals, including Fermi surface anisotropy, gap anisotropy and impurity scatterings completely [T. Kita and M. Arai, Phys. Rev.B 70, 224522 (2004)]. By applying this equation to Fermi surfaces obtained from non-empirical calculations, we computed the H$_{c2}$ for Nb, NbSe$_2$, and MgB$_2$ within weak-coupling theory. It is found that the calculated H$_{c2}$ curves are in good agreement with the experimentally observed temperature and field angle dependences for Nb and NbSe$_2$.
非経験的電子構造計算(第一原理計算)は、電子物性を理論 的に理解するための出発点となる。多体効果が本質的に重要な超伝導では、多体理論の成果と第一 原理計算による情報を組み合わせることにより、超伝導体の性質を議論することがで きる。これまでに、超伝導転移温度や熱力学的性質を定量的に理論予測する研究が実 施されてきた。我々は第一原理計算によって得られる情報を用いて、磁場中の超伝導体 の性質を予測する手法に関して研究を行っている。第一歩として、超伝導性が完全に 破壊される磁場で定義される上部臨界磁場の温度依存性と磁場方向依存性を理論的に 計算する手法を開発した。本セミナーでは、この手法をbcc Nb, MgB$_2$等へ適用 した結果について報告する。
【Contact】Dr. Kazuaki Kobayashi (小林一昭)

Introduction of phase-field method and its application examples

Dr. Machiko Ode(大出真知子博士)
【Date & Time】12 April 2006 (Wed), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Dr. Machiko Ode(大出真知子博士)
【Affiliation】Particle Simulation & Thermodynamics group, NIMS-CMSC (NIMS-CMSC 粒子・統計熱力学G)
【Title】Introduction of phase-field method and its application examples
Over the last decade, the phase-field approach has been developed extensively to model solidification, solid-solid transformation, grain growth and so on. In the phase-field method, phase-field variable is introduced to describe the state (solid or liquid phase, for example) in a material. The interfacial regions involve continuous but highly localized variations of the phase-field. By incorporating the phase-field variable into the phase-field equation, thermal conduction equation and diffusion equation, the change in the phase distribution, i.e. complex microstructure evolution in a material can be solved without tracking the interface. An overview of the phase-field method will be presented, together with application examples.
【Contact】Dr. Toshiyuki Koyama (小山敏幸)

The ALPS project: Open source software for simulation of quantum lattice models
ALPSプロジェクト: 量子格子模型シミュレーションのためのオープンソースソフトウェア

Professor Synge Todo(藤堂眞治講師)
【Date & Time】23 February 2006 (Thu), 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
【Place】8F large seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Professor Synge Todo(藤堂眞治講師)
【Affiliation】Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo(東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻)
【Title】The ALPS project: Open source software for simulation of quantum lattice models
ALPSプロジェクト: 量子格子模型シミュレーションのためのオープンソースソフトウェア
The ALPS (Algorithm and Libraries for Physics Simulations) project is an international collaboration to develop open source software for the simulation of strongly correlated quantum lattice models such as quantum magnets and electron systems. Development is focused on common XML data formats, on the libraries as a foundation of large-scale parallel simulation codes, and on the fully-featured application programs based on the state-of-art algorithms. In this seminar, after a brief introduction on recent developments in computer science, such as generic programming in C++ and XML, we will present the details about the ALPS libraries (lattice, model, etc) as well as the ALPS applications (exact diagonalization, quantum Monte Carlo, etc). We will also present the results of our recent Monte Carlo simulations, using the ALPS libraries, on quantum spin systems.
ALPS (Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations)プロジェクトは, 量子磁性体・電子系など強相関量子格子模型のシミュレーションためのオープンソースソフトウェアの開発を目指す国際共同プロジェクトである. 本プロジェクトではXMLに基づく共通入出力データファイル形式の提案, 大規模並列シミュレーションプログラム開発の基盤となるライブラリ群の開発などを行なっている. また同時に最新のアルゴリズムに基づくアプリケーションプログラムの整備も進めている. 本セミナーでは, C++ジェネリックプログラミング, XML 等の最近の計算科学技術に触れた後, 格子構造ライブラリ, 模型(ハミルトニアン) ライブラリなどのALPSライブラリ群, およびそれらを利用した厳密対角化, 量子モンテカルロ法等のALPSアプリケーション群について詳しく紹介する. また我々がALPSを利用して進めている量子スピン系についての最近の研究についても紹介したい。
【Contact】Dr. Masanori Kohno (河野昌仙)

First-principles calculations for the initial stages of the oxidation on Si(001) surfaces

Prof. Byung Deok Yu
【Date & Time】9 February 2006 (Thu), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】6F seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Professor Byung Deok Yu
【Affiliation】Department of Physics, University of Seoul
【Title】First-principles calculations for the initial stages of the oxidation on Si(001) surfaces
The oxidation of silicon surfaces has attracted much attention as one of the most important processes in current and future Si technology. Particularly, the control of the initial reactions of oxygen to Si surfaces on an atomic scale is an important issue that must be addressed for more stable and better-functioning Si devices.
In this talk, I will present possible initial oxidation structures on flat terraces and at single-layer steps of Si(001) using first-principles total-energy and electronic-structure calculations based on the density-functional theory (DFT). For various oxidation models, the supercell contains a different number of oxygen atoms. Here, I will explain how such a system can be treated in the thermodynamic limit. More detailed information on the electronic properties, such as the local density of states and the scanning tunneling microscopy images, were also determined by the first-principles calculations. The characteristic features that were found therein are discussed and compared to the experimental results. Finally, I will briefly mention our plan to further understand the initial oxidation reactions to Si surfaces.
【Contact】Dr. Takahisa Ohno (大野隆央)

The Avogadoro Challenge / アボガドロチャレンジ

Professor Nobuyasu Ito (伊藤伸泰助教授)
【Date & Time】25 January 2006 (Wed), 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
【Place】8F large seminar room, Sengen site
【Speaker】Professor Nobuyasu Ito (伊藤伸泰助教授)
【Affiliation】Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo (東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻)
【Title】The Avogadoro Challenge / アボガドロチャレンジ
The aim of the computing statistical physics is to elucidate macroscopic phenomena based on nanoscopic dynamics. Now the equilibrium phases and transitions have been mostly conquered, and current targets are further complex and exotic equilibrium states and materials. Furthermore, linear nonequilibrium transport phenomena, which had been a mystery for statistical physicists for more than half a century, are finally connected with the nanoscale dynamics simulationally. For these studies, Monte Carlo simulation of lattice spin systems and particle dynamics simulation have been used. Now the Earth Simulator can analyze Ising model on 30003 cubic lattices with the speed of 26.7 T (1012) update per second, and this simulation reaches mesoscopic scale in space and time directions. Computer simulation scale has been growing ten times larger at every four years, and we are reaching Avogadoro scale simulation with future 10PFlops machines. Then redefinition of statistical physics, which had formulated regarding that the Avogadoro number is almost infinity, will bring a new realm of sciences and technologies.
計算機の大自由度処理能力を活用し、巨視的な現象をナノスケールの構成要素のふるまいに基礎付け、理解を深めることが、計算統計物理学の目標である。これまでの研究により、熱平衡状態とその近傍の線形非平衡領域でのふるまいまで到達した。物質の強相関挙動の典型である相と相転移については、基本的な現象は解明されている。そして量子相関をはじめとするさらなる問題へと研究がすすめられていることは周知であろう。一方、非平衡現象では、永らく現象論的な扱いが必要であった輸送現象が解明され、さらに非線形・非平衡構造への突破口が開かれた。  こうした研究では、主に格子スピン系のモンテカルロシミュレーションと粒子動力学シミュレーションとを使った。前者は主に相・相転移の解析に、後者は熱伝導・電気伝導ほかの非平衡での輸送現象の解析で威力を発揮した。例えば、地球シミュレータを使うことにより一辺3000の立方格子上のイジング模型で、1秒間に26.7兆更新の処理速度を達成し、時間的にも空間的にもメソスケールの領域に到達している。またナノスケールでのカノニカルな運動と輸送現象とを直接結びつけるにはじめて成功し、特に空間の次元性と系の大きさとが鍵となることを実証した。  計算機はこれまで、半世紀にわたって指数関数的に成長を続け、シミュレーション規模は4年で10倍程度で成長し続けてきた。ペタフロップス級の計算機が目前となった今日、この成長は今しばらく続くと期待でき、1つの計算での演算量が1モルを超える日も近い。熱統計力学理論が、アボガドロ数を「無限大」とほぼ同義とみなして扱う理論から、大きいながらも1つの数であることを踏まえた理論へと脱皮する日が近い。この転換を達成することを最終的な目的とした研究プロジェクトを提唱し、「アボガドロチャレンジ」と名付けたい。  巨視的な現象の1つ1つを、計算機シミュレーションを通してナノスケールと結びつけることが日常的となると、計算統計物理学はさらに強力な問題解決手段として、今まで以上に広い分野への応用が広がると期待される。  このような展望に立ち、これまでの研究とあわせてアボガドロスケール以降に拓かれるであろう物理とその応用とを議論したい。
【Contact】Dr. Yoshihiko Nonomura (野々村禎彦)