STAC-11 was closed with success.
Presentaion types
- Oral presentation by Invited speakers
Total 30 min. (incl. presentation and discussion)
- Oral presentation by Contributing speakers
Total 15 min. (incl. presentation and discussion)
- Poster presentation
One poster board is available to each presentation.
- Language
- Excellent Poster Presentation Award
- All poster presenters in STAC-11 are the candidate for Excellent Poster Presentation Award.
- Award Description
- Candidate: all poseter presentation in STAC-11.
- Review: Hidden reviewers appointed by the committee will visit posters for evaluation.
- Award Ceremony: Winner will recieve award at the conference banquet.
- Presentation instruction
Coming soon.
New Submission Deadline: May 18th, 2019, AM0:00 (JST)
Submission form has to be used for contribution
Submission Procedure
- Download the submission form to PC
Submission form: [PresentationEntry_V1.2D_d.pdf]
Please use new form (V1.2D) updated on Apr. 18, 2019 - Adobe Acrobat is needed to fill the form.
Use Adobe Acrobat to fill out the submission form. At least, Microsoft-EDGE does not work for this form.
Adobe Acrobat: <> - Fill the form and save that to PC.
Fill the form with necessary information and save locally as FirstName.LastName.pdf.
Committee strongly suggest you to keep the copy of submitted entry form.
File edited and saved with Microsoft-Edge cannot be handled by the local organizing committee. - Submission of the form
Send filled and saved form to <> by Email. - Submission Deadline
April 30, 2019, AM0:00 (JST)
May 18th, 2019, AM0:00 (JST)
Abstract template
Abstract to be printed in the abstract book should be submitted after acceptance of submission.
- Abstract Template
- Template: STAC11_template.docx (MS-Word)
- Template: STAC11_template.pdf (PDF)
- Template: STAC11_template.docx (MS-Word)
- Abstract should be submitted in PDF form not MS-Word form.
- Do not use smaller font size for readers' convenience.
- Consider reduction of resolution during reproduction process on preparation of figures and illustrations.
- File size must be no larger than 5 MB.
- Send abstract to <> by Email before deadline.
May 30, 2019, AM0:00 (JST)