STAC-11 was closed with success.
Venue:Tsukuba International Congress Center / EPOCHAL
- Inofrmation on WEB
Tsukuba International Congress Center(EPOCHAL Tsukuba)
- By Train
- Tsukuba Express (TX)line
10 min by walk from Tsukuba Station of TX-line
- Joban-line, JR
Checkout BUS or Taxi information as well
Arakawaoki Stattion/Hitachino-Ushiku station
- Highway Bus
- From Tokyo Staion
Joban Highway Bus to Tsukuba-Center/Tsukuba University
10 min by walk from the Busstop at Tukuba-center
WEB of JR-Bus-Kanto
WEB of Kanto-Tesudo
- From Airport
Limousine bus from the airpot to Tsukuba-center
10 min by walk from the Busstop at Tukuba-center
- Tsukuba-Station/Tsukuba-Center to Venue
Look at "Access Map" tab for information
- Link to GOOGLE MAP
Tsukuba International Congress Center(EPOCHAL Tsukuba)
- Tsukuba Express (TX)line
10 min by walk from Tsukuba Station of TX-line - Joban-line, JR
Checkout BUS or Taxi information as well
Arakawaoki Stattion/Hitachino-Ushiku station
- From Tokyo Staion
Joban Highway Bus to Tsukuba-Center/Tsukuba University
10 min by walk from the Busstop at Tukuba-center
WEB of JR-Bus-Kanto
WEB of Kanto-Tesudo - From Airport
Limousine bus from the airpot to Tsukuba-center
10 min by walk from the Busstop at Tukuba-center
Look at "Access Map" tab for information
Reload this page if you do not see the mark at EPOCHAL.
Access Map
Map around Venue(Issued by EPOCHAL) <EPOCHAL original page>
Access Chart(Issued by EPOCHAL) <EPOCHAL original page>
Floor Map
Coming soon
Booking Hotel in Tsukuba is sometimes difficult.
Please book hotel as early as possible if you decide to join STAC-11
Local committee does not provide any service for accomodation.