National Institute for Materials Science
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Managing Director's Greetings
Managing Director
N. Hanagata
"Interdisciplinary laboratory for Nanoscale Science and Technology (INST)" was established in 2007 in order to promote "nanotechnology - driven materials research." The mission of the Center is to support innovation by providing advanced nanotechnology fabrication facilities and consulting services for researchers in academia, industry, and government laboratories. The Center has two laboratories to facilitate interdisciplinary research involving solid-state and life sciences.
Nano-Integration Facility
・Clean room with total area around 450m2
・Non-clean room laboratory around 40m2 for device characterization, cutting, and polishing process
Handling Materials
Compound semiconductors, Silicon, Oxide, Magnetic, Metal materials
Three-dimensional processing such as Photonic crystal, Nano carbons, etc.
Main System
Electron beam & laser lithography, ICP-RIE, Bosch, W-beam FIB, etc.
Group introduction
Device and equipment introduction
Examples in our facility

Bio-Organic Materials Facility
Organic and bio experiment facilities with total area around 400m2, including 25m2 bio cleanroom
Handling Materials
Soft materials such as organic material, high-polymer materials, and biomechanical materials
Provide support for application of nano structural materials in the field of biotechnology and fabrication and characterization of organic and high-polymer materials
Main System
Optical imaging system
Group introduction
Device and equipment introduction
Examples in our facility
“Nanotechnology Network” sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan
Nanotechnology Platform
Japan’s "Nanotechnology Network" is a Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). For five years starting from year 2007, academic, business, and governmental nanotechnology researchers will have the opportunity to use facilities and equipment at 13 network sites with cutting edge nanotechnology. The aim of this Program is to generate research results that will lead to innovations. Fourteen institutions participated in "Nanotechnology Support Project" in the previous term. Now, the number has been greatly increased, and 13 sites and 26 institutions are participating in "Nanotechnology Network", enabling high-level technical support in nanotechnology to various requests from the research community. "NIMS Center for Nanotechnology Network" will provide support in the three out of four areas designated by MEXT to cover in the Program - "Nano-characterization", "Nano-fabrication", and "Extreme Conditions". Continuing from the previous term, we have agreed to function as a center, or a representative and a coordinator of the nation-wide network.