One invention in one sentence
6. Cellular Automaton on an organic molecular assembly at room temperature: Computability of a nano brain: Solving problems that would require more than the age of this universe for the supercomputer trillion times faster than the fastest of todays (Nature Physics 2010).
5. How can we design a molecule that changes its electronic property completely depending on it's environment? A rigorous study of Rose Bengal molecule to find design tricks essential for an emergent and adaptive computing (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, cover article, 2010)
4. Invention of world's smallest molecular neural network: Replicating human brain functions in a few molecules: Theory of shannon's information entropy for a molecular processor (Applied Physics Letters 2009)
3. Invention of a 16 bit parallel nano-processor: A nano-brain: The first demonstration of one to many communication in reality (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2008)
2. Invention of single molecule multilevel switch: How can we replicate multilevel neuron burst in an organic matrix: How shall we design the molecule? (Applied Physics Letters, 2006; Physical Review Letters 2008)
1. Invention of vertical parallel processor: a device where noise is minimum. This processor is inspired by Hopfield and Tank's proposal published in Scientific American in 1987. This is a natural computer that mimics human brain (J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, Patent app. no JP-2006-19552)
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Inventions yet to come to public (patent filed)
Giant nano brain with 3 D architecture (2011).
We are currently testing 3 D nano brain for the optimal performance. We are all set to disclose our invention sometime in early 2011. The theoretical model is already uploaded in the archive go to download section to get some of the materials.
Mystery of microtubule resolved (2010 end).
We have succeeded in isolating a single microtubule reconstituting it from the porcene brain, we have done rigorous characterization on its electronic properties and verified long lasting theories.
Our invention for the researchers who wants to enter into the field of fusion between materials science and the moletronics:Bramha and Narad Muni (see products for details)
Contact: Anirban Bandyopadhyay, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan-305-0037