3N-Lab Workshop on Permanent Magnets will be held on March 24th(Fri), 2017 at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) (Central Building 1st Conference Room, Sengen-site), Tsukuba, Japan.

  The workshop is on advances on experimental and theoretical investigations toward next generation high-performance permanent magnets, both rare earth and rare earth-free magnets.

Pre-Registration is required to participate the Workshop and Get-Together Party.

The Latest Information:

Group Photo @ NIMS Lobby.
(Click the photo to download.)
It brought together over a hundred twenty participants from domestic and overseas. Thank you all for your time!! You can see some photos of the workshop at Photo Gallery.
Pre-Registration is now closed. And, the final announcement letter is sent to all participants by e-mail. Please contact us if you did not received the letter or have any questions.
Pre-Registration is now open. Pre-Registration is required to participate the Workshop and Get-Together Party.


  3N-Lab(NEEL NIMS for Nanosciences Laboratory) is the International Associated Laboratory(LIA) between Neel Institute, CNRS and NIMS. It was inaugurated on 26th February at NIMS.
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(Click the image to download.)

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