The 4th Japanese Culture Class -Wadaiko-

August 31, 2012

In FY 2012, the 4th Japanese Culture Class was Wadaiko ("Japanese drum"), instructed by Mr. Kazuo Nakamura from Ushiku Kappa Daiko.

The class started with two Wadaiko practicing lessons on August 27 and 29. Some of the 17 participants encountered difficulties to learn the unique Japanese rhythm. Therefore, many participants borrowed drum sticks to have additional practice at home by watching Wadaiko performance on YouTube.

As the final lesson and highlight of this class, the participants gave a wonderful Wadaiko performance at Ninomiya House Summer Festival on August 31. Afterwards one participant said that he just got an unforgettable memory of Japan

wadaiko lesson

Practicing to play wadaiko.

wadaiko performance

Wadaiko performance at the summer festival.

wadaiko lesson

Practicing wadaiko with an instructor..

wadaiko performance

They showed a harmonious performance.