ICYS Administrative Office

International Center for Young Scientists
National Institute for Materials Science

Sengen 1-2-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan


Application period is twice a year. (February – March, August – September)
Applicants must have obtained a Ph.D. degree within the last 10 years

Flow from Application to Appointment


Apply for ICYS Research Fellow Position

Please be sure to check the application requirements.


Notification of Document Screening Results

The result of document screening will be informed by email.
Applicants who passed the document screening will proceed to an interview.



An interview will be conducted at NIMS campus or remotely which will be selected by ICYS Recruitment Desk. For details, please refer to the announcements from ICYS Recruitment Desk.


Notification of Final Results

The final result will be informed by email.



After completing the employment process with NIMS, research activities as ICYS Research Fellow will start.

How to Apply

Send the following documents by email to ICYS Recruitment Desk <icys-recruitnims.go.jp>, with a subject line of [ICYS Research Fellow Application].
Do not use HTML mail.

All documents must reach ICYS Recruitment Desk by application deadline (Japan Standard Time).

Please download ICYS designated forms (1, 2, and 5) below.

*Application documents must be prepared in English.

Inquiry for Recruitment

ICYS Recruitment Desk, National Institute for Materials Science

1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 JAPAN

Email: icys-recruitnims.go.jp



1st round 2nd round
Application period for ICYS Research Fellows August 1 - September 25, 2024 February 1 - March 25, 2025
Notification of Document Screening Results Late November Late May
Interview Late November – Late December Late May – Late June
Notification of Final Results Mid-January Late June
Appointment Earliest date February 1, 2025,
September 1, 2025, at the latest
Earliest date August 1, 2025,
March 1, 2026, at the latest

Application Requirements

Research Summary

Pursue independent research based on your original innovative ideas on materials in the best research environment of NIMS.Research fields:Quantum Materials, Battery Materials, Magnetic Materials, Structural Materials, Data Science, Organic Materials, Biomaterials, Materials Analysis, Other Advanced Materials.

* Duties are subject to change within the scope of the Employee’s position.


Applicants must fulfill all of the following conditions.

  • 1. Pursue research independently based on your own research plan.
  • 2. Have a Ph.D. obtained within 10 years or expect to be awarded a Ph.D. by the date of appointment.
  • * In case it is not possible to submit a certificate of expected Ph.D. by the application deadline, submit a letter signed by the supervisor stating the expected date when the Ph.D. will be awarded.


3 years (renewable with annual evaluation)

*Renewal of the contract will be determined based on work performance, work attitude, progress of the work engaged in, workload at the end of the contract period, budget situation, and other factors. The maximum employment period shall not exceed five (5) years. This may be subject to change because of amendments to the Working Regulations.
*If the applicant is already in NIMS as a non-permanent researcher (Postdoc), the maximum contract term depends on work experience at NIMS.

Additional information
  • 1. Incomplete or incorrect applications may be rejected.
  • 2. Submitted application documents cannot be returned or changed.
  • 3. Submitted documents will be handled in accordance with the NIMS rules concerning personal information, and only used for screening applications for this position. Your personal information is appropriately managed under the NIMS Regulations for Protection of Personal Information.
  • 4. Intellectual property issues will be handled in accordance with NIMS regulations.
  • 5. Only one application is allowed.
  • 6. Please send queries by email. Telephone inquiries cannot be accepted.
  • 7. Details of the selection process cannot be disclosed.
Salary and benefits
  • 1. Annual salary: 6 million yen or higher (social insurance premiums and taxes included). Commuting allowance *limited
  • 2. Research budget: 2 million yen per year
  • 3. Advantage given when applying for NIMS permanent researcher position
  • 4. Working days/hours: 7 hours 45 minutes (08:30-17:15) per day, 5 days per week (discretionary work system)
  • 5. Days off from work include Saturdays and Sundays, national holidays, year-end/New Year holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3)
Work Place

National Institute for Materials Science,Sengen-Site/ NamikiーSite/ Sakura-site (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)

* The scope of the change of place of work shall be limited to each of the Employer’s site, as well as other locations separately approved by the Employer.