Invited Talks (招待・依頼講演)
Last update: 2021 年10月29日
1) S. Ishii, T. D. Dao, and T. Nagao,
"Radiative Cooling for 24-h Thermoelectric Power Generation,"
WPI-MANA Virtual City of Workshops (VCW), Nanomaterials for Photoenergy Conversion - Light Generation and Sensing -, web online, Tsukuba, Japan, November 24, 2021.
2) T. D. Dao, and T. Nagao,
"Metasurface Absorbers for Miniaturized Spectroscopic Infrared Sensors,"
WPI-MANA Virtual City of Workshops (VCW), Nanomaterials for Photoenergy Conversion - Light Generation and Sensing -, web online, Tsukuba, Japan, November 24, 2021.
3) K. P. Chen, M. W. Yu, S. Ishii, S. Li, T. Taniguchi, and T. Nagao,
"Sensing and Photoenergy Conversion with 2D materials and Surface Plasmon Resonances,"
WPI-MANA Virtual City of Workshops (VCW), Nanomaterials for Photoenergy Conversion - Light Generation and Sensing -, web online, Tsukuba, Japan, November 24, 2021.
4) D. Hernández-Pinilla, N. Furuhata, and T. Nagao,
"Multilayered photonic structures for spectrally-selective infrared sensing,"
WPI-MANA Virtual City of Workshops (VCW), Nanomaterials for Photoenergy Conversion - Light Generation and Sensing -, web online, Tsukuba, Japan, November 24, 2021.
5) T. Nagao,
"Nanomaterials and Nanostructures for Spectroscopically-controlled Thermal Radiation/Absorption,"
Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC), web online, Taipei-Taiwan, Nov. 13-17, 2021. (Keynote talk)
6) T. Nagao,
"Materials and Designs for Wavelength Selective Photothermal Energy Transfer and Conversion,"
The 10th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN 2021), web online, Hanoi-Vietnam, Nov. 6, 2021. (Keynote talk)
7) S. Ishii, N. K. Tanjaya, M. Higashino, S. Goya, E. Shkondin, K. Tanaka, T. Nagao, O. Takayama, and S. Murai,
"High aspect ratio structures for extreme anisotropy in effective thermal conductivities,"
METANANO 2021, web online, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 13-17, 2021. (September 15, 2021)
8) S. Ishii, M. Kaur, S. Murai, S. Goya, M. Higashino, K. Tanada, Z. Y. Yang, K. P Chen, and T. Nagao,
"Titanium nitride for light-to-heat and heat-to-light conversions"
META 2021, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, web online, Warsaw, Poland, July 20-23, 2021. (July 23 2021)
9) O. Takayama, E. Shkondin, S. Goya, M. Higashino, S. Murai, K. Tanaka, S. Ishii, T. Nagao, and A. V. Lavrinenko,
"Titanium nitride and silicon nanostructures for photothermal applications,"
META 2021, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, web online, Warsaw, Poland, July 20-23, 2021. (July 23 2021)
10) T. Nagao,
"Materials and Designs for Wavelength Selective Infrared Devices,"
OSA Nanophotonics Technical Group webinar (LIVE Nanophotonics webinar series), web online, Washington DC, USA, May 18, 2021.
11) T. Nagao,
"Nanostructured Devices for Wavelength-Selective Radiative Heat Transduction,"
Clustering & Global Challenges, web online, Barcelona, Spain, April 07-09,2021.
12) T. Nagao,
"Materials and Devices for Wavelength-Selective Radiative Heat Convention,"
MANA International Symposium 2021 jointly with ICYS, web, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2-3, 2021.
13) B. K. Barman, D. Hernández-Pinilla, O. S. Handegard, S. L. Shinde, S. Ishii, and T. Nagao,
"Multi-colored Emissive Carbon Dots for White Light Emitters and Nanostructured Laser Systems,"
MANA International Symposium 2021 jointly with ICYS, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2-3, 2021.
14) S. Ishii, N. K. Tanjaya, M. Higashino, S. Goya, E. Shkondin, K. Tanaka, T. Nagao, O. Takayama, and S. Murai,
"High aspect ratio structures for extreme anisotropy in effective thermal conductivities,"
METANANO 2021, web online, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 13-17, 2021. (September 15, 2021)
15) S. Ishii, M. Kaur, S. Murai, S. Goya, M. Higashino, K. Tanada, Z. Y. Yang, K. P Chen, and T. Nagao,
"Titanium nitride for light-to-heat and heat-to-light conversions"
META 2021, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, web online, Warsaw, Poland, July 20-23, 2021. (July 23 2021)
16) O. Takayama, E. Shkondin, S. Goya, M. Higashino, S. Murai, K. Tanaka, S. Ishii, T. Nagao, and A. V. Lavrinenko,
"Titanium nitride and silicon nanostructures for photothermal applications,"
META 2021, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, web online, Warsaw, Poland, July 20-23, 2021. (July 23 2021)
17) T. Nagao,
"Materials and Devices for Wavelength-Selective Radiative Heat Transfer,"
SNAIA2020 - Smart NanoMaterials 2020 Advances, Innovation and Applications, hybrid online-onsite Conference, Chimie Paris Tech, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, December 8-11,2020.
18) T. Nagao,
"Materials and Devices for Wavelength-Selective Radiative Heat Transfer,"
SNAIA2020 – Smart NanoMaterials: Advances, Innovation and Applications (online), Dec 1st, 2020.
19) 石井智, シンデ サティッシュ ラクスマン, カウアー マンプリート, ユーミンウェン, 長尾忠昭,
分子研研究会, オンライン開催,December 4-5, 2020.
20) 長尾忠昭,
プラズモニッ ク化学シンポジウム (オンライン), 2020年11月13日.
21) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, M. Kaur, M. W. Yu, and T. Nagao,
"Transition metal nitrides and transition metal carbides for photoelectric and photothermal conversions",
METANANO2020, Online Virtual Meeting, September 14-18, 2020.
22) 長尾忠昭,
ナノ茶論第10回セミナー, 新川崎創造のもり, 2020年2月18日.
23) 長尾忠昭,
NIMS-Panasonic 2社間セミナー, パナソニック生産技術本部, 2020年1月23日.
24) S. Ishii, Z.Y. Yang, T.D. Dao, A. T. Doan, S. L. Shinde, K.P. Chen, and T. Nagao,
"Radiative cooling and wavelength selective thermal emission with layered structures,"
iSPN2019, the International Symposium on Plasmonics and Nano-photonics, Ikuta Shrine Hall, Kobe, Japan, November 11-14, 2019.
25) 長尾忠昭、
"金属を用いないカーボン蛍光体及びUVカット材料 【CREST】"
JST戦略的創造研究推進事業 新技術説明会 ~光科学~, JST東京本部別館, 市ヶ谷、東京, October 18, 2019.
26) T. Nagao, and K. Chen,
"Materials and Nanostructures for Wavelength-Selective Infrared Devices,"
ICSFS19,-The 19th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, ASTER PLAZA, Hiroshima, October 6-11, 2019. (October 8, 2019)
27) T. Nagao,
"Narrowband Photothermal Converters for Infrared Sensors,"
META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal July 23, 2019 – July 26, 2019. (July 24, 2019)
28) S. L. Shinde, S. Ishii, M. Kaur, T. D. Dao and T. Nagao,
"Plasmonic transition metal nitride and carbide for photocatalytic and photothermal applications,"
META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal July 23, 2019 – July 26, 2019. (July 25, 2019)
29) T. Nagao,
"Materials and Devices for Wavelength-Selective Radiative Heat Transfer,"
10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, June 23-28, 2019. (June 28, 2019)
30) 長尾忠昭,
"Spectroscopic Nanotransducers for The Applications in Radiative Heat Transfers,"
堀場製作所セミナー, 堀場製作所 May 15, 2019.
31) T. Nagao,
"Nanophotonic Converters and their Materials for Thermal Devices and Molecular Sensing Application,"
2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix Convention Center, USA, April 20-26, 2019.
32) T. Nagao,
"Spectroscopic Nanotransducers for Infrared Sensing Applications,"
2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix Convention Center, USA, April 20-26, 2019.
33) 石井智,村井 俊介,鎌倉 涼介,阪本 浩之,呉屋 伸哉, ダオ デュイ タン,シンデ サティッシュ ラクスマン, 長尾 忠昭, 田中勝久,
"Heating and evaporation of water by the photothermal conversion of titanium nitride nanostructures,"
第9回電磁メタマテリアル講演会、東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス,March 21-22, 2019. (March 21, 2019)
34) 長尾忠昭,
nano tech 2019 第18回 国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議, 東京ビックサイト,東京, Jan 30-Feb 1, 2019. (January 31, 2019)
35) 長尾忠昭,
CREST・さきがけ 「相界面」研究領域 公開シンポジウム(第5回), 東京ビックサイト,東京, January 30, 2019.
36) T. Nagao,
"Spectroscopic Nano-transducers for Sensing Applications,"
Symposium on Surface and Nano Science 2019(SSNS'19), 雫石プリンスホテル, 岩手, January 14-18, 2019. (January 16, 2019).
37) 石井智, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, M. Kaur, 長尾忠昭,
レーザー学会学術講演会 第39回年次大会 東海大学 高輪キャンパス、January 12-14, 2019 (January 13, 2019).
38) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, M. Kaur, and T. Nagao,
"Harvesting Sunlight for Photoelectric and Photothermal Conversions with Titanium Nitride Nanostructures,"
The AVS Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (PacSurf 2018), Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort and Spa, December 02-06, 2019. (December 05, 2018)
39) T. Nagao, T.D. Dao, K. Chen, S. Ishii, and R.P.H. Chang,
"Exploring New Materials and Surface Functionalization for Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy,"
THE 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICPA-10), Muong Thanh Luxury Quang Ninh Hotel, Ha Long City, Vietnam, November 11-15, 2018. (November 12, 2018).
40) T. Nagao, T.D. Dao, K. Chen, S. Ishii, and R.P.H. Chang,
"Nanomaterials and Their Surface Functionalization for Infrared Plasmonics Applications,"
The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, IWAMSN 2018, HOANG SON PEACE HOTEL, Ninh Binh City, Vietnam, November 7-11, 2018. (November 9, 2018)
41) 石井智、K. Chen, M. Kaur, 長尾忠昭,
Optics & Photonics Japan 2018, 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2018. (November 1, 2018)
42) S. L. Shinde, T.D. Dao, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, and T. Nagao,
"Metal-oxide/nitride hetero-structures with plasmonic-enhancements for photovoltaic and photocatalysis applications,"
International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN) 2018, Newcastle Exhibition & Conference Centre, Newcastle, Australia, Oct 30-Nov2, 2018. (October 31,2018)
43) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, K. Chen, S. Ishii, and R. P. H. Chang,
"Nanomaterials and Their Surface Functionalization for Infrared Plasmonics Applications,"
Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018 (TGSW2018). University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, September 20-22, 2018. (September 22, 2018).
44) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, M. Kaur, and T. Nagao,
"Photoelectric and photothermal conversions with titanium nitride nanostructures for sunlight harvesting,"
The Third A3 Metamaterials Forum, POSCO International Center, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea , August 12-15, 2018
45) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, M. Kaur, and T. Nagao,
"Harvesting Sunlight with Titanium Nitride Nanostructures,"
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2018), Toyama International Conference Center, Toyama Japan, August 1 - 4, 2018. (August 3, 2018)
46) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in Atomic-scale/Nanoscale objects and Their Applications,"
The 4th Emallia Conference 2018, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 23-25, 2018. (July 25, 2018).
47) A. T. Doan, T. D. Dao, S. Ishii, and T. Nagao,
"Manipulating artificial plasmonic heterostructures to control spectrally selective absorption and emission in the infrared region,"
The 4th Emallia Conference 2018, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 23-25 2018.
48) M. Kaur, S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, and T. Nagao,
"Exploring Optical and Thermal Properties of Non-Noble Metal Plasmonic Nanostructures,"
The 4th Emallia Conference 2018, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 23-25 2018.
49) D. H. Ngo, D. T. Ngo, K. Chen, A. Tamanai, O.S. Handegard, N. Umezawa, and T. Nagao,
"Fabrication and characterization of sputter iron-based film for energy applications,"
The 4th Emallia Conference 2018, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 23-25 2018.
50) O. S. Handegard, M. Kitajima, and T. Nagao,
"Single Particle Raman Scattering Spectroscopy from Bismuth Microdroplets on Silicon,"
The 4th Emallia Conference 2018, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, July 23-25 2018.
51) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, and T. Nagao,
"Photocurrent Generation with Transition Metal Nitrides and Transition Metal Carbides,"
International Conference on Transparenet Optical Networks, University Politehnica Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, July 1-5, 2018. (July 2,2018 )
52) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, S. Ishii, and K. Chen,
"Infrared Plasmonic Structures and Their Functionalization for Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy,"
Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2018, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, June 25-28, 2018. (June 25, 2018).
53) T. Nagao,
"Spectroscopic/Nonspectroscopic Optical Sensors for Molecule Detections,"
France-Japan Joint Workshop on Molecular Technology for Advanced Sensors, Namiki-site, NIMS, Tsukuba, June 4, (2018).
54) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, K. Chen, S Ishii, and R. P.H. Chang,
"Nanomaterials and Their Surface Functionalization for Infrared Plasmonics Applications,"
The International Symposium on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics (iSPN) 2018, Hangzhou Tianyuan Tower Hotel, Hangzhou, China, May 24-27, 2018.
55) S. Ishii, K. Uchida, T. D. Dao, Y. Wada, S. Eiji, and T. Nagao,
"Generation of spin current using mid-IR metamaterial absorbers,"
第8回電磁メタマテリアル講演会, 東京農工大学, 東京都小金井市, March 16 2018.
56) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, S. Ishii, A. T. Doan, and K. Chen,
"Spectroscopic Nano-transducers for Sensing Applications,"
MANA Symposium 2018, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba Japan, March 5-7, 2018. (March 6, 2018)
57) T. Nagao,
"Infrared plasmonic structures and their functionalozation for surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy,"
2017 Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Materials Science Conference&SMART Center Workshop, NSYSU Alumni Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December.17-19, 2017
58) 石井智, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, 長尾忠昭,
ナノオプティクス研究グループ第24回研究討論会, 富士フィルム株式会社西麻布本社ホール, 東京都港区, Nov.30-Dec.01 2017.
59) 戸谷剛,櫻井篤, Dao Duy Thang,長尾忠昭,近藤良夫,
"溶剤の 3 μm 赤外線吸収帯を用いて加熱する赤外線乾燥,"
第38回日本熱物性シンポジウム, 産業技術総合研究所 つくばセンター共用講堂 November 07-09, 2017.
60) T. Nagao,
"Surface-enhanced infrared plasmonic sensing for bio and environmental sensing,"
IUMRS-ICA 2017, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei (Taiwan), November 05-09 2017.
61) T. Totani, A. Sakurai, T. D. Dao, T. Yokoyama, T. Nagao, and Y. Kondo,
"Application of a wavelength-selective infrared emitter with materials for drying furnaces,"
Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Okinawa Convention Center, Ginowan (Japan), Oct.28-30 2017.
62) K. Chen, T. D. Dao, S. Ishii, and T. Nagao,
"Optical Nanoantennas for Plasmon-enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy,"
Optics and Photonics Symposium in Nankai University, Huigao Garden Hotel, Tianjin (China), Oct.20-22 2017
63) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, and T. Nagao,
"Generating Photocurrent and Photo-Induced Heat with Titanium Nitride Nanostructures,"
ICFNN-2017, Hotel Yak&Yeti, Kathmandu (Nepal), October 10-13, 2017.
64) 石井智, S. L. Shinde, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, 長尾忠昭,
第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 福岡国際会議場, 福岡県福岡市, September 5-8, 2017.
65) T. Nagao,
"Applications of Oxides, Nitrides, and Metal Plasmons for Energy Conversion,"
IUMRS-ICAM 2017, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University, Kyoto, August 27-September 01, 2017.
66) S. Ishii, S. L. Shinde, and T. Nagao,
"Photocurrent generation from TiN nanostructures by visible light,"
SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, USA, August 6-10, 2017.
67) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, K. Chen, S. Ishii, T. and Yokoyama,
"Metamaterials for Spectroscopic Infared Emitters and Sensors,"
META 2017, Songdo Convensia, Seoul, South Korea, July 25-28 2017
68) T. D. Dao, T. Nagao, K. Chen, S. Ishii, and G. Han,
"Nanowire-plasmonic photocatalysys and thermal emitters,"
Nano-Micro Conference 2017, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Riverside, Shanghai, China, June 19-23, 2017.
69) 長尾忠昭,
"Plasmonic NanoArchitectonics for Energy Conversion,"
NanoMat2017, 九州大学 伊都キャンパス, 福岡, May 17-19, 2017.
70) T. Nagao, S. Ishii, K. Chen, T. D. Dao, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, S. L. Shinde, M. Kaur, and A. T. Doan,
"Plasmonic NanoArchitectonics for Energy Conversion,"
National Taiwan University Seminar, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, April 11, 2017.
71) T. Nagao, S. Ishii, K. Chen, T. D. Dao, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, S. L. Shinde, M. Kaur, and A. T. Doan,
"Applications of Oxides and Nitrides Nanostructures for Photothermal/Photoelectric Energy Conversion,"
2017 TIMS-CENIDE Joint Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba Japan, March 10-11, 2017.
72) T. Nagao, S. Ishii, K. Chen, T. D. Dao, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, S. L. Shinde, T. Yokoyama, M. Kaur, and A. T. Doan,
"Applications of oxides and nitrides for plasmonic energy transduction,"
MANA Symposium 2017, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, February 28-March3, 2017.
73) T. Nagao,
"Wavelength Selective Thermal Devices with Infrared Perfect Absorbers,"
Emallia Conference 2016, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Dec.19-20 2016.
74) A. T. Doan, and T. Nagao,
"Simulation of LIDAR multiple scattering in aerosol and metamaterial perfect absorbers for remote sensing,"
Emallia Conference 2016 Winter, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, December 19-20, 2016.
75) M. Kaur, S. Ishii, S.L. Shinde, and T. Nagao,
"Titanium nitride nanoparticles supported ceramic microfibers as efficient solar steam generators,"
Emallia Conference 2016, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Dec.19-20 2016.
76) T. Nagao,
"Wavelength Selective Perfect Absorbers for Infrared Devices,"
Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain, November 23, 2016.
77) 石井智, 長尾忠昭,
第11回プラズモニック化学シンポジウム, 首都大学東京 秋葉原サテライトキャンパス, 東京都千代田区, November 11, 2016.
78) T. Nagao,
"Wavelength Selective Thermal Devices with Infrared,"
IWAMSN 2016, The Grand Ha long Hotel, Ha Long, Vietnam, November 08-12 2016.
79) T. Nagao,
"Tunable perfect absorbers for wavelength selective infrared devices,"
The 9th International Conference on Photonics & Applications (ICPA), The Reed Hotel, Ninh Binh, Vietnam, November, 06-10 2016. (November 8, 2016)
80) 長尾忠昭,
日本光学会年次学術講演会, 筑波大学東京キャンパス文京キャンパス, 東京都文京区, Oct.30-Nov.02 2016.
81) 石井智, 長尾忠昭,
第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 朱鷺メッセ, 新潟, Sep.13-16 2016
82) H. Zhang, H. Liu, X. Meng, T. D. Dao, T. Nagao, and J. Ye,
"Surface-plasmon-assisted photo-driven CO2 reduction catalyzed by nanometals,"
IPS-21 Holiday Inn St. Petersburg, Moskovskye Vorota, July 25- 29, 2016.
83) S. Ishii, S.L. Shinde, M. Kumar, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, T. D. Dao, T. Yokoyama, N. Umezawa, and T. Nagao,
"Hot carrier excitation in transition metal nitrides,"
META 2016, Convention & Exhibition Centre/ Torremolinos Congress Center, Malaga, Spain, July 25-28, 2016.
84) 長尾忠昭, C. V. Hoang,
FT-IRラマンユーザーフォーラム, ナレッジキャピタル コングレコンベンションセンター, 大阪, May 20 2016
85) 長尾忠昭, 横山喬大, T. D. Dao,
FT-IRラマンユーザーフォーラム, 東京コンファレンスセンター, 東京都品川区, May 18 2016
86) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, K. Chen, T. Yokoyama, S. L. Shinde, and S. Ishii,
"Applications for Oxides and Nitrides for Plasmonic Energy Transduction,"
EMN Hong Kong Meeting, Eaton Hotel, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China, December 9-12 2015.
87) T. Nagao,
"Applications for Oxides and Nitrides for Plasmonic Energy Transduction,"
2015 STAC-9&TOEO-9, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, October 19-22, 2015.
88) S. Ishii, and T. Nagao,
"Applications for Oxides and Nitrides for Plasmonic Energy Transduction,"
NIMS-5-5th UR1 - CNRS - NIMS - Saint-Gobain Workshop 2015, University of Rennes, Rennes, France, October 11-13, 2015.
89) S. Ishii, R. P. Sugavaneshwar, K. Chen, T. D. Dao, and T. Nagao,
"Sunlight absorbing titanium nitride nanoparticles,"
ICTON 2015, Budapest, Hungary, July 5-9, 2015.
90) T. Nagao,
"Plasmonic Nanoarchitectonics for Energy Conversion,"
NanoMat2015, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France, May 27-30 2015
91) T. Nagao,
"Plasmon-Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy and Photocatalysis,"
The 3rd NIMS(Japan)-IMS(Vietnam) Workshop on Materials Science, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan, May 20-21 2015.
92) M. Kumar, N. Umezawa, M. Imai,
"Electronic properties of BaSi2 related materials first-principles calculation study,"
The 25th Silicide semiconductor meeting of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo, Japan Mar.14 2015.
93) T. Nagao,
"Nanogap-based plasmonic light absorbers,"
MANA Symposium, Tsukuba International Congress Center, March 11-13, 2015.
94) 長尾忠昭,
平成26年度 光応用工学特別研究会、東京大学 生産技術研究所、February 24, 2015.
95) T. Nagao
"Nanogap-based plasmonic absorbers,"
NIMS-MSE Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Nanyang Technological University, February 2, 2015.
96) 長尾忠昭, 石井智
(第14回 国際ナノテクノロジー総合展・技術会議(nanotech 2015), 東京ビッグサイト, 2015年1月27-29日.
97) 長尾忠昭
第12回プラズモニクスシンポジウム, 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス, 東京都新宿区, January 23-24, 2015.
98) T. Nagao,
"Nanogap-based plasmonic electromagnetic absorbers,"
The 7th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology (IWAMSN 2014), Institute of Materials Science, VAST, Grand Ha Long Hotel, Ha Long (Vietnam), Nov.02-06 2014
99) T. Nagao,
"Highly-efficient plasmonic systems for molecular sensing and energy conversion,"
The 7th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Ha Long (Vietnam), November 2-6, 2014. (Keynote Speech)
100) S. Ishii, D.T. Dao, A. Otomo, and T. Nagao,
"Photo-excited hot electrons from conductive films forming heterojunctions,"
Materials Science & Engineering 2014 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science & Engineering, Hilton San Antonio Airport, San Antonio, U.S.A., October 06-08, 2014.
101) 長尾忠昭,
"半導体表面のプラズモン現象と光学応答 Plasmonic effect and optical response at semiconductor surface,"
日本物理学会 2014年秋季大会, 中部大学, 春日井, Sep.07-10 2014
102) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao, Z. Li, and M. Yoshino,
"Monitoring of Mercury in Environmental Water and in Atmosphere by Plasmon-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy,"
International Union of Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2014), Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Aug.24-28 2014.
103) T. Nagao,
"Nanogap tuned plasmonic nanosystems for sensing and energy applications,"
Materials Nanoarchitectonics for Sustainable Actions(MASA2014), NIMS Namiki-site, Tsukuba, July 18, 2014.
104) 長尾忠昭, T. D. Dao,
IRラマン・ユーザーズフォーラム2014, 千里ライフサイエンスセンター, 大阪, June 18-20 2014.
105) 長尾忠昭, K. Chen, T. D. Dao,
IRラマン・ユーザーズフォーラム2014, 千里ライフサイエンスセンター, 大阪, June 18-20 2014.
106) T. Nagao,
"Highly-efficient plasmonic systems for molecular sensing and energy conversion,"
LITHUANIAN-JAPAN JOINT SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, June 12 2014.
107) T. Nagao,
"Highly-efficient plasmonic systems for molecular sensing and energy conversion,"
NanoNextNL programmes 6B & 6D meeting, FOM institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 08 2014. (Keynote Speech)
108) T. Nagao,
"Highly-efficient plasmonic systems for molecular sensing and energy conversion,"
TU/e photonics researchers group seminar, Technical University of Eindhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, May 07, 2014.
109) T. Nagao,
"Metal-oxide nanohybrid structures for sensing and photoelectric transfer applications,"
Workshop NIMS/IPCMS/ISIS, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Mate'riaux de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, March 24, 2014.
110) T. Nagao,
"Plasmon-enhanced molecular sensing and photocatalyst for green nanotechnology,"
NanoNextNL-NIMS joint workshop on Advance Materials, Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan, January 30 2014.
111) T. Nagao, T. D. Dao and M. Aono,
"Plasmon-enhanced molecular sensing and photocatalyst for green nanotechnology,"
Trends in Nanotechnology Japan, Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan, January 29-31 2014. (January 30, 2014)
112) T. Nagao,
"Plasmon-enhanced molecular sensing and photocatalyst for green nanotechnology,"
Workshop with Prof. Ebbesen from University of Strasbourg, NIMS Namiki-site, January 14, 2014.
113) 長尾忠昭、
"水中の汚染物質の検出法の開発 〜ナノ材料と光を用いた高感度な検出法について〜"
第11回環境研究シンポジウム、学術総合センター 一橋講堂, 東京、2013年11月13日
114) T. Nagao,
"Plasmon-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy for the detection of dilute bio-molecules and toxic substances in water,"
MJIIT-JUC Joint International Symposium 2013 (MJJIS2013), Tokay University, Hiratsuka, 2013年11月7日. (Keynote Speech)
115) T. Nagao,
"Optical Nanoantenna for Environmental Bio-Sensing and Light Harvesting Equipment Demonstration/ナノアンテナによる環境・バイオセンシングと光エネルギー変換,"
WITec Workshop 2013, 神奈川科学技術アカデミー/神奈川サイエンスパーク 川崎, October 29, 2013.
116) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in atomscale and nanoscale objects: Physics and applications,"
SAS – V4Fund – JST Workshop (Bratislava – Smolenice Castle) July 9-13, 2013.(July 9, 2013)
117) T. D. Dao , N. Arai , G. Han, C.V. Hoang, T. Nabatame, M. Aono, and T. Nagao,
"Oxide Nanowire-Based Light-Harvesting Heterostructures and Their Applications,"
Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2013, Ramada Jeju, Korea, June 24-28, 2013. (June 27, 2013.)
118) 長尾忠昭,
北島正弘教授退官記念シンポジウム, グランドヒル市ヶ谷, 東京2013年3月9日.
119) 長尾忠昭,
日本分光学会 高感度表面・界面分光部会第5回シンポジウム , 埼玉大学東京ステーションカレッジ, 2013年3月8日.
120) T. Nagao,
"Plasmonic Resonators: Physics and Their Applications,"
International Workshop on Micro-probes and Microanalysis,Yalong Bay, Sanya, China,February 2 2013.
121) T. Nagao,
"Plasmonic Resonators: Physics and Their Applications,"
The Second IMS (Vietnam) - NIMS (Japan) Workshop on Materials Science Institute of Materials Science Vietnamese Academy of Science, Hanoi, February 7,2013.
122) T. Nagao , C. V. HOANG, J.-S. Wi, N. Arai,and T. D. Dao,
"Plasmons and their resonators in nanoscale and atomic-scale objects,"
6th International Conference of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN-6), Unversity of Auckland, New Zealand, Feburary 11-15, 2013.
123) T. Nagao,
"Optical Antennas, Physics and Applications,"
Second Canada – Japan Nanotechnology Workshop (Tokyo Big sight) January 29-30, 2013.
124) T. Nagao,
"Electromagnetic standing waves in low-dimensional nano objects: complementary approach by electron energy loss and optical spectroscopies,"
Symposium on Surface and Nano Science 2013(SSNS’13) (Zao) January 15-18, 2013.
125) T. Nagao,
"Applications of nanogap-tuned infrared optical nanoantennas with broadband resonance,"
EMN Fall Meeting 2012, Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas, USA, November 29-December 2, 2012.
126) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in Atomic-scale/Nanoscale objects and Their Applications,"
The 7th International Conference on Photonics and Applications, University of Natural Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietam, November 26-29, 2012
127) 長尾忠昭,
プラズモニック化学研究会,日本化学会,お茶の水,東京, 2012年11月9日.
128) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons and their resonators in nanoscale and atomic-scale objects,"
The 6th International Workshop on ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2012, (IMS VAST), Grand Ha Long Hotel, Ha Long City, Vietnam, October 30-November 2, 2012.
129) T. Nagao,
"Nanoantennas for ppt-level biosensing and environmental monitoring,"
International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials 2012, (The University of Queensland), Mercure Hotel Brisbane, October 22-25,2012.
130) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in Atomic-scale/Nanoscale objects and Their Applications,"
Physics and Astronomy Department Seminar, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, October 19, 2012.
131) T. Nagao,
"Optical Antennas in Light of Nanotechnology"
Science Dialog Program, Japan Sciety for the Promotion of Science, Nanao High School, Ishikawa Prefecture, July 1, 2012.
132) T. Nagao, and C.V. Hoang,
"Infrared plasmonic antennas for ppt-level biosensing and environmental monitoring,"
Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2012, Seoul, Korea, June 25-29 2012.
133) T. Nagao,
"Electromagnetic standing waves in nano-objects,"
International Training Institute for Materials Science Seminar, Hanoi University of Science and Technology) February 7, 2012.
134) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons and their resonators in atomic-scale objects,"
Institue of Physics Vietnamese academy of Science Seminar, Institute of Physics, Vietnamese academy of Science, February 6, 2012.
135) T. Nagao,
"Controlling the Nano-Scale Optical Functionality by Nano-Scale Materials,"
The First IMS- NIMS Workshop on Materials Science, Institute of Materials Science Vietnamese Academy of Science, Hanoi, February 3, 2012.
136) T. Nagao,
"Nanogap Au island Ensembles for label-free broadband antenna sensing,"
Symposium on Surface and Nano Science 2012,Shizukuishi Prince Hotel, Iwate, January 9-12, 2012.
137) T. Nagao, C.V. Hoang, and M. Oyama,
"Random Nano-gap Architecture for label-free in situ Broad-band Antenna Sensing,"
The 6th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-6), Tower Hall Funabori, Funabori, Tokyo), December 11-15, 2011.
138) T. Inaoka, E.P. Rugeamigabo, C. Tegenkamp, H. Pfnuer, and T. Nagao,
"Low-dimensional plasmons in ultra-thin metallic wires,"
第11回琉球物性研究会 琉球大学理学部, 2011年11月12日.
139) T. Nagao,
"Electromagnetic standing waves in metallic nano-objects,"
International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology for Sustainable Development 2011 (ICAMN2011) (Kathmandu, Nepal), October 19-21, 2011.
140) T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in reduced dimensions and on atomic scale,"
The 95th Annual Meeting of Opitcal Society of America, Frontiers in Optics 2011/Laser Science XXVII Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California, USA, October 16-20, 2011.
141) P. Albella, F. Neubrech, D. Weber, G. Han, T. Nagao, A. Pucci, J. Aizpurua,
"Nanoanternnas for surface enhancrd infrered spectroscopy: Effects of Intraction and higher order resonant excitations,"
142) 長尾忠昭,
第30回 ナノフォトニクスオープンセミナー, 東京大学大学院工学系研究科電気系工学専攻, 2011年6月2日.
T. Nagao,
"Propagating and standing-wave plasmons in atom-scale and nano-scale structures,"
lecture at the 30th Nanophotonics open seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, The University of Tokyo (Hongo, Tokyo), June 2 2011.
143) T. Nagao,
"Low-dimensional plasmons and their resonators in atomic-scale objects"
European Union project summer school "Nanoantenna,"(Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, University of Heidelberg) April 25-30, 2011.
144) T. Nagao, C.V. Hoang, M. Oyama, and G. Han
"Electromagnetic standing waves in nano-objects"
MANA International Symposium 2011, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba , March2-4,2011.
145) 長尾忠昭,
日本分光学会 高感度表面・界面部会 第3回シンポジウム(産業技術総合研究所つくばセンター, つくば市), 2010年12月3日.
T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in atom-scale and nano-scale metallic structures,"
lecture at the 3rd Symposium of division "High-sensitivity Surface and Interface Spectroscopy,"The Spectroscopical Society of Japan (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology , Tsukuba) December 3, 2010.
146) 長尾忠昭,
新世代研究所・バイオSPM研究会(財団法人新世代研究所,東京 神田), 2010年12月1日.
T. Nagao,
"Measurement, controlling, and applications of plasmons in atomic-scale and mesoscale structures,"
Advanced Technology Institute Bio-SPM workshop (Advanced Technology Institute, Tokyo) Dec. 1, 2010.
145) 長尾忠昭,
NIMS Forum(東京国際フォーラム), 2010年10月20日.
T. Nagao,
"Optical resonators on mesoscale and atomic scale,"
The 10th NIMS Forum (Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo) Oct 20, 2010.
146) T. Nagao,
"Plasmon propagation and confinement in atom-scale chains and sheets,"
DIPC10: Passion for knowledge, Kursaal Conference Center, Donostia-San Sebastian, September 27-October 1,2010.
147) 長尾忠昭,
"赤外線・電子線を用いたナノスケールプラズモンの計測と応用, "
JSTさきがけ「秩序と物性」第5回懇話会(東北大学工学部青葉記念会館), 2010年9月3日.
T. Nagao,
"Measurement and application of nano-scale plasmons by infrared and electron spectroscopy,"
Friendship meeting of Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency (Aoba Memorial Hall, Tohoku Univ., Sendai) Sept 3, 201.
148) T. Nagao,
"Low-dimensional plasmons in metallic atom sheets, atom chains, and nano-sheets,"
The International Conference on Nanophotonics 2010 (Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba) May 30- June 3 2010.
149) T. Nagao,
"Electronic excitations in atom-scale and nanoscale plasmonic materials,"
MANA International Symposium 2010 (Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba) March 3-5, 2010.
150) 長尾忠昭,
先端量子ビームとナノ応用技術調査専門委員会 第2回研究会 (東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス) 2010年2月15日.
T. Nagao,
"Measurement and application of nano-scale plasmons by infrared and electron spectroscopy,"
The 2nd workshop of Technical Group on Nano-functionalization by Quantum Bean,"Institute of the Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE),T (Tokyo Institue of Technology, Tokyo) Februry 15, 2010.
151) T. Nagao,
"Low-dimensional plasmons in metallic atom sheets, atom chains, and nano-sheets,"
SPIE Photonics West 2010 (Moscone Center, San Francisco), January 23-28, 2010.
152) T. Nagao, and A. Pucci,
"Electromagnetic Wave Controlling by Atomic-Scale and Nanoscale Plasmonic Materials,"
JST-DFG Workshop on Nanoelectronics (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef) January 18-20, 2010.
153) T. Nagao, C.V. Hoang, Gui Han, D. Enders,
"Infrared plasmons in nanoscale metallic structures,"
Seminar at Physics Department (University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg), September 2, 2009.
154) T. Nagao,
"One-dimensional low energy plasmons in atom chains,"
Seminar ar Kirchhoff institute of physics, Kirchhoff institute of physics, Heidelberg University, August 31,2009
155) 長尾忠昭,
拡がりをみせるシリコンフォトニクスとフォトニクス集積技術(電子情報通信学会 シリコン・フォトニクス研究会主催) (東京工業大学,大岡山), 2009年7月9日.
T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in atom-scale and mesoscale structures on silicon surfaces,"
"Recent developments in silicon photonics and integrated photonic circuits,"Symposium of the Technical Group on Silicon Photonics, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)/Electronics Society (ES)(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo) July 9, 2009.
156) T. Nagao,
"Atom-scale and mesoscale infrared plasmonic structures at the metal-Si interfaces,"
The 12th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-12) (Congress centrum neue weimarhalle, Weimar, Germany, July 05 – 10, 2009.
157) 長尾忠昭,
サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック ユーザーズフォーラム2009 (ホテルラフォーレ東京, 品川), 2009年6月12日.
T. Nagao,
"Fundamental properties, design, and applications of nanoscale infrared plasmons,"
Thermo Fisher Scientific Users Forum 2009 (Shinagawa, Tokyo) June 12, 2009.
158) 長尾忠昭,
横浜国大 工学研究院 物理情報工学専攻・物理工学コース セミナー (横浜国立大学, 保土ヶ谷), 2009年5月25日.
T. Nagao,
"Allotropic transformation and metal-to-semimetal transition of single-crystalline Bi films, "
Lecture at Department of Physics, Yokohama National University (Yokohama National University, Yokohama) May 25, 2009.
159) T. Nagao,
"Rashba-effect in Nano-scale Bismuth Films,"
IFCAM-AIMR seminar (東北大学 金属材料研究所, 仙台市) 2009年4月17日.
T. Nagao,
"Rashba-effect in Nano-scale Bismuth Films,"
IFCAM-AIMR seminar (IMR Tohoku Univ., Sendai) April 17, 2009.
160) T. Nagao,
"Atom-scale and mesoscale infrared plasmonic materials,"
The 36th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, (Santa Barbara, CA) January 11-15, 2009.
161) T. Nagao,
"Atom-scale plasmonic materials: plasmons in ultimately tiny systems,"
RIKEN Symposium, The 7th International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, RIKEN, Wako-city, Japan, November 7th, 2008.
162) T. Nagao,
"Atom-Scale Plasmonic Wires,"
Gordon Research Conferences on Plasmonics, Tilton School, Tilton New Hampshire, USA, July 27 - August 01, 2008.
163) T. Nagao,
"Atom-scale plasmonics: molding plasmons into atom chains and sheets,"
UltraFast 2008 - Electron Dynamics and Electron Mediated Phenomena at Surfaces: Femto-chemistry and Atto-physics, Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain, May 7-8, 2008.
164) T. Nagao,
"One-dimensional low energy plasmons in Au atom chains,"
Lecture at Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, Uniersity of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, March 4th, 2008.
165) T. Nagao,
"Confining plasmons in atom chains and atom sheets,"
Symposium on Surface and Nano Science 2008, Hotel Appi Grand, Appi, Iwate Januray 22-25, 2008.
166) T. Nagao,
"Infrared plasmonics: how does plasmon behave in ultimately tiny systems?"
Langmuir Symposium (Icho-Kaikan, Osaka University) October 9, 2007.
167) D. Enders. 青野正和, 長尾忠昭,中山知信,
"金ナノ構造における機能物性探索/Exploration of Functional Properties in Low Dimensional Au Nanostructures(ポスター?)"
"新しいナノエレクトロニクスを拓くために"JST/ICORP型研究 ナノ量子導体アレープロジェクト終了シンポジウム,日本科学未来館、東京 Nov 21, 2007.
168) D. Enders, T. Nagao, T. Nakayama, and M. Aono,
"In situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Adsorption/Desorption Process of Au nanoparticles"
Langmuir Symposium, Icho-Kaikan, Suita Campus, Osaka University, October 9, 2007.
169) T. Nagao,
"Infrared plasmonics: Plasmon confinement in ultimately tiny systems,"
Langmuir Symposium, Icho-Kaikan, Suita Campus, Osaka University, October 9, 2007.
170) 長尾忠昭,
早稲田大学 応用物理学科 セミナー , 早稲田大学軽井沢セミナーハウス, 2007年7月7日.
T. Nagao,
"Spectroscopic studies on various Au nanostrucutres,"
Lecture at Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University,Waseda Seminar House, Karuizawa, July 7, 2007.
171) T. Nagao,
"Growth and QSE in Bi films on Si(111),"
Mini-workshop on Quantum Size Effects on Metallic Films and Islands, The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, May 30, 2007.
172) T. Nagao,
"Dimensionality Effects on Plasmon: How does plasmon behave in ultimately tiny system?,"
Condense Matters and Surface Science Colloquium, Walter Hall, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA, March 2nd, 2007.
173) 長尾忠昭,
第2回表面科学会放射光部会シンポジウム「放射光表面科学の最前線」 (東京大学, 本郷キャンパス), 2007年1月16日.
T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in atom-scale metal wires,"
The 2nd Symposium of Division of Synchrotron Radiation Surface Science, Surface Science Society of Japan, "Frontier in Synchrotron Radiation Surface Science,"(University of Tokyo, Tokyo) Jan. 16, 2007.
174) 稲岡毅, 長尾忠昭,
岩手大学-アルプス電気連絡協議会, 盛岡 2006年12月20日.
T. Inaoka, T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in Au-Si atom wire array,"
Iwate University - Alps Electronics Liaison Council, Morioka, Iwate, Dec. 20, 2006.
175) T. Nagao,
"Atomic and electronic structures of semimetal Bi nanofilm,"
Lecture at Kirchhoff Institute for Physics,Uniersity of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2nd, 2005.
176) 長尾忠昭,
"Two-dimensional exotic metal: Size effects and interface effects of ultrathin Bi film,"
シンポジウム講演, 日本物理学会 2005年春 第60回年次大会東京理科大, 野田キャンパス, 3 月 24 日∼27 日. (2005年3月27日).
T. Nagao,
"Two-dimensional exotic metal: Size effects and interface effects of ultrathin Bi film,"
International Symposium of Division 9, Annual Meeting of Japanese Physical Society 2005, Tokyo University of Science, Noda Campus, March 24-27, 2005. (March 27, 2005).
177) T. Nagao,
"Strong lateral growth via two-dimensional allotropic transformation,"
SPring-8 BL13XUユーザー研究成果報告会,SPring-8/JASRI Harima, Hyogo, March 17, 2005 .
178) J.T. Sadowski,櫻井利夫,長尾忠昭,柳沼晋,
"Si(111)-7x7表面上のBiナノ薄膜の表面融解と平坦化/Surface pre-melting and surface flattening of Bi nanofilms on Si(111)-7x7"
Functionality of Organized Nanostructures (FON'04),つくば国際会議場, December 1-2, 2004.
179) 長尾忠昭,
"Structural transitions and electronic excitations in low-dimensional nano-objects,"
アントワープ大学 固体物理研究所招待セミナー(アントワープ大学 固体物理研究所, アントワープ), 2004年7月15日.
T. Nagao,
"Structural transitions and electronic excitations in low-dimensional nano- objects,"
Lecture at Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, University of Antwerp (University of Antwerp) July 15, 2004.
180) T. Nagao,
"Dimensionality effect on the Plasmon dispersion,"
The 24th Werner Brandt Workshop on Particle Penetration Phenomena and Excitations of Solids (Humboldt University, Berlin) July 12-14, 2004.
181) 柳沼晋、稲岡毅、長谷川修司、櫻井利夫、長尾忠昭,
"Si(557)-Au表面上の量子細線におけるプラズモン Plasmons in the quantum wires on the Si(557)-Au surfaces,"
The 64th Physical Electronics Conference, University of California, Davis,June 20,- 23, 2004.
182) 長尾忠昭, J. T. Sadowski
"Growth and stability of thin bismuth films on Si(111) studied by LEEM,"
The 4th International Conference on LEEM/PEEM, University of Twente, Enschede, Holland, May 09-12, 2004.
183) 長尾忠昭,
"Structural transitions and electronic excitations in low-dimensional nano-objects,"
早稲田大学各務記念材料技術研究所セミナー, 早稲田大学各務記念材料技術研究所, 2004年4月7日.
T. Nagao,
"Structural transitions and electronic excitations in low-dimensional nano-objects,"
Lecture at Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science, Waseda University, Tokyo, April 7, 2004.
184) T. Nagao,
"Low-dimensional Plasmons in Metallic Surface States,"
IFCAM Workshop on Nanoscienc/Nanotechnology, Institute for Materials Research (Tohoku Univ., Sendai), March 4th, 2004.
185) 長尾忠昭,
金属材料研究所第106回秋季講演会(東北大学 金属材料研究所, 仙台)2003年11月27日.
T. Nagao,
"Epitaxial ultrathin metallic films investigated by low-energy electron probes,"
The 106th IMR Symposium (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Sendai) November 27, 2003.
186) 長尾忠昭,
科学技術振興機構, さきがけ研究21, 研究成果報告会(名古屋国際会議場, 名古屋),2003年10月2日.
T. Nagao,
"Dynamics and ordering in electron system and sheet plasmons,"
Progress report meeting of Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency (Nagoya International Congress Center,, Nagoya) October 2, 2003.
187) 長尾忠昭,
応用物理学会 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会, 第17回分子工学若手夏の学校(KKRホテル金沢, 金沢), 2003年8月8日.
T. Nagao,
"Dynamics and growth of ultrathin films by slow electron probes,"
Division of Molecular electronics and Bioelectronics, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (Kanazawa, Ishikawa) August 8, 2003.
188) 長尾忠昭,
"Growth mechanism and properties of atomically flat metallic nanofilms,"
研究会 表面低次元ナノ構造機能物質の創製と物性 (東京大学 山上会館, 東京)2003年7月8日.
T. Nagao,
"Growth mechanism and properties of atomically flat metallic nanofilms,"
Workshop "Creation of low-dimensional functional nanostructures and their properties (University of Tokyo, Tokyo) July 8, 2003.
189) T. Nagao, S. Yaginuma,T. Sakurai,
"Plasmons in Quantum Nanofilms Detected by Highly Collimated Slow Electron Beam,"
The 23rd Werner Brandt Workshop on Electronic Excitations of Solids, (Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico) June 5, 2003.
190) T. Nagao,
"Collective motion of atoms and electrons in reduced-dimensional metals probed by highly collimated slow electron beams,"
Colloquium at the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) March. 11, 2003.
191) T. Nagao
"Charge Dynamics in Ultrathin Matters: Plasmons in atom Sheets and Multilayers, "
Colloquium at the Physics Department, Ohio University (Athens, Ohio), June 10, 2002.
192) 長尾忠昭,
日本物理学会 春季講演会、シンポジウム「電子回折の新展開」,(立命館大学草津キャンパス, 草津)2002年3月24日.
T. Nagao,
"High-momentum resolution LEED-EELS,"
Symposium at the annual meeting of the Physical Society of Japan "Recent development in electron diffraction,"(Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu) March 24, 2002.
193) 長尾忠昭,
金属材料研究所第102回秋季講演会(東北大学 金属材料研究所, 仙台)2001年11月30日.
T. Nagao,
"Plasmons in surface state electron investigated by high-momentum--resolution low-energy electron probes,"
The 102nd IMR Symposium (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., Sendai) November 30, 2001.
194) 長尾忠昭,
"高波数分解型低速電子回折/分光法による単一金属原子層の原子ダイナミクス, 電子ダイナミクスの研究,"
ナノテクノロジー研究会第二回講演会(SPring-8, 兵庫県佐用郡), 2001年8月16日.
T. Nagao,
"Atom dynamics and electron dynamics of monoatomic metal layers investigated by high-resolution low-energy electron probes,"
The 2nd Nanotechnology workshop (Spring-8, Hyogo) August 16, 2001.
195) T. Nagao,
"Dynamics of atoms and electrons in 2D metallic systems probed by highly collimated slow electrons,"
School of engineering, University of Illinois, Microelectronics Analysis Center, Invited Lectures Series,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois), June 18, 2001.
196) T. Nagao,
"Dynamics of atoms and electrons in 2D metallic systems probed by highly collimated slow electrons,"
Lecture at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI) June 22, 2001.
197) T. Nagao, and S. Hasegawa
"Surface-state 2D plasmon,"
251st WE-Heraeus-Seminar: 2D conductivity in surface-states and monolayer (Physik-Zentrum Bad Honnef, Germany) March 5 to 8, 2001.
198) T. Nagao, and S. Hasegawa,
"Phase transitions in antiphase domain boundaries,"
Intenational Workshop on the Determination of surface Morphology by High-resolution Diffraction (Wohldenberg, Hildesheim, Germany) September 23-27, 1997.
199) T. Nagao, and C. Oshima,
"Lattice dynamics of Metal Borides and Alcali-metal covered Al(111),"
Colloquium at the Department of Physics, Univerisity of Notre Dme de la Paix, Namur, December (1996).
200) T. Nagao, and C. Oshima,
"Lattice dynamics of LaB6(001) and Al(111)-Na,"
Seminar at the Center for Solid State Physics, Univerisity of Hannover, December 19, 1996.
201) T. Nagao, and C. Oshima,
"Construction of HREEL and lattice dynamics of LaB6(001),"
Colloquium at the Department of Physics, Univerisity of Notre Dme de la Paix (Namur, Belgium) July 22, 1993.
202) T. Nagao, and C. Oshima
"Construction of an HREELS and lattice dynamics of LaB6(001),"
Seminar at the Department of Physics, Univerisity of Genova, (Genova, Italy) July 27, 1993.