Electromagnetic waves can be confined and changes its nature flexibly in nanometer to atomic-scale nanosmaterials if we appropriately chose materials and their surface nanostructures. Laboratory for Photonics Nano-Engineering focuses on the study of novel functionalities originating from electronic excitations and photonic properties in nanometer-cale structures/interfaces. The Laboratory is designed for the fabrication and characterization of materials and architectures in nanometer-scale aiming for utilizing the spectral resourses in the infrared to visible region. We also accept students in condensed matter physics for PhD course in collaboration with Hokkaido University.
- 波長選択赤外線受光素子、赤外線遮熱材料、波長選択赤外線発光ヒーターなどに向けた、材料の開拓、構造・デバイスの提案。これらの基盤研究に基づいた、センサー素子や、省エネヒーターへの応用・実用化研究。
- 太陽光集熱やこれを利用した化学反応など、太陽光高効率エネルギー利用のための新しい材料科学、ナノ構造製作技術の開拓。太陽光や、環境からの熱輻射を利用した光電変換材料の基礎研究。
- 上記を実現する材料開拓のための製膜技術や化学合成技術の開発と、表面物理学アプローチによる基盤研究。
- 応用物理学会
- 日本物理学会
- 日本表面科学会
- SPIE (国際光工学会)
Our group is composed of staff members from various backgrounds in science and from companies. More than half of the members are non-Japanese, and we have various opportunities for collaborations and presenting at conferences. Since our PhD candidates are requested to setup their own experiments within three years, we support learning through mutual collaborations along with working by oneself to establish an in-house original research.
Contact & Access:
Photonics Nano-Engineering Group
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA)
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0044 Japan
Telephone :+81-29-860-4746
E-mail: NAGAO.Tadaaki=nims.go.jp (Please change "=" to "@")
Website: https://www.nims.go.jp/group/nsp