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1.        Y. Tokunou, H. Tongu, Y Kogure, M. Toyofuku, N Nomura,“Colony-Based Electrochemistry Reveals Electron Conduction Mechanisms Medicated by Ctochromes and Flavins in Shewanella oneidensis”, Environmental Science & Techinology, 58, 10, 4670-4679, (2024)

2.        D. Naradasu, W. Miran, A. Okamoto,” Electrochemical Characterization of Two Gut Microbial Strains Cooperatively Promoting Multiple Sclerosis Pathogenesis”, Microorganisms,12, 2, (2024)

3.        U. Miyazaki, M.Sanari, A. Tame, M. Kitajima, A. Okamoto, S. Sawayama, J. Miyazaki, K. Takai, S. Nakagawa, “Pyrofollis japonicus gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel member of the family Pyrodictiaceae isolated from the Iheya North hydrothermal field, Extremophiles, 27, 3, 28 (2023)

4.        W. Huang, X. Long, A. Okamoto, “Enhancement of microbial current production by riboflavin requires the reduced heme centers in outer membrane cytochromes in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1”, Electrochimica Acta, 464, 1 October 2023, 142860 (2023)

5.        U. Miyazaki, A. Tame, J. Miyazaki, K. Takai, S. Sawayama, M. Kitajima, A. Okamoto, S. Nakagawa,“Haliovirga abyssi gen. nov., sp. nov., a mesophilic fermentative bacterium isolated from the Iheya North hydrothermal field, and proposal of Haliovirgaceae fam. nov.” International Journal of             Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73, 8, (2023)

6.        YC. Chen, YT. Li, CL. Lee, YT. Kuo, CL. Ho, WC. Lin, MC. Hsu, X. Long, JS. Chen, WP. Li, CH. Su, A. Okamoto, CS. Yeh, “Electroactive membrane fusion-liposome for increased electron transfer to enhance radiodynamic therapy” Nature Nanotechnology, 1-10(2023)

7.        C. Ho, M. Y. Emmran, S. Ihara, W. Huang, S. Wakai, WP.  Li, A. Okamoto, “Osmium-grafted magnetic nanobeads improve microbial current generation via culture-free and quick enrichment of electrogenic bacteria”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 466, 142936 (2023)

8.        X. Deng, A. Okamoto, “Direct extracellular electron transfer to an indium tin doped oxide electrode via heme redox reactions in Desulfovibrio ferrophilus IS5”, Electrochimica Acta 453, 142293 (2023)

9.        X. Long, Y. Tokunou, A. Okamoto, “Mechano-control of Extracellular Electron Transport Rate via Modification of Inter-heme Coupling in Bacterial Surface Cytochrome”, Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 19, 7421-7430 (2023) 2023.4月

10.      Q. Sun, C. Ma, WP . Li, X.  Li, K.  Sakamoto, X.  Liu, A. Okamoto, T. Minari “Fully Printed Low-Voltage Field-Effect Transitor Biosensor Array for One-Drop Detection of Shewanella MR-1 Bacteria”, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 5, 5, 2558-2565 (2023)

11.      K. Shimokawa, S. Matsubara, T. Kawaguchi, A. Okamoto, T. Ichitsubo, “Optimizing LiMn15M05O4 cathode materials for aqueous photo-rechargeable batteries”, ChemCommun, Advance Article, (2023)

12.      AB. Ganganboina, IM. Khoris, A. Konno, TC. Li, A. Okamoto, EY. Park, “CdSe-Co3O4@TiO2 nanoflower–based photoelectrochemical platform probing visible light–driven virus detection”, Microchimica Acta 190 (1), 46 (2023)

13.      J. Thompson, C. Barr, L. Bird, E. La. Cava, A. Garber, Y. Hongoh, M. Liu, K. H.  Nealson, A. Okamoto, D. Repeta, S. Suzuki, C. Tacto, M .Tashjian, N. Merino, “Insights into the physiological and genomic characterization of three bacterial isolates from a highly alkaline, terrestrial s     
           erpentinizing system”, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, (2023)

14.      X. Long, H. Zhang, X. Cao, H. Wang, K .Shimokawa, H. Chi, C. Zhang, A. Okamoto, X Li “Biogenic Mn2O3 via the redox of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 for peroxymonosulfate advanced oxidation”, Separation and Purification Technology, 303, 122144 (2022)

15.      X. Long, WP.  Li, A. Okamoto, “Riboflavin-rich agar enhances the rate of extracellular electron transfer from electrogenic bacteria inside a thin-layer system”, Bioelectrochemistry, 148, 108252 (2022)

16.      W. Miran, W. Huang, X. Long, G. Imamura, A. Okamoto, “Multivariate landscapes constructed by Bayesian estimation over five hundred microbial electrochemical time profiles”, Patterns, 3, 100610, 1-9 (2022)

17.      S. Ihara, S. Wakai, T. Maehara, A. Okamoto, “Electrochemical Enrichment and Isolation of Electrogenic Bacteria from 022 µm Filtrate”, microorganisms, 10, 10, 1-11, (2022)

18.      X. Deng, D. Luo, A. Okamoto, “ Electrode hydrophilicity enhanced the rate of extracellular electron uptake in Desulfovibrio ferrophilus IS5, ” Elecrtochimica, 421, 20 July 2022, 140504 (2022)

19.      W. Miran, X. Long, W. Huang, A. Okamoto, “Current Production Capability of Drug-Resistant Pathogen Enables Its Rapid Label-Free Detection Applicable to Wastewater-Based Epidemiology”, Microorganisms, 10, 2, 10020472 (2022) 

20.      S  Hirano, S. Ihara, S  Wakai, Y.  Dotsuta, K.  Otani, T.  Kitagaki, F. Ueno, A. Okamoto, “Novel Methanobacterium Strain Induces Severe Corrosion by Retrieving Electrons from Fe0 under a Freshwater Environment”, Microorganisms, 10, 2, 10020270 (2022) 

21.      K. Shimakawa, S. Matsubara, A. Okamoto, T. Ichitsubo, “Light-induced Li extraction from LiMn2O4/TiO2 in a water-in-salt electrolyte for photo-rechargeable batteries”, Chemical Communications, 58, 69, 9634-9637, (2022)

22.      D. Naradasu, W. Miran, S.  Sharma, S.  Takenawa, T.  Soma, N.  Nomura, M . Toyofuku, A. Okamoto, “Biogenesis of Outer Membrane Vesicles Concentrates the Unsaturated Fatty Acid of Phosphatidylinositol in Capnocytophaga ochracea” frontiers in Microbiology, 12 682685 (2021)

23.      Y. Tokunou, R.  V.  Lemos, S.  Tsujimura, A. Okamoto, P.  Ledezma, S.  Freguia , “SyneC. Hococcus and Other Bloom‐Forming Cyanobacteria Exhibit Unique Redox Signatures” ChemElectroChem, 8 2, 360-364 (2021)

24.      X. Long, A. Okamoto, “Outer membrane compositions enhance the rate of extracellular electron transport via cell-surface MtrC protein in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1”, Bioresource Technology, 320, 124290 (2021) 

25.      R. V. Lemos, S. Tsujimura, P. Ledezma, Y. Tokunou, A. Okamoto, S. Freguia, “Extracellular electron transfer by Microcystis aeruginosa is solely driven by high pH”, Bioelectrochemistry, 137, 107637 (2021)

26.      J. Saito, X. Deng, A. Okamoto, “Single-Cell Mass Spectroscopic Analysis for Quantifying Active Metabolic Pathway Heterogeneity in a Bacterial Population on an Electrode”, Analytical chemistry, 92 23, 15616-15623 (2020)

27.      X. Deng, J. Saito, A. Kaksonen, A. Okamoto, “Enhancement of cell growth by uncoupling extracellular electron uptake and oxidative stress production in sediment sulfate-reducing bacteria”, Environment International, 144, 106006 (2020) 

28.      M. Shiibashi, X. Deng, W. Miran, A. Okamoto, “Mechanism of Anaerobic Microbial Corrosion Suppression by Mild Negative Cathodic Polarization on Carbon Steel”, Environmental Science & Technology Letters 7, 690-694 (2020) 

29.      S. Hirano, J. Saito, T. Yukawa, D. Sano, A. Okamoto, S. Okabe, M. Kitajima, “Improvement of Electrochemical Conditions for Detecting Redox Reaction of K3 [Fe (CN) 6] toward the Application in Norovirus Aptasensor”, Electrochemistry, 88, 205-209 (2020)

30.      D. Naradasu, A. Guionet, T. Okinaga, T. Nishihara, A. Okamoto, “Electrochemical Characterization of Current Producing Human Oral-pathogens by Whole-Cell Electrochemistry”, ChemElectroChem, 7, 2012-2019 (2020)

31.      E. La. Cava, A. Guionet, J. Saito, A. Okamoto, “Involvement of Proton Transfer for Carbon Dioxide Reduction Coupled with Extracellular Electron Uptake in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1” Electroanalysis, 32 1659-1663 (2020)

32.      D. Naradasu, A. Guionet, W. Miran, A. Okamoto, “Microbial current production from Streptococcus mutans correlates with biofilm metabolic activity”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 112236 (2020) 

33.      D. Naradasu, W. Miran, A. Okamoto, “Metabolic Current Production by an Oral Biofilm Pathogen Corynebacterium matruC. Hotii”, Molecules 25 (14), 3141 (2020)

34.      X. Deng, N. Dohmae, A. H. Kaksonen, A. Okamoto, “Biogenic Iron Sulfide Nanoparticles to Enable Extracellular Electron Uptake in Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 59, 5995-5999 (2020)Selected as VIP paper and Inside Cover
35.      A. I. Garber, K. H .Nealson, A. Okamoto, S M McAllister, C S Chan, R A Barco, N Merino, “FeGenie: A Comprehensive Tool for the Identification of Iron Genes and Iron Gene Neighborhoods in Genome and Metagenome Assemblies”, Front Microbiol, 11, 37 (2020)

36.      S. Zhang, W. Miran, D. Naradasu, S Guo, A. Okamoto, “A Human Pathogen Capnocytophaga Ochracea Exhibits Current Producing Capability”, Electrochemistry, 88, 224-229 (2020)

37.      D. Naradasu, W. Miran, M. Sakamoto, A. Okamoto, “Isolation and Characterization of Human Gut Bacteria Capable of Extracellular Electron Transport by Electrochemical Techniques”, Front Microbiol, 9, 3267 (2019)

38.      Y. Tokunou, A. Okamoto, “Geometrical Changes in the Hemes of Bacterial Surface c‐Type Cytochromes Reveal Flexibility in Their Binding Affinity with Minerals”, Langmuir, 35, 7529-7537 (2019)

39.      X. Deng, N. Dohmae, K. H. Nealson, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Multi-heme Cytochromes Provide a Pathway for Survival in Energy-limited Environments”, Sci Adv, 4, eaao5682 (2018) 

40.      Y. Tokunou, P. Chinotaikul, S. Hattori, T. A. Clarke, L. Shi, K. Hashimoto, K. Ishii, A. Okamoto, “Whole-cell Circular Dichroism Difference Spectroscopy Reveals an in vivo-specific Deca-heme Conformation in Bacterial Surface Cytochromes”,
            Chemical Communications, 54, 13933-13936 (2018)

41.      M. Murugan, W. Miran, T. Masuda, D. S. Lee, A. Okamoto, “Biosynthesized Iron Sulfide Nanocluster Enhanced Anodic Current Generation by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria in Microbial Fuel Cells”, ChemElectroChem, 5, 4015-4020 (2018)

42.      X. Deng, A. Okamoto, “Electrode Potential Dependency of Single-Cell Activity Identifies the Energetics of Slow Microbial Electron Uptake Process”, Front Microbiol, 9, 2744 (2018)

43.      A. Okamoto, A. R. Rowe, X. Deng, K. H. Nealson, “Self-Standing Electrochemical Set-up to Enrich Anode-respiring Bacteria On-Site”, J Vis Exp, 137, e57632 (2018)

44.      Y. Tokunou, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Electrochemical Detection of Deuterium Kinetic Isotope Effect on Extracellular Electron Transport in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1”, J Vis Exp, 134, e57584 (2018)

45.      A. R. Rowe, P. Rajeev, A. Jain, S. Pirbadian, A. Okamoto, J. A. Gralnick, M. Y. El-Naggar, K. H. Nealson, “Tracking Electron Uptake from a Cathode into Shewanella Cells: Implications for Energy Acquisition from Solid-Substrate Electron Donors”, mBio, 9, e02203-17 (2018)

46.      J. Saito, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Individual Bacterial Cells Reveals Feedback from Extracellular Electron Transport to Upstream Reactions”, Electrochemistry, 85, 444-446 (2017)

47.      A. Okamoto, Y. Tokunou, S. Kalathil, K. Hashimoto, “Proton Transport in the Outer-Membrane Flavocytochrome Complex Limits the Rate of Extracellular Electron Transport”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 56, 9082-9086 (2017)

48.      A. R. Rowe, M. Yoshimura, D. E. LaRowe, L. J. Bird, J. P. Amend, K. Hashimoto, K. H. Nealson, A. Okamoto, “in situ Electrochemical Enrichment and Isolation of a Magnetite-reducing Bacterium from a High pH Serpentinizing Spring”, Environ Microbiol, 19, 2272-2285 (2017)

49.      J. Saito, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Flavin as an Indicator of the Rate-Limiting Factor for Microbial Current Production in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1”, Electrochim Acta, 216, 261-265 (2016)

50.      Y. Tokunou, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Acceleration of Extracellular Electron Transfer by Alternative Redox-Active Molecules to Riboflavin for Outer-Membrane Cytochrome c of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1”, J Phys Chem C, 120, 16168-16173 (2016)

51.      K. Kondo, A. Okamoto, K. Hashimoto, R. Nakamura, “Sulfur-Mediated Electron Sttling Sustains Microbial Long-Distance Extracellular Electron Transfer with the Aid of Metallic Iron Sulfides”, Langmuir, 31, 7427-7434 (2015)

52.      X. Deng, R. Nakamura, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Electron Extraction from an Extracellular Electrode by Desulfovibrio ferrophilus Strain IS5 without using Hydrogen as an Electron Carrier”, Electrochemistry, 83, 529-531 (2015)

53.      A. R. Rowe, P. Chellamuthu, B. Lam, A. Okamoto, K. H. Nealson, “Marine Sediment Microbes Capable of Electrode Oxidation as a Surrogate for Lithotrophic Insoluble Substrate Metabolism”, Front Microbiol, 5, 784 (2015)

54.      Y. Tokunou, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Extracellular Electron Transport Scarcely Accumulates Proton Motive Force in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1”, Bull Chem Soc Jap, 88, 690-692 (2015)

55.      A. Okamoto, K. Saito, K. Inoue, K. H. Nealson, K. Hashimoto, R. Nakamura, “Uptake of Self-secreted Flavins as Bound Cofactors for Extracellular Electron Transfer in Geobacter species”, Energy and Environmental Science, 7, 1357-1361 (2014) Selected as HOT article 

56.      S. Kalathil, K. Hashimoto, A. Okamoto, “Effect of Ionic Strength on the Rate of Extracellular Electron Transport in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 through Bound-Flavin Semiquinones”, ChemElectroChem, 53, 10988-10991 (2014)

57.      A. Okamoto, S. Kalathil, X. Deng, K. Hashimoto, R. Nakamura, K. H. Nealson, “Cell-secreted Flavins Bound to Membrane Cytochromes Dictate Electron Transfer Reactions to Surfaces with Diverse Charge and pH”, Sci Rep, 4, 5628 (2014)

58.      A. Okamoto, K. Hashimoto, K. H. Nealson, “Flavin Redox Bifurcation as a Mechanism for Controlling the Direction of Electron Flow during Extracellular Electron Transfer”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 53, 10988-10991 (2014)

59.      A. Okamoto, K. Hashimoto, K. H. Nealson, R. Nakamura, “Rate Enhancement of Bacterial Extracellular Electron Transport Involves Bound Flavin Semiquinones”, Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 110, 7856-7861 (2013)
          [Published with Commentary article: D J Richardson, et al PNAS 110, 7537-7538 (2013)]

60.      R. Nakamura, F. Kai, A. Okamoto, K. Hashimoto, “Mechanisms of Long-distance Extracellular Electron Transfer of Metal-reducing Bacteria Mediated by Nanocolloidal Semiconductive Iron Oxides”, J Mater Chem, 1, 5148-5157 (2013)

61.      A. Okamoto, R. Nakamura, K. Hashimoto, “Long-range Electron Conduction of Shewanella Biofilms Mediated by Outer Membrane C-type Cytochromes”, Bioelectrochemistry, 85, 61-65 (2012)

62.      A. Okamoto, R. Nakamura, K. Hashimoto, “in vivo Identification of Direct Electron Transfer from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 to Electrodes via Outer Membrane OmcA-MtrCAB Protein Complex”, Electrochimica Acta, 56, 5526-5531 (2011)

63.      R. Nakamura, A. Okamoto, N. Tajima, G. J. Newton, F. Kai, T. Takashima, K. Hashimoto, “Biological Iron-Monosulfide Production for Efficient Electricity Harvesting from a Deep-Sea Metal-Reducing Bacterium”, ChemBioChem, 11, 643-645 (2010)

64.      A. Okamoto, R. Nakamura, K .Ishii, K. Hashimoto, “in vivo Electrochemistry of C Type Cytochrome-Mediated Electron-Transfer with Chemical Marking”, ChemBioChem, 10, 2329-2332 (2009)

65.      R. Nakamura, F Kai, A. Okamoto, G. J. Newton, K. Hashimoto, “Self-constructed Electrically Conductive Bacterial Networks”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 48, 508-511 (2009) 

66.      A. Okamoto, R. Nakamura, H. Osawa, K. Hashimoto, “AnC. Hored Oxo-Bridged Bimetallic Complexes, (SiO)3-Ti-O-Fe(corrole), on Silica Mesopores as Multi-Electron-Transfer Photosystems”, J Phys Chem C, 112, 19777-19783 (2008)

67.      A. Okamoto, R. Nakamura, H. Osawa, K. Hashimoto, “Site-specific Synthesis of Oxo-bridged Mixed-valence Binuclear Complexes on Mesoporous Silica”, Langmuir, 24, 7011-7017 (2008)
68.      R. Nakamura, A. Okamoto, H. Osawa, H. Irie, K. Hashimoto, “Design of All-Inorganic Molecular-based Photocatalysts Sensitive to Visible Light: Ti(IV)-O-Ce(III) Bimetallic Assemblies on Mesoporous Silica”, J Am Chem Soc, 129, 3084-3085 (2007)



  1. 岡本 章玄,「病原細菌の発電機構と応用」,渡辺一哉(監修),バイオテクノロジーシリーズ 微生物を用いた発電および水素生産 第3章 P16-24,シーエムシー出版(2021)
  2. X. Deng, A. Okamoto, “Exrtacellular Electron Uptake Mechanisms in Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria ”, Electron Based Bioscience and Biotechnology,43-59.(2020).
  3. J. Saito, M. Murugan, X. Deng, A. Guionet, W. Miran, A. Okamoto, “Electrochemical Techniques and Application to Characterize Single- and Multi-cellular Electric Microbial Functions”, Ed. R. N. Krishnaraj, R. K. Sani, Bioelectrochemical Interface Engineering, Chapter 3, p37-54, Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2019).
  4. T. Lee, A. Okamoto, S. Jung, R. Nakamura, J. R. Kim, K. Watanabe, K. Hashimoto, “2”, Ed. M. Yates, C. Nakatsu, R. Miller, S. Pillai, Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Fourth Edition, Chapter 5.1.4, p 5.1.4-1-5.1.4-14. ASM Press (2016)
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  7. A. Okamoto, K. Hashimoto, R. Nakamura, “Spectroelectrochemical Investigation on Biological Electron Transfer Associated with Anode Performance in Microbial Fuel Cells”, Ed. U. K. Sur, Recent Trend in Electrochemical Science and Technology, p207-222, In-TechOpen (2012).
  1. X. Deng, D. Luo, A Okamoto, “Defined and unknown roles of conductive nanoparticles for the enhancement of microbial current generation: A review”, Bioresource Technology, 126844 (2022)
  2. W. Miran, D. Naradasu, A. Okamoto, “Pathogens electrogenicity as a tool for in-situ metabolic activity monitoring and drug assessment in biofilms”, iScience, 24, 2, 102068 (2021)
  3. 岡本 章玄,“6.電気細菌が産生する膜小胞の機能と電気共生”,実験科学増刊EVs細胞外小胞の生物学,39,20 2021,132-138(2021)
  4. 岡本 章玄,“Focus 科学者の探求心にせまる 電気を流す“電気細菌”を研究!メカニズム解明やその利用法の開発に挑む”,ミルシル,14, 5 2021,18-21, (2021)
  5. 岡本 章玄, “電気細菌学者は電気羊の夢を見るか?”, 日本微生物生態学会誌, 35, 1,14-16 (2020)
  6. 岡本 章玄, “ブラック電気細菌たちが来た”, 生物工学会誌, 98, 549 (2020)
  7. 岡本 章玄, “ブラック電気細菌はなぜ・どうやって電子を流すのか?電子移動を自在に操る鉄腐食細菌、病原細菌”, 化学, 75, 66-67 (2020)
  8. B. J. Little, D. J. Blackwood, J. Hinks, F. M. Lauro, E. Marsili, A. Okamoto, S. A. Rice, S. A. Wade, H-C. Flemming, “Microbially influenced corrosion–any progress?”, Corrosion Science, 170,108641 (2020).
  9. X. Deng, A. Okamoto, “Energy Acquisition via Electron Uptake by the Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfovibrio ferrophilus IS5”, Journal of Japanese Society for Extremophiles, 16, 67-75 (2018). 
  10. S. Zhang, N. Merino, A. Okamoto, P. Gedalanga, “InterKingdom Microbial Consortia Mechanisms to Guide Biotechnological Applications”, Microbial Biotechnology., 11, 5, 833-847 (2018). 
  11. 岡本章玄,  “微生物燃料電池によるエネルギーと物質生産の同時実現へ向けて”, 月刊バイオインダストリー, 35, 75-83 (2018) . 
  12. A. Okamoto, Y. Tokunou, J. Saito, “Cation-limited Kinetic Model for Microbial Extracellularelectron Transport via an Outer Membrane Cytochrome C Complex”, Biophys. Physicobiol (Biophysics and Physicobiology)., 13, 71-76 (2016).
  13. 岡本章玄, 徳納吉秀, 斎藤淳貴, ”微生物燃料電池の効率化に向けた細胞外電子移動の速度論研究”, バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 74, 284-288 (2016).
  14. 中西周次, 岡本章玄, 橋本和仁, “廃水処理実用技術としての微生物燃料電池:サイエンスから実用化へ”, 電気化学および工業物理化学, 84, 93-98 (2016). 
  15. 岡本章玄, “プロトン駆動力を細胞外へと捨てる微生物外膜タンパク質”, 生物物理, 55,98-100 (2015). 
  16. A. Okamoto, R. Nakamura, K. H. Nealson, K. Hashimoto, “Bound Flavin Model Suggests Similar Electron-Transfer Mechanisms in Shewanella and Geobacter”, ChemElectroChem, 1, 11, 1808-1812 (2014). 
  17. 岡本章玄, “細胞外へと分泌されるフラビン分子の働きとは何か?—細胞外電子移動における鍵酵素中心としてのフラビン分子—”, 日本化学会生体機能関連化学部会ニュースレター, 29, 7-10 (2014).


  • 2020年10月 全米医学アカデミー(NAM) 「Healthy Longevity Grand Challenge(HLGC)」The Catalyst Awards 受賞
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    Electrochemical sensor targeting periodontal pathogen in saliva for the longevity of healthy age”
  • 2018年03月 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞 (文部科学省)
  • 2016年03月 工学研究顕彰賞(一般財団法人総合研究奨励会)
  • 2014年10月 若手奨励賞(日本生物物理学会)
  • 2014年04月 第94回日本化学会年会 優秀講演賞(学術)(日本化学会)
  • 2010年11月 第29回固体・表面光科学討論会 優秀発表賞
  • (光化学協会、 日本化学会、 触媒学会、電気化学会の共催)
  • 2009年09月 JSPS HOPE Meeting 2009 ポスター賞 (日本学術振興会)
  • 2013年12月 井上研究奨励賞(井上科学振興財団)

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