World Materials Research Institute Forum


Welcome to the WMRIF 5th International Workshop for Young Scientists.
Registration has been closed (July 20th).

Step1: Create your account by July 15th/July 20th.
Step2: Put your participation plan and hotel reservation by September 30th.

* Auto-reply mail will immediately be sent to your e-mail address once registering. If you don't receive the mail, please contact the WS secretariat.



Request for banquet, excursion, and accommodation Closed
Submit abstracts and biographies Closed


Entry Qualifications
*All participants must belong to a WMRIF member institute or must be recommended by JST
*Special circumstances will be permitted with explanation. Please ask the WS committee in advance.

Speaker PhD holder
Within 10 years after obtaining PhD or under 46 year-old
Nominated by WMRIF institute leadership or JST
*Speakers must be accompanied by his/her supervisor(s)
Supervisor Supervisor of the speaker giving a presentation at the WS
Belonging to a WMRIF member institute
 Others Other than that above

The WMRIF Best Young Scientist Award
Five top presenters will be chosen from the workshop participants. The scientist with the best presentation will be give the opportunity to visit two WMRIF institutes of their choice for a period of two weeks each. The remaining winners will have the opportunity to visit a single institute of their choice for two weeks.
WMRIF institute leadership and members of Working Group 3 present at the workshop will select the winning scientists.

Welcome Reception
Date: 18:00-20:00, November 7th
Venue: Angebrisa
*Restaurant shuttle bus will depart from Okura Frontier Hotel Epochal Tsukuba around 17:40.

Date: 18:00-20:00, November 9th
Venue: ESPOIR, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba

Excursion –WMRIF tour of Mt. Tsukuba-
Date: 13:00-17:00
We will offer you great hiking experience on Mt. Tsukuba

We highly recommend staying at Okura Frontier Hotel Epochal Tsukuba to speakers and their supervisors. You can book the hotel via this registration form.
Your credit card information is required to book the hotel but we won’t charge your card the hotel fee except the cancellation fee. You must pay the hotel fee on site when arriving.

Submission of Abstract
Speakers will persent their research in an oral presentation (15 minites plus 5 minites for discussion).
Please submit the abstract of your presentation and biography in Word and PDF by the registration form below.
*You can re-submit the abstract and biography after uploading until the deadline.

Template and sample Download
<Word> <PDF>