Completed:Report of the 4th NIMS International Standardization Seminar
2022.02.22 14:10
~ 2022.02.22 15:55
Completed:Report of the 4th NIMS International Standardization Seminar
More than 30 people attended "the 4th NIMS International Standardization Seminar" held online (Zoom) on February 22, 2022 (Tuesday).
Below are screenshots extracted from the time of the online seminar.
Below are screenshots extracted from the time of the online seminar.
Presentation materials are available here.
"Recommendations on International Standardization for Materials Researchers - From VAMAS Pre-standardization Research to ISO Standardization-"Daisuke Fujita, Chairman
"ISO New Proposal Adoption and WG Convener Services-Development of a method for testing materials in high-pressure hydrogen using hollow specimens and the process of obtaining external funding and ISO standardization-"Toshio Ogata,NIMS Special Researcher
"Recommendations on International Standardization for Materials Researchers - From VAMAS Pre-standardization Research to ISO Standardization-"Daisuke Fujita, Chairman
"ISO New Proposal Adoption and WG Convener Services-Development of a method for testing materials in high-pressure hydrogen using hollow specimens and the process of obtaining external funding and ISO standardization-"Toshio Ogata,NIMS Special Researcher