

    2020 -

  1. M. Homenda, P. Jakubczyk, and H. Yamase
    Generalized Hertz action and quantum criticality of two-dimensional Fermi systems
    Phys. Rev. B 110 (2024) L121102.
  2. M. Zafur and H. Yamase
    Spin and bond-charge excitation spectra in correlated electron systems near antiferromagnetic phase
    Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 245127.
  3. H. Yamase, M. Bejas, and A. Greco
    Retaining Landau quasiparticles in the presence of realistic charge fluctuations in cuprates
    Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 104515.
  4. M. Bejas, V. Zimmermann, D. Betto, T. D. Boyko, R. J. Green, T. Loew, N. B. Brookes, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, M. Minola, B. Keimer, H. Yamase, A. Greco, and M. Hepting
    Plasmon dispersion in bilayer cuprate superconductors
    Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 144516-1 - 144516-8.
  5. M. Hepting, T. D. Boyko, V. Zimmermann, M. Bejas, Y. E. Suyolcu, P. Puphal, R. J. Green, L. Zinni, J. Kim, D. Casa, M. H. Upton, D. Wong, C. Schulz, M. Bartkowiak, K. Habicht, E. Pomjakushima, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, M. Minola, H. Yamase, A. Greco, and B. Keimer
    Evolution of plasmon excitations across the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4
    Phys. Rev. B 107 (2023) 214516-1 - 214516-18.
  6. H. Yamase
    * Spin-fluctuation glue disfavors high-critical temperature of superconductivity?
    New J. Phys. 25 (2023) 083049.
  7. H. Yamase, M. Bejas, and A. Greco
    * Plasmarons in high-temperature cuprate superconductors
    Commun. Phys. 6 (2023) 168.
  8. L. Zinni, M. Bejas, H. Yamase, and A. Greco
    Low-energy plasmon excitations in infinite-layer nickelates
    Phys. Rev. B 107 (2023) 014503-1 - 014503-9.
  9. H. Yamase
    Ferromagnetic and metamagnetic transitions in itinerant electron systems: a microscopic study
    New J. Phys. 25 (2023) 033004.
    arXiv: 2111.10068.
  10. H. Yamase
    Suppression of superconductivity by spin fluctuations
    J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2164 (2022) 012013.
  11. M. Hepting, M. Bejas, A. Nag, H. Yamase, N. Coppola, D. Betto, M. Garcia-Fernandez, S. Agrestini, K.-J. Zhou, M. Minola, C. Sacco, L. Maritato, P. Orgiani, H. I. Wei, K. M. Shen, D. G. Schlom, A. Galdi, A. Greco, and B. Keimer
    Gapped collective charge excitations and interlayer hopping in cuprate superconductors
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022) 047001-1 - 047001-8.
  12. H. Yamase
    * Theoretical insights into electronic nematic order, bond-charge orders, and plasmons in cuprate superconductors
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90 (2021) 111011-1 - 111011-16.
  13. H. Yamase and M. Zafur
    * Anomaly of longitudinal spin susceptibility at superconducting instability inside a magnetic phase
    Phys. Rev. B 103 (2021) 224527-1 - 224527-9.
  14. H. Yamase, M. Bejas, and A. Greco
    Electron self-energy from quantum charge fluctuations in the layered t-J model with long-range Coulomb interaction
    Phys. Rev. B 104 (2021) 045141-1 - 0145141-22.
  15. H. Yamase, Y. Sakurai, M. Fujita, S. Wakimoto, and K. Yamada
    * Fermi surface in La-based cuprate superconductors from Compton scattering imaging
    Nat. Commun. 12 (2021) 2223-1 - 2223-7.
  16. A. Nag, M. Zhu, M. Bejas, J. Li, H. C. Robarts, H. Yamase, A. N. Petsch, D. Song, H. Eisaki, A. C. Walters, M. Garcia-Fernandez, A. Greco, S. M. Hayden, and K.-J. Zhou
    Detection of acoustic plasmons in hole-doped lanthanum and bismuth cuprate superconductors using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 257002-1 - 257002-6.
  17. T. Terashima, Y. Matsushita, H. Yamase, N. Kikugawa, H. Abe, M. Imai, S. Uji, S. Ishida, H. Eisaki, A. Iyo, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, T. Wang, and G. Mu
    Elastoresistance measurements on CaKFe4s4 and KCa2Fe4As4F2 with the Fe site of C2v symmetry
    Phys. Rev. B 102 (2020) 054511-1 - 054511-7.
  18. A. Greco, H. Yamase, and M. Bejas
    Close inspection of plasmon excitations in cuprate superconductors
    Phys. Rev. B 100 (2020) 024509-1 - 024509-6.
  19. H. Yamase and T. Agatsuma
    * Suppression of superconductivity by spin fluctuations in iron-based superconductors
    Phys. Rev. B 102 (2020) 060504(R)-1 - 060504(R)-5.
  20. 2019 - 2016

  21. W. Metzner and H. Yamase
    Phase stiffness in an antiferromagnetic superconductor
    Phys. Rev. B 100 (2019) 014504-1 - 014504-12.
  22. H. Yamase, M. Bejas, and A. Greco
    Doping dependence of d-wave bond-charge excitations in electron-doped cuprates
    Phys. Rev. B 99 (2019) 014513-1 - 014513-7.
  23. A. Greco, H. Yamase, and M. Bejas
    * Origin of the high-energy charge excitations observed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in cuprate superconductors
    Commun. Phys. 2 (2019) 3.
  24. M. Bejas, H. Yamase, and A. Greco
    Dual structure in the charge excitation spectrum of electron-doped cuprates
    Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 214513-1 - 214513-12.
  25. K. Kuboki and H. Yamase
    * Static spin susceptibility in magnetically ordered states
    Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 064411-1 - 064411-8.
  26. A. Greco, H. Yamase, and M. Bejas
    Charge-Density-Excitation Spectrum in the t-t'-J-V Model
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 (2017) 034706-1 - 034706-5.
  27. T. Agatsuma and H. Yamase
    Structure of the pairing gap from orbital nematic fluctuations
    Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016) 214505-1 - 214505-9.
  28. A. Eberlein, W. Metzner, S. Sachdev, and H. Yamase
    Fermi surface reconstruction and drop in the Hall number due to spiral antiferromagnetism in high-Tc cuprates
    Phys. Rev. Lett 117 (2016) 187001-1 - 187001-6.
  29. A. Greco, H. Yamase, and M. Bejas
    * Plasmon excitations in layered high-Tc cuprates
    Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016) 075139-1 - 075139-8.
  30. H. Yamase, A. Eberlein, and W. Metzner
    * Coexistence of incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 096402-1 - 096402-6.
  31. 2015 - 2010

  32. H. Yamase, M. Bejas, and A. Greco
    d-wave bond-order charge excitations in electron-doped cuprates
    Europhys. Lett. 111 (2015) 57005-p1 - 57005-p6.
  33. H. Yamase and R. Zeyher
    * Spin nematic fluctuations near a spin-density-wave phase
    New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 073030-1 - 073030-12.
  34. H. Yamase
    Griffiths wings associated with electronic nematic transition
    J. Phys.: Conference Series 592 (2015) 012102-1 - 012102-7.
    submitted version of JPCS_592_012102_2015
  35. H. Yamase
    * Electronic nematic phase transition in the presence of anisotrpy
    Phys. Rev. B 91 (2015) 195121-1 - 195121-9.
    arXiv: 1401.4628
  36. M. Bejas, A. Greco, and H. Yamase
    Strong particle-hole asymmetry of charge instabilities in doped Mott insulators
    New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 123002-1 - 123002-15.
    arXiv: 1401.6586
  37. H. Yamase and R. Zeyher
    * Superconductivity from orbital nematic fluctuations
    Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 180502(R)-1 - 180502(R)-5.
    arXiv: 1303.3806
  38. H. Yamase and R. Zeyher
    * Electronic Raman scattering from orbital nematic fluctuations
    Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 125120-1 - 125120-11.
    arXiv: 1306.4267
  39. H. Yamase
    Mean-field theory on a coupled system of ferromagnetism and electronic nematic order
    Phys. Rev. B 87 (2013) 195117-1 - 195117-9.
    arXiv: 1212.4883
  40. M. Bejas, A. Greco, and H. Yamase
    * Possible charge instabilities in two-dimensional doped Mott insulators
    Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 224509-1 - 224509-12.
    arXiv: 1207.3212
  41. H. Yamase and W. Metzner
    * Fermi-surface truncation from thermal nematic fluctuations
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 186405-1 - 186405-5.
    arXiv: 1111.5818
  42. A. A. Katanin, H. Yamase, and V. Yu. Irkhin
    Ferromagnetic instability and finite-temperature properities of two-dimensional electron systems with van Hove singularities
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) 063702-1 - 063702-4.
    arXiv: 1102.3606
  43. H. Yamase, M. Yoneya, and K. Kuboki
    Multilayer cuprate superconductors as possible systems described by resonating-valence-bond and antiferromagnetic orders
    Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 014508-1 - 014508-5.
    arXiv: 1101.2529
  44. H. Yamase, P. Jakubczyk, and W. Metzner
    Nematic quantum criticality without order
    Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 125121-1 - 125121-4.
    arXiv: 1101.1221
  45. H. Yamase and R. Zeyher
    * Raman scattering near a d-wave Pomeranchuk instability
    Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 115116-1 - 115116-11.
    arXiv: 1010.0296
  46. H. Yamase and A. A. Katanin
    Addenda: van Hove singularity and spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 127001.
    submitted version of JPSJ_79_127001_2010
  47. H. Yamase and P. Jakubczyk
    * Singular nonordering susceptibility at a Pomeranchuk instability
    Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 155119-1 - 155119-5.
    arXiv: 1009.4121
  48. H. Yamase
    Pomeranchuk instability as order competing with superconductivity
    Physica C 470 (2010) S109-S110.
    submitted version of PHYSC_470_S109_2010
  49. K. Kuboki, M. Yoneya, and H. Yamase
    Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity in extended t-J model
    Physica C 470 (2010) S163-S164.
    submitted version of PHYSC_470_S163_2010
  50. 2009 - 1999

  51. P. Jakubczyk, W. Metzner, and H. Yamase
    * Turning a first order quantum phase transition continuous by fluctuations: general flow equations and application to d-wave Pumeranchuk instability
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 220602-1 - 220602-4.
    arXiv: 0908.2620
  52. H. Yamase
    Spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in bilayered systems
    Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 115102-1 - 115102-7.
    arXiv: 0907.4253
  53. W. Metzner, L. Dell'Anna, and H. Yamase
    nematic order and non-Fermi liquid behavior from a Pomeranchuk instability in a two-dimensional electron system
    J. Phys: Conference Series 150 (2009) 032058.
  54. P. A. igoshev, A. A. Katanin, H. Yamase, and V. Yu. Irkhin
    Spin fluctuations and ferromagnetic order in two-dimensional itinerant systems with Van Hove singularities
    J. Magn. Magn. mater. 321 (2009) 899-902.
    arXiv: 0809.3191
  55. H. Yamase
    * Self-masking of spontaneous symmetry breaking in layer materials
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 116404-1 - 116404-4.
    arXiv: 0806.2226
  56. H. Yamase
    * Theory of reduced singlet pairing without the underlying state of charge stripes in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.45
    Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 052501-1 - 052501-4.
    arXiv: 0802.1149
  57. H. Yamase
    Cuprate superconductors in the vicinity of a Pomeranchuk instability
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69 (2008) 3297-3300.
    submitted version of JPCS_69_3297_2008
  58. H. Yamase A. A. Katanin
    Theory of spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7
    Physica B 403 (2007) 1262-1264.
    submitted version of PHYSB_403_1262_2008
  59. H. Yamase
    * Effect of magnetic field on spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking
    Phys. Rev. B 76 (2007) 155117-1 - 155117-11.
    arXiv: 0705.4233
  60. H. Yamase and A. A. Katanin
    * Van Hove singularity and spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76 (2007) 073706-1 - 073706-5.
  61. H. Yamase and W. Metzner
    Competiton of Fermi surface symmetry breaking and superconductivity
    Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 155117-1 - 155117-6.
  62. H. Yamase
    Magnetic excitations in La-based cuprate superconductors: Slave-boson mean-field analysis of the two-dimensional t-Jmodel
    Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 014514-1 - 014514-9.
  63. H. Yamase and W. Metzner
    Theory of the in-plane anisotropy of magnetic excitations in YBa2Cu3O6+y
    Physica C 460-462 (2007) 979-980.
  64. H. Yamase and W. Metzner
    * Magnetic excitations and their anisotropy in YBCO: Slave-boson mean-field analysis of the bilayer t-J model
    Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 214517-1 - 214517-20.
  65. A. Miyanaga and H. Yamase
    Orientational symmetry-breaking correlations in square lattice t-J model
    Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 174513-1 - 174513-5.
  66. H. Yamase, V. Oganesyan, and W. Metzner
    Spontaneous Fermi Surface symmetry breaking on a square lattice
    Physica B 378-380 (2006) 139-141
    submitted version of PHYSB_378-380_139_2006
  67. H. Yamase, V. Oganesyan, and W. Metzner
    * Mean-field theory for symmetry-breaking Fermi surface deformations on a square lattice
    Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 035114-1 - 035114-11.
  68. H. Yamase
    * Excitation spectrum of d-wave Fermi surface deformation
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 266404-1 - 266404-4.
  69. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and d -wave singlet state controlled by long range hopping integral
    Phys. Rev. B 69 (2004) 104526-1 - 104526-5.
    submitted version of PRB_69_104526_2004
  70. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    Competition and coexistence between Néel order and d-wave singlet RVB
    Physica C 408-410 (2004) 273-274.
    submitted version of PHYSC_408-410_273_2004
  71. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    Shift of incommensurate antiferromagnetic peaks in La2-xSrxCuO4
    Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 014502-1 - 014502-7.
    submitted version of PRB_68_014502_2003
  72. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    Effects of orthorhombic distortion on magnetic excitation in t-J model
    J. Low. Temp. Phys. 131 (2003) 251-255.
    submitted version of JLTP_131-251_2003
  73. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    Breakdown of Fourfold Symmetry of Fermi Surface and Magnetic Excitation Spectrum
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 63 (2002) 1393-1397.
    submittied version of JPCS_63_1393_2002
  74. H. Yamase
    Breakdown of Fourfold Symmetry in Diagonal Incommensurate magnetic Peaks
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71 (2002) 1154-1160.
    submittied version of JPSJ_71_1154_2002
  75. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    * Magnetic Excitation of t-J Model with Quasi-One-Dimensional Fermi Surface - Possible Relevance to LSCO Systems
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70 (2001) 2733-2745.
  76. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    Quasi-One-Dimensional Band in the t-J Model
    Physica C 341-348 (2000) 321-322.
    submittied version of PHYSC_341-348_321_2000
  77. H. Yamase and H. Kohno
    * Instability toward Formation of Quasi-One-Dimensional Fermi Surface in Two-Dimensional t-J Model
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69 (2000) 2151-2157.
  78. H. Yamase, H. Kohno, and H. Fukuyama
    Possible quasi-one-dimensional fermi surface in LSCO: phenomenological study
    Physica B 284-288 (2000) 1375-1376.
    submittied version of PHYSB_284-288_1375_2000
  79. H. Yamase, H. Kohno, H. Fukuyama, and M. Ogata
    * Possible Quasi-One-Dimensional Fermi Surface in La2-xSrxCuO4
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69 (2000) 332-335.
  80. H. Yamase, H. Kohno, H. Fukuyama, and M. Ogata
    Incommensurate Antiferromagnetism Induced by Charge Density Modulation: Ginzburg -Landau Study
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60 (1999) 1063-1065.
    submittied version of JPCS_60_1063_1999
  81. H. Yamase, H. Kohno, H. Fukuyama, and M. Ogata
    Effects of Charge Density Modulation on Incommensurate Antiferromagnetism: Ginzburg-Landau Study
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68 (1999) 1082-1085.


  1. H. Yamase
    Iron-based superconductors, Seven years laters (Japanese translation)
  2. H. Yamase
    Symmetry breaking of Fermi surface (in Japanese)
    Kotai-Butsuri 42 (2007) 621-633.