NIMS Condensed Matter Theory
Theoretical Exploration of the Material World!
Materials contain a huge number of electrons, typically in the order of Avogadro's number, which interact with each other via Coulomb forces and spin exchange. These interactions generate collective excitations, which in turn give rise to various properties such as superconductivity and magnetism at low temperatures. We are interested in such phenomena driven by many-body effects and are seeking to innovate fundamental concepts of materials by utilizing analytical and computational methods. We are currently working on high-temperature superconductivity, interplay of superconductivity and magnetism, critical phenomena and quantum phase transitions, and novel quantum states such as an electronic nematic state.
Ph.D. Positions
We are seeking for highly motivated PhD candidates, who have a strong interest in theoretical condensed matter physics; the textbooks below may be useful for our theoretical research. The present PhD course emphasizes the development of ability to perceive and innovate fundamental concepts of materials through theoretical studies. The successful candidates will belong to Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University , and carry out a PhD project at NIMS in Tsukuba , receiving the NIMS Graduate Research Assistantship with a monthly stipend of about 200,000JPY Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, and contact information for one reference by e-mail or post . Application materials will not be returned.
- G. D. Mahan, Many-Particle Physics
- G. Rickayzen, Green Functions and Condensed Matter
- J. R. Schrieffer, Theory of Superconductivity
- N. Goldenfeld, Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group
NIMS Internship Program
We offer NIMS Internship Program for those who wish to work with us before entering our PhD course. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae by e-mail .
- 2024.11.20 arXiv: 2411.13650, "Theory of charge dynamics in bilayer electron system with long-range Coulomb interaction"
- 2024.10.11 Dr. Hakuto Suzuki (Tohoku Universtiy) visits us
- 2024.10.08 -- 11.16 Prof. Matias Bejas (Universtiy of Rosario) stays with us
- 2024.09.25 Congulatulations to M. Zafur on Ph.D. degree!
- 2024.08.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (Aug. 1 - Sep. 19)
- 2024.07.25 -- 08.19 Mr. Mateusz Homenda (Universtiy of Warsaw) stays with us
- 2024.07.22 arXiv: 2407.15692, "Impact of electron correlations on two-particle charge response in electron- and hole-doped cuprates"
- 2024.05.13 arXiv: 2405.08198, "Generalized Hertz action and quantum criticality of two-dimensional Fermi systems"
- 2024.04.03 -- 17 Prof. Pawel Jakubczyk (Universtiy of Warsaw) stays with us
- 2024.04.02 arXiv: 2404.02219, "Spin and bond-charge excitation spectra in correlated electron systems near antiferromagnetic phase"
- 2024.04.02 arXiv: 2404.02200, "Retaining Landau quasiparticles in the presence of realistic charge fluctuations in cuprates"
- 2024.04.01 Mr. Worapon Phatcharasirinawakun joins our PhD course as a NIMS Junior Reseacher
- 2023.11.02 arXiv: 2311.01413, "Plasmon dispersion in bilayer cuprate superconductors"
- 2023.09.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (Sep. 1 - Oct. 19)
- 2023.09.01 arXiv: 2309.00679, "Spin-fluctuation glue disfavors high-critical temperature of superconductivity?"
- 2023.07.14 Mr. Tanmoy Mondal (Harish Chandra Research Institute) stays with us
- 2023.06.27 arXiv: 2306.15650, "Evolution of plasmon excitations across the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductor La2−xSrxCuO4"
- 2023.04.03 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (April 3 - May 25)
- 2022.09.19 -- 30 Prof. Pawel Jakubczyk (Warsaw Univ.) stays with us
- 2022.09.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (Sep. 1 - Oct. 19)
- 2022.08.24 arXiv: 2208.11421, "Plasmarons in high-temperature cuprate superconductors"
- 2022.07.28 arXiv: 2207.14359, "Low-energy plasmon excitations in infinite-layer nickelates"
- 2022.06.28 arXiv: 2206.14083, "Gapped collective charge excitations and interlayer hopping in cuprate superconductors"
- 2022.04.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (April 1 - May 25)
- 2021.11.19 arXiv: 2111.10068, "Phase diagram of ferromagnetic and metamagnetic transitions in itinerant electron system"
- 2021.11.18 Press release: Electrons Move in Preferred Direction in Cuprate Superconductors
- 2021.09.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (Sep. 1 - Oct. 20)
- 2021.08.08 RIXSREXS2021, "Plasmons and bond-charge excitations in layred t-J model" [Message]
- 2021.08.04 arXiv: 2108.01934, "Theoretical insights into electronic nematic order, bond-charge orders, and plasmons in cuprate superconductors"
- 2021.04.22 arXiv: 2104.10465, "Fermi surface in La-based cuprate superconductors from Compton scattering imaging"
- 2021.04.13 Press release about Nat. Commun. 12, 2223 (2021)
- 2021.04.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (April 1 - May 26)
- 2021.03.03 arXiv: 2103.02217, "Anomaly of longitudinal spin susceptibility at superconducting instability inside a magnetic phase"
- 2020.11.03 arXiv: 2011.00193, "Electron self-energy from quantum charge fluctuations in the layered t-J model with long-range Coulomb interaction"
- 2020.09.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (Sep. 1 - Oct. 20)
- 2020.08.01 Dr. Yuhei Hirose joins us as a NIMS Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2020.07.14 arXiv: 2007.07313, "Detection of acoustic plasmons in hole-doped lanthanum and bismuth cuprate superconductors using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering"
- 2020.06.05 arXiv: 2006.03171, "Elastoresistance measurements on CaKFe4As4and KCa2Fe4As4F2 with the Fe site of C2v symmetry"
- 2020.04.01 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (April 1 - May 29)
- 2020.01.22 arXiv: 2001.08009, "Close inspection of plasmon excitations in cuprate superconductors"
- 2019.11.20 arXiv: 1911.09009, "Suppression of superconductivity by spin fluctuations in iron-based superconductors"
- 2019.09.18 Mini workshop on the research forefront of condensed matter physics
- 2019.09.16 -- 23 Prof. Adolfo Avella (University of Salerno) stays with us [Photo]
- 2019.09.04 Open position of NIMS Junior Researcher (Sep. 4 - Oct. 21)
- 2019.07.23 -- 26 Intensive course in Hokkaudo University, Field Theory in Statistical Mechanics: Toward actual research of condensed matter physics
- 2019.06.13 -- 15 Research Frontier of Advanced Spectroscopies for Correlated Electron Systems
- 2019.06.4 -- 12 Dr. Matias Bejas (Rosario Univ.) stays with us
- 2019.04.15 arXiv: 1904.06115, "Phase stiffness in an antiferromagnetic superconductor"
- 2019.04.04 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (April 4 - June 3)
- 2019.04.01 Mr. Muhammad Zafur joins our PhD course as a NIMS Junior Reseacher
- 2018.11.02 arXiv: 1811.00496, "Origin of the high-energy charge excitations observed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in cuprate superconductors"
- 2018.09.27 Mini workshop on the research forefront of FFLO states
- 2018.09.21 -- 30 Dr. Pawel Jakubczyk (Warsaw Univ.) stays with us
- 2018.09.03 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Sep. 3 - Oct. 17)
- 2018.08.10 arXiv: 1808.03618, "Doping dependence of d-wave bond-charge excitations in electron-doped cuprates"
- 2018.07.23 -- 24 Emallia Conference at Hokkaido University [Program]
- 2018.04.02 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Apr. 2 - May 14)
- 2018.03.31 Congulatulations to T. Agatsuma on Ph.D. degree!
- 2017.10.02 -- 2018.03.28 Mr. Kamo Mosoyan joins our PhD course as a NIMS Junior Reseacher
- 2017.09.27 arXiv: 1709.09468, "Dual structure in the charge excitation spectrum of electron-doped cuprates"
- 2017.09.07 -- 08 Emallia Conference at Pusan National University [Photos]
- 2017.09.04 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Sep. 4 - Oct. 18)
- 2017.05.23 -- 24 Workshop on "The research forefront of high-Tc cuprates" at Sakunami [Photos]
- 2017.05.10 -- 06.13 JSPS Fellow, Prof. A. Greco (Rosario Univ.) joins us [Photo]
- 2017.04.06 arXiv: 1704.01767, "Static spin susceptibility in magnetically ordered states"
- 2017.04.03 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Apr. 3 - May 19)
- 2016.12.19 -- 20 Emallia Conference at Hokkaido University [Photos]
- 2016.09.09 arXiv: 1609.02861, "Structure of the pairing gap from orbital nematic fluctuations"
- 2016.09.05 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Sep. 5 - Oct. 24)
- 2016.08.30 arXiv: 1608.08018, "Charge-density-excitation spectrum in the t-J model"
- 2016.07.20 arXiv: 1607.06087, "Fermi surface reconstruction and drop of Hall number due to spiral antiferromagnetism in high-Tc cuprates"
- 2016.05.25 Seminar at Hokkaido University [Photos]
- 2016.04.04 Open posision for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Apr. 4 - Jun. 1)
- 2016.04.01 Dr. Takanori Sugimoto (Tokyo University of Science) joins us as a CUPAL-NRP researcher.
- 2016.01.29 arXiv: 1601.08249, "Plasmon excitations in layered high-Tc cuprates"
- 2015.09.25 Open position for NIMS Junior Researchers in our PhD course (Sep. 18 - Nov. 9)
- 2015.07.23 Open
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