10 Winners of Poster Award
[P006] Mr. Yasushi Ishiguro
"Optical Control of Polymeric Transistor with Photochromic Spiropyran Molecules"
[P015] Mr. Jian Zhang
"Electrochromic Printing on Organic-Metallic Hybrid Polymer Films"
[P025] Ms. Yun-Lien Hsieh
"Enhanced Raman Spectrum of Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene on Sub-micrometer Membranes"
[P026] Dr. Kohei Tsumura
"Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene-based Superconducting Device"
[P034] Mr. Chengjun Pan
"A Versatile Core Skeleton for Highly Emissive Conjugated Polymers in the Solid-State"
[P053] Ms. Agnieszka Zielinska
"Self-assembly Control and Soft-Materialization of Magnetic Molecules "
[P071] Dr. Hiroki Wadati
"Phase Competitions in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3/La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 Superlattices"
[P076] Mr. Jiamei Quan
"Dynamics of Normal-emission of CO2 Formed by the Thermal Decomposition of Formate"
[P085] Mr. Guangjie Yuan
"Formation of Highly Pure Metal Films by a Novel Atomic Layer Deposition Using Metallocenes and NH2 Rradical"
[P088] Dr. Jiangwei Liu
"Combination with Atomic Layer Deposition Technique for Fabrication of High-performance HfO2/diamond Metal-oxide-insulator Field Effect Transistors"
Call for Papers for Poster Session
Abstract Submission for Poster Session was closed.
Poster session and Poster Award Ceremony will be held on the second day of the conference.
Date: Evening, July 2, Tuesday
Place: Multi Purpose Hall (1F), Tsukuba International Congress Center
Presentation Category:
1. Organic Layer Electronics - Organic Material and Interface -
2. Ultra-Thin Film Technology
3. Nano-scale Characterization
4. Atomic Layer Deposition Technology and Its Application
5. Advanced Fusion Materials : New Functionality by Cooperative Organic/Inorganic
Poster Presentation List:
[NIMS Conference 2013] Poster Presentation List (2013.6.5): PDF 48kb
Poster Session will be held on July 2, 2013, second day of the conference
and also Poster Presentation Award will be given to distinguished presentations
made by young researchers under age 35 during the session.
Please prepare your poster within the size of 90cm wide and 210cm height.
A panel and pushpins will be provided to each presenter on the site.
Posters can be posted in the Multi-Purpose Hall from 1:00pm on Monday, July 1 and must be removed by noon (12:00pm) on Wednesday, July 3.