National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Innovative Center of Nanomaterials Science for Environment and Energy (ICNSEE), MEXT Program
[ Home ]   [ Aim and Scope ]   [ Program ]   [ NIMS Award 2010 ]   [ Speakers List ]   [ Organized Symposia ]  
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Program at a glance
[July 12, Monday]
NIMS Award Ceremony & Lecture

Award Recipient:Prof. Jean Marie Tarascon (University of Picardie Jules Verne, France)

Keynote Lecture
Prof. Akira Fujishima (President of Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan)

Prospective Review Lecture
Prof. Sukekatsu Ushioda (President of NIMS)
Prof. Prashant Kamat (Univ. of Notre Dame, USA)
Dr. Takahisa Ohno (Managing Director of ICNSEE, NIMS)
Dr. Hideki Iba (Toyota Motor Corp., Japan)
Dr. Sebastian Fiechter (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)

[July 13, Tuesday / 14, Wednesday]
Organized Symposia

OS-1 Theoretical and Computational Studies for the Materials Development
OS-2 Rechargeable Batteries
OS-3 Photovoltaics
OS-4 Design of High Quality Fuel Cell Materials and Devices
OS-5 Nano Photocatalysis: Possibilities and Challenges:
OS-6 Nano Interface Characterization for E&E Materials
OS-7 Practical Social Needs for Thermoelectric Power Devices
OS-8 Environmental Catalysts and Materials

Detailed Program
Detailed Program
Download PDF file
NIMS Award 2010
NIMS will present the NIMS Awards to a person who has made a remarkable breakthrough in materials science and technology or related fields in recent years.
This year's NIMS Award goes to...

Please make your registration before July 2.
Pre-registration has been closed.
Registration is available at the reception desk on the conference days.

Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA)
2-20-3 Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0032, Japan
tel: +81-29-861-0001 fax: +81-29-861-1209

July 12th (Mon)18:30-20:30
Okura Frontier Hotel Tsukuba   Banquet Hal   "Jupiter"
1-1364-1, Azuma Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki 305-0031, Japan
Phone: 029-852-1112 Fax: 029-852-5623

NIMS Conference 2010 Registration Secretariat
c/o W5 Staff Services Co., Ltd., Tokyo Office (Tokyo, Japan)
FAX: +81-(0)3-3780-6733

NIMS Conference2010 Poster
NIMS Conference2010 Circular

Past convention
[NIMS WEEK 2009]
"Nanobio- materials and technologies: breakthrough for future medicine"
[NIMS WEEK 2008]
"Materials Science for Highly Efficient Use of Energy and Resources"
[NIMS Conference 2007]
"Recent Breakthroughs in Materials Science and Technology"