
Takao Furubayashi
Administrative Office,
Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials.

E-mail: FURUBAYASHI.Takao[at]
Tel: +81-29-859-2754: Fax: +81-29-859-2701


  • 1984: Dr. Sc. Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
  • 1981: M.S. Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
  • 1979: B.S. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
  • Professional Career

  • 2006 - present: Magnetic Materials Group, Magnetic Materials Unit, NIMS
  • 2001 - 2006: Magnetic Materials Group, Magnetic Materials Center, NIMS
  • 2001 - 2006: Nanomaterials Lab., National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
  • 1984 - 2001: National Research Institute for Metals

    Adjunct Appointments
  • 2000 - 2001: Materials Development Division, Science and Technology Agency
  • 1989 - 1990: Visiting Researcher, Clausthal University of Technology
  • Research Interest

  • Magnetic Materials
  • Magnetism
  • Moessbauer Spectroscopy
  • Heusler alloys and their thin films
  • Giant magnetoresistance using Heusler alloys
  • Research Activities

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