Fuyuki ANDO
NIMS Special Researcher
& ERATO Project Coordinator,
Spin Caloritronics Group,
Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, NIMS.
2011/4-2015/3 B.S. Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (Kazuyoshi Yoshimura group)
2015/4-2017/3 M.S. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (Teruo Ono group)
2017/4-2020/3 Ph.D. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (Teruo Ono group)
Work Experience
2017/4-2020/3 JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)
2020/4-2023/3 Staff Researcher at Panasonic Holdings Corporation
2023/4-2023/9 NIMS Special Researcher & ERATO Research manager
2023/10-present NIMS Special Researcher & ERATO Project Coordinator
Research Interest
Magnetic and superconducting thin films
Thermoelectric material and module
2018 Finalist for the Best Student Presentation Award at 23rd ICMFS
2019 MSJ Encouragement Award
2022 Young Scientist Presentation Award at the 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting
2023 Oral Presentation Award at TSJ2023