Tissue Regeneration Materials Group
Biomaterials Field
Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials

About Us

Welcome to Tissue Regeneration Materials Group!
Tissue Regeneration Materials Group aims to create novel functional biomaterials and innovative technologies through materials science and nanotechnology methodology. Scaffolds that are used for tissue engineering, composite materials that are used for cancer therapy, and biomaterials that are used to regulate stem cell functions are designed and synthesized. Methods including porous scaffold preparation, hybridization, nanoparticle synthesis, micro-patterning and biomimetics are used as key technologies to conduct fundamental and interdisciplinary research on biomaterials and scaffolds for tissue engineering and cancer therapy applications. The research will lead to the creation of some useful seeds that will contribute to the improvement of quality of life and the realization of a healthy and long-lived society.

Update List

Activities was updated.

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Publications was updated.

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Publications was updated.

Publications was updated.

Members was updated.

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Publications and Activities were updated.

Members was updated.

Members and Activities were updated.

Activities was updated.

Publications was updated.

Publications was updated.

Activities was updated.

Activities was updated.

Members was updated.

Activities was updated.

Activities was updated.

Publications was updated.

Our website was updated as the new fiscal year starts.

Activities was updated.

Members was updated.

Publications was updated.

Activities was updated.

Members and Publications were updated.

Members and Publications were updated.

Members, Publications and Activities were updated.

Publications was updated.

Members and Activities were updated.

Publications was updated.

Tsukuba Biomedical Engineering Forum 2022 was successfully held online.

Recruitment of Graduate Students

Group leader, Dr. Guoping Chen, is a professor of Subprogram in Materials Science and Engineering, Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences, Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences / Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Technology, University of Tsukuba. We are looking for master course and doctor course students who are interested in biomaterials and tissue engineering scaffolds. Please contact us by email if you are interested in joining us.
(E-mail: Guoping.CHEN [at] nims.go.jp ??? Please change [at] to @, when sending an email).

Virtual Lab Tour