Photoemission Spectroscopy Group 

2024.02.13 Update 
The electric and magnetic properties of materials are determined by the electrons moving within them. Thus, it is important to elucidate the behavior of electrons in materials, which governs the function of materials, for the development of new materials and the design of new devices. We are developing and upgrading advanced measurement methods based on photoemission spectroscopy using lasers and synchrotron radiation, and conducting research on electronic properties using these methods as core technologies. We also actively collaborate with data-driven science. Recently, quantum materials, next-generation semiconductor materials, and magnetic materials have become important research topics.

Specialized Research Fields

  1. Electronic properties of quantum materials, next-generation semiconductors, and magnetic materials
  2. Development and advancement of advanced photoemission spectroscopy techniques
  3. Electronic structure measurement in nano scale region using photoemission microscopy
  4. Collaboration between experimental and data-driven science


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