This workshop will be held on December 11 in 2018
at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Sengen, Tsukuba, Japan.
Purpose: Recent discovery of room temperature superconductors at extremely high pressures has attracted
Invited Speakers (Tentative)
Organizing Committee
Contact Address:
much attention. They have enormous potentials in the future our society. Under such circumstances,
it is timely to set up a soft-bound Room Temperature Superconductivity Society (RTSS), which promotes scientific
and engineering development and occasionally organizes conference to discuss the current issues by gathering
all people who are interested in at one place.
Please download the resistration form and send it to Takano ASAP.
Registration Form
Conference Circular
Scientific Program & Abstract (Ver. 2018.12.11)
Group Photo (1.8MB)
Photo of Opening Address
Photo of Banquet
Access to NIMS (Conference site)
Overall achedule
Conference start at 13:00
Banquet start around 18:15
Russel J. Hemley, The George Washington Univeristy
George Crabtree, Argonne National Laboratory
Katsuya Shimizu, Osaka University
Ryosuke Akashi, The Univeristy of Tokyo
Xiao-Jia Chen, Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, Shanghai
Takahiro Ishikawa, NIMS
Kaveh Delfanazari, University of Cambridge
Chair: Kazuo Kadowaki (Tsukuba University)
Chair: Yoshihiko Takano (National Institute for Materials Science, NIMS & Tsukuba University)
Hiroyuki Takeya (National Institute for Materials Science, NIMS)
Masanori Nagao (Yamanashi Univ.)
Saori Harada (National Institute for Materials Science, NIMS)
Takano's Lab. Home Page
MANA Home Page
NIMS Home Page
Yoshihiko Takano (NIMS)