NIMS/Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials

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Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors Group


KOIZUMI, Satoshi; LIAO, Meiyong; OSHIMA, Yuichi; OSHIMA, Takayoshi(Staff Tabs


Reducing electricity consumption is an urgent issue in order to realize a carbon-neutral society. Improving the efficiency of power semiconductor devices is an extremely effective means of saving energy. Currently, most power semiconductor devices are made using silicon, but its performance is approaching the material limit. The use of wide bandgap semiconductors holds promise for further performance improvements, and power semiconductor devices made using SiC and GaN are becoming more widespread. We are working on research and development of ultra-wide bandgap materials in order to contribute to the realization of high-efficiency/high-voltage power semiconductor devices and environmentally resistant devices of ultimate semiconducting characteristics.


Ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor materials have great potential for use in high-performance power semiconductor devices. However, many technical challenges related to crystalline defects, doping and device fabrication issues must be overcome in order to realize the ultimate semiconducting devices. We aim to establish epitaxial growth technology and interface control technology that can contribute to solving these technical issues. For the time being, we will focus on diamond and gallium oxide, and will also actively take on newer targets.

FIG 1 Ultra-high-speed, high-purity growth of Gallium Oxide using HVPE (halide vapor phase epitaxy).
» A chemical reaction with a small equilibrium constant prevents parasitic reactions, enabling film formation more than 100 times faster and with higher purity than MOCVD, etc..

FIG 2 Achieving the world's highest quality factor with diamond MEMS resonators
» Can be used for ultimate performance sensors (mass, acceleration, magnetism)

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Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials


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Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials

National Institute for Materials Science

1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, 305-0044 Japan
