NIMS/Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials

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Environmental Circulation Composite Material Group


TAMURA, Kenji; SUEHARA, Shigeru; KIM, Jedeok; SAKUMA, Hiroshi(Staff Tabs


Solving global environmental problems has become an urgent priority. The Environmental Circulation Composite Materials Group is dedicated to developing fundamental and applied technologies that contribute to resource recovery and recycling systems. Specifically, our focus is on converting waste into recyclable, valuable materials, as well as conducting research on technologies that enhance the value of natural resources. Additionally, we are actively engaged in the development of high-performance composite materials that are not only highly functional but also environmentally friendly, making optimal use of natural resources.


Development of Recycled Materials: In order to promote the widespread use of biomass, we are working on the development of composite technology to overcome the issues related to their physical properties. We are also conducting research on using inorganic materials synthesized from natural minerals and exhaust CO2 as reinforcing fillers (Fig.1 a).
●Development of Circular Functional Materials: We are developing fast ionic conductors using highly sulfonated polymers with low environmental impact and highly water-retentive particles. Our goal is to apply them in hydrogen production/utilization devices (Fig.1 b). Theoretical Approach: We combine advanced theoretical analysis and experimental demonstrations to thoroughly understand the complex properties of materials (Fig.2).

FIG1 Development of resource-utilization functional composite materials: (a) Development of high-performance bio-polymer composite materials filled with high-function fillers obtained from CO2, (b) Fast ionic conductors with highly sulfonated polymers and highly water-retentive particles.

FIG2 Development of technology for reducing the volume of contaminated soil through theoretical analysis and demonstration experiments.
(STEP-1) The desorption treatment of radioactive Cs from contaminated soil using the molten salt-acid treatment method.
(STEP-2) Soil regeneration and pollucite inclusion of radioactive Cs—volume reduction.

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Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials


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Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials

National Institute for Materials Science

1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, 305-0044 Japan
