
Development of an Easy-To-Synthesize Self-Healing Gel Composed of Entangled Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polymers
—Circular-Economy-Friendly Gel May Be Used in Durable Flexible Devices—

A research team consisting of NIMS, Hokkaido University and Yamaguchi University has developed a method for easily synthesizing a self-healing polymer gel made of ultrahigh molecular weight (UHMW) polymers (polymers with a molecular weight greater than 106 g/mol) and non-volatile ionic liquids.

For more information

Yuji Kamiyama, Ryota Tamate, Takashi Hiroi, Sadaki Samitsu, Kenta Fujii, Takeshi Ueki, Sci. Adv. 8, eadd0226 (2022). "Highly stretchable and self-healable polymer gels from physical entanglements of ultrahigh molecular weight polymers"
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