
Publication of Big Data on a Photovoltaic Microgrid Equipped with Rechargeable Batteries
—Actual Operational Data May Assist Design of Advanced Energy Management Systems—


NIMS has released big data collected during the actual operation of a photovoltaic microgrid system equipped with rechargeable batteries and published a description of the data in a journal focusing on scientifically valuable datasets. This big data may provide a foundation for the design of advanced energy management systems, such as systems capable of compensating for the continuous fluctuation of renewable energy sources through optimum utilization of rechargeable batteries, thereby stably satisfying energy demand.

For more information

Karina Vink, Eriko Ankyu, Michihisa Koyama, Scientific Data 6, 190020 (2019). "Multiyear microgrid data from a research building in Tsukuba, Japan"
DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2019.20
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