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1. Growth of GaSb dots on GaAs (100) by droplet epitaxy
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2. Spontaneous formation of a cluster of InAs dots along a ring-like zone on GaAs (100) by droplet epitaxy
T. Noda, T. Mano, T. Kuroda, K. Sakoda, H. Sakaki,
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1. Magneto-capacitance study of an n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction supporting a sizable dc current
T. Kawazu and H. Sakaki
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2. Anisotropic transport of electrons and holes in thin GaAs/AlAs quantum wells grown on (311)A GaAs substrates.
T. Noda, and H. Sakaki
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3. Fabrication of a complex InAs ring-and-dot structure by droplet epitaxy
Takeshi Noda, Takaaki Mano
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1. Fabrication of Al nanoparticles and their electrical properties studied by capacitance-voltage measurements.
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2. Current-voltage characteristics in double-barrier resonant tunneling diodes with embedded GaAs quantum rings.
T. Noda and N. Koguchi
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