[ 精錬・凝固/ 加工・熱処理/ 特性・評価 / その他]
H. Kim, Y. Kobayashi, S. Tsukamoto and K. Nagai, Effect of cooling rate on microstructure evolution of rapidly cooled high-impurity steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 403, 1-2 (2005) pp311-317
Z.Liu, Y.Kobayashi and K.Nagai, Effect of Phosphorus on Sulfide Precipitation n Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel, Materials Transactions, 46,1 (2005) pp26-30
小林能直 長井寿, 鋼中不純物と急冷凝固組織, まてりあ, 43, 9 (2004) pp730-736
Z. Liu, Y. Kobayashi and K. Nagai, Crystallography and precipitation kinetics of copper sulfide in strip casting low carbon steel, ISIJ International, 44, 9 (2004) pp1560-1567
吉田直嗣 小林能直 長井寿, ニアネットシェイプCCにおける鋳造γ粒径の予測, 鉄と鋼, 90 (2004) 4, pp198-205
N. Yoshida, O. Umezawa and K. Nagai, Analysis on Refinement of Columnar γ Grain by Phosphorus in Continuously Cast 0.1 mass% Carbon Steel, ISIJ International, 44, 3 (2004) pp547-555
Y. Kobayashi, N. Yoshida and K. Nagai, Thermodynamics of phosphorus in the MnO-SiO2-FetO system, ISIJ International, Vol.44 (2004), No. 1, pp21-26
N. Yoshida, O. Umezawa and K. Nagai, Influence of Phosphorus on Solidification Structure in Continuously Cast 0.1 mass% Carbon Steel, ISIJ International, 43, 3 (2003) 348-357
O. Umezawa, N. Yoshida, K. Hirata, T. Higuchi, N. Sakuma and K. Nagai, Continuously cast 0.1wt% C steels with high phosphorus: microstructual design and control, J. Advanced Science, 13, 3 (2001) pp175-178
K. Hirata, O. Umezawa and K. Nagai, Microstructure of Cast Strip in 0.1 mass% C Steels Containing P, Mater.Trans, 43, 3 (2002) pp305-310
S. Torizuka, A. Ohmori, S.V.S.N. Murty and K. Nagai, Effect of strain on the microstructure and mechanical properties of multi-pass warm caliber rolled low carbon steel, Scripta Materialia 54 (2006) pp563-568
S.V.S. Narayana Murty, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Microstructural evolution during simple, heavy warm compression of a low carbon steel: Development of a processing map, Materials Science and Engineering A, 410-411 (2005) pp319-323
S.V.S. Narayana Murty, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Ferrite Grain Size Formed by Large Strain-High Z Deformation in a 0.15C Steel, Materials Transactions, 46, 11 (2005) pp2454-2460
S. V. S. Narayana Murty, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Microstructural and micro-textural evolution during single pass high Z-large strain deformation of a 0.15C steel, ISIJ Int'l, 45 (2005) 11, pp1651-1657
鳥塚史郎, 高Z-大ひずみ加工による超微細粒鋼の創製, 溶接学会誌, Vol.74, No.2 (2005) pp13-17
S.V.S. Narayana Murty, S.Torizuka, K.Nagai, N.Koseki and Y.Kogo, Classification of microstructural evolution during large strain high Z deformation of a 0.15 carbon steel, Scripta Materialia, 52 (2005) pp713-718
A. Ohmori, S. Torizuka, K. Nagai, N. Koseki and Y. Kogo, Effect of Deformation Temperature and Strain Rate on Evolution of Ultrafine-Grained Structure through Single-Pass Large-Strain Warm Deformation in a Low Carbon Steel, Materials Transactins, 45, 7 (2004) pp2224-2231
A. Ohmori, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Strain-hardening due to dispersed cementite for low carbon ultrafine-grained steels, ISIJ Intl, Vol.44 (2004), No. 6, pp1063-1071
T. Hanamura, F. Yin and K. Nagai, Ductile-brittle transition temperature of ultrafine ferrite/cementite microstructure in a low carbon steel controlled by effective grain size, ISIJ Int'l, 44 (2004) 3, pp610-617
Z. Liu, Y. Kobayashi and K. Nagai, Effect of Nano-Scale Copper Sulfide Particles on the Yield Strength and Work Hardening Ability in Strip Casting Low Carbon Steel, Materials Transactions, 45, 2 (2004) pp479-487
T. Yamashita, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Effect of manganese segregation on fine-grained ferrite structure in low-carbon steel slabs, ISIJ International, 43, 11 (2003) pp1833-1841
大森章夫 鳥塚史郎 長井寿 小関尚史 向後保雄, 温間多パス溝ロール圧延による超微細フェライト組織鋼の創製, 鉄と鋼 89, 7 (2003) pp781-788
大森章夫、鳥塚史郎、長井寿, 温間圧延によって製造した超微細フェライト-セメンタイト組織鋼板の特性, 鉄と鋼, 89, 7 (2003) pp765-772
中嶋宏 山下晃生 井上忠信 鳥塚史郎 花村年裕 長井寿, せん断付与圧延による圧延鋼板の特性, 鉄と鋼, 89, 2 (2003) pp281-288
鳥塚史郎 長井寿, パンケーキオーステナイト厚さと生成する粒界フェライト厚さの関係, 鉄と鋼,88, 3 (2002) pp148-154
大森章夫 鳥塚史郎 長井寿 山田賢嗣 向後保雄, 低炭素鋼の高Z大歪加工における超微細粒組織の形成, 鉄と鋼, 88,12 (2002) pp857-864
T. Inoue, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Effect of Shear Deformation on Refinement of Crystal Grains, Materials Science and Technology,18 (2002) pp1007-1015
井上忠信 鳥塚史郎 長井寿, 多方向加工による微細フェライト組織の均一形成, 熱処, 42 6 (2002) pp385-387
D. Suh, S. Torizuka, A. Ohmori, T. Inoue and K. Nagai, Dynamic Restoration Process of Ni-30Fe Alloy during Hot Deformation, ISIJ International, 42, 4 (2002) pp432-439
I. Salvatori, T. Inoue and K. Nagai, Ultrafine grain structure through dynamic recrystallization for type 304 stainless steel, ISIJ International,42, 7 (2002) pp744-750
D. Suh, T. Inoue, S. Torizuka, A. Ohmori and K. Nagai, Serration of Grain Boundary in a Ni-30Fe alloy Due to High Temperature Deformation, ISIJ International, 42, 9 (2002) pp1026-1032
S.Torizuka and K. Nagai, Novel processing of recyclable and high performance steel bar, J. Advanced Science, 13, 3 (2001) pp343-347
T. Inoue, S. Torizuka, K. Nagai, K. Tsuzaki and T. Ohashi, Effect of Plastic Strain on Grain Size of Ferrite Transformed from Deformed Austenite in Si-Mn Steel, MATERIALS SCIENCE & THECHNOLOGY, 17-12 (2001) pp1580-1588
T. Inoue, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Formation of Uniformly Fine-grained Ferrite Structure through Multi-directional Deformation, MATERIALS SCIENCE & THECHNOLOGY, 17-11 (2001) pp1329-1338
鳥塚史郎 井上忠信 長井寿, 多方向加工による均一微細フェライト粒組織の形成, 鉄と鋼, 86, 12 (2000) pp801-806
鳥塚史郎 井上忠信 長井寿, 低炭素鋼の塑性変形されたオーステナイトの粒界から生成するフェライト粒の形、大きさと結晶方位, 鉄と鋼, 86, 12 (2000) pp807−814
井上忠信 鳥塚史郎 長井寿, 多方向加工によるひずみ分布の数値解析, 鉄と鋼, 86, 12 (2000) pp793-800
高木周作 井上忠信 原徹 早川正夫 津崎兼彰 高橋稔彦, 高強度鋼における水素割れ感受性の評価パラメータ, 鉄と鋼, 86-10 (2000) pp689-696
M. Zhao, T. Hanamura, H. Qiu, K. Nagai and K. Yang, Grain growth and Hall-Petch relaion in dual-sized ferrite/cementite stel with nano-sized cementite particles in a heterogeneous and dense distribution, Scripta Materialia, 54, 6 (2006) pp1193-1197
M. Zhao, T. Hanamura, H. Qiu, K. Nagai and K. Yang, Dependence of strength-elongation balance on the volumen fraction of cementite particles in ultrafine grained ferrite/cementite steels, Scripta Materialia, 54, 7 (2006) pp1385-1389
井上忠信、殷福星、木村勇次、長井寿,溝ロール圧延による超微細組織棒鋼のひずみと組織、硬さ分布, 日本金属学会誌, 69, 11(2005) pp943-952
井上忠信、鳥塚史郎、長井寿,数値解析による超微細組織棒鋼創製のための高効率加工プロセスの提案, 日本金属学会誌, 69 11(2005) pp934-942
井上忠信、長井寿, クロスロール圧延におけるひずみ分布の数値解析-せん断付与圧延鋼板における創形創質に関する研究 第2報-, 塑性と加工, 46, 538(2005) pp.1076(50)-1080(54)
M. Zhao,K. Yang, Effects of Nano-sized Microalloyed Carbonitrides and High-density Pinned Dislocations on Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistance of Pipeline Steels, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 20, 9 (2005) pp2248-2251
F. Yin, T. Sakaguchi, Q. Tian, A. Sakurai and K. Nagai, The Twinning Microstructure and Damping Behavior in Mn-30Cu (at%) Alloy, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 46, 10 (2005) pp2164-2168
榎並啓太郎,長井寿,鳥塚史郎、井上忠信,"平滑丸棒引張および円周切欠引張におけるくびれ成長のモデル, 鉄と鋼, 91, 10 (2005) pp769-776
井上忠信, 岩崎智, 長井寿, クロスロール圧延による鋼板の変形特性-せん断付与圧延鋼板における創形創質に関する研究 第1報, 塑性と加工 JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNOLOGY OF PLASTICITY, 46, 537 (2005) pp67-71
榎並啓太郎、長井寿、断続引張試験による局所くびれ以降の真応力-真ひずみ線図の評価, 鉄と鋼, 91, 9, pp712-718
K.Enami and K.Nagai, The evaluation of plastic deformation limit by circumferentially notched tention test, ISIJ Int'l, 45, 6 (2005) pp930-936
M.-C. Zhao and K. Yang, Strengthening and Improvement of Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistance in Acicular Ferrite Pipeline Steels by Nano-sized Carbonitrides, Scripta Materialia, 52, 9 (2005) 881-886
M.-C. Zhao, T. Hanamura, Q. Hai and K. Yang, Precipitation of Carbonitrides and Their Strengthening upon Non-quench Aging for Micro-alloyed Acicular Ferrite Pipeline Steels, Materials Transactions, 46, 4 (2005) pp784-789
井上忠信, 曹財榮, 殷福星, 長井寿, 熱間加工されたNi-30Fe合金の内部組織におよぼすせん断変形の影響, 日本金属学会誌, 69, 4 (2005) pp341-347
M.-C. Zhao, T. Hanamura, Q. Hai and K. Yang, Lath boundary thin-film martensite in acicular ferrite untralow carbon pipeline steels, Materials Science and Engineering A- Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 395, 1-2 (2005) pp327-332
榎並啓太郎,長井寿, 円周切欠引張試験による塑性変形限界の評価, 鉄と鋼, 91, 2 (2005) pp285-291
N.Tsuchida, E.Baba, K.Nagai, Y.Tomota
Effects of interstitial solute atoms on the very low strain-rate deformations for an IF steel and an ultra-low carbon steel, Acta Materialia, 53 (2005) pp265-270
M.-C. Zhao, T. Hanamura, H. Qiu, K. Nagai, Y.-Y. Shan and K. Yang, Difference in the role of non-quench aging on mechanical properties between acicular ferrite and ferrite-pearlite pipeline steels, ISIJ Int'l, 45, 1 (2005) pp116-120
土田紀之、友田陽、長井寿, 超微細粒フェライト-セメンタイト鋼の高速引張変形挙動, 鉄と鋼, 90 ,12 (2004) pp1043-1049
J. Cho, T. Inoue and K. Nagai, Effect of Shear Deformation on Microstructural Evolution of Ni-30Fe Alloy during Hot Deformaiton, Materials Transactions 45 10 2960 2965
J. Cho, T. Inoue, F. Yin and K. Nagai, Effect of Initial Grain Orientation on Evolution of Deformed Microstructure in Hot Compressed Ni-30Fe Alloy, Materials Transactions, 45, 10 (2004) pp2966-2973
O. Umezawa and K. Nagai, A State of the Art and Development in Materials Process Design and Technology for Sustainable Society, Transactions of MRS-Japan, 29, 5 (2004) pp1925-1930
F. Yin, T. Hanamura, T. Inoue and K. Nagai, Characteristic microstructure features influencing the mechanical behavior of warm-rolled ultrafine low-carbon steels, Transactions of MRS-Japan, 29, 8 (2004) pp3533-3538
H. Qiu, Y. Kawaguchi, C. Shiga, M. Enoki and T. Kishi, A high-strength and low-yield-ratio carbon steel bar processed by thermo-mechanical rolling, Materials Science and Technology, 20, 9 (2004) pp1158-1160
M. Zhao, Y. Shan, K. Yang, Effect of Aging Treatment on Mechanical Property and H2S Resistant Behavior of AcicularFerrite Pipeline Steels, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 40, 9 (2004) pp948-954
P. Xu, F. Yin and K. Nagai, The Thickness Gradient of Microstructure and Mechanical Property in an As-cast Thin Steel Slab, Materials Transactions, 45, 7 (2004) pp2456- 2462
P. Xu, F. Yin and K. Nagai, Plastic Anistropy of Strip-Cast Low-Carbon Steels, Materials Transactions, 45, 2 (2004) pp447-456
F. Yin, T. Hanamura, T. Inoue and K. Nagai, Fiber Texture and Substructural Features in the Caliber-Rolled Low-Carbon Steels, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A -Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 35A, 2, pp. 665-677
N. Tsuchida, E.Baba, O. Umezawa, K. Nagai and Y. Tomota, True stress-true strain relations with very low strain rates at room temperature for an austenitic 25Cr-19Ni steel, ISIJ International, Vol.44 (2004), No. 1, pp209-213
土田紀之 友田陽 長井寿, 超微細フェライト-セメンタイト鋼の静的引張特性, 鉄と鋼, Vol.89, No.11 (2003) pp1170-117
F. Yin, K. Nagai, K. Watanabe and K. Kawahara, The Damping Behavior of Ni Added Mn-Cu Damping Alloys, Materials Transactions, 43, 9 (2003) pp1671-1674
F. Yin, S. Takamori, Y. Ohsawa, K. Nagai and K. Kawahara, The damping behavior of a Ni-50 at% Ti shape memory alloy, Z. Metallkund, 94, 9 (2003) pp1021-1026
井上忠信 長井寿, リサイクル鉄を用いた材料開発, 材料, Vol.52-9 (2003) pp.1107-1115
O. Umezawa, K. Hirata and K. Nagai, Influence of Phosphorus Micro-Segregation on Ferrite Structure in Cast Strips of 0.1 mass% C Steel, Material Transactions, 44, 7, pp1266-1270
井上忠信 落合庄治郎 北條正樹 長井寿, エネルギ解放率に基づく熱応力および引張り応力下での単繊維複合材料の破壊基準, 材料, 52, 7 (2003) pp815-820
F. Yin, T. Hanamura, O. Umezawa and K. Nagai, Phosphorus induced dislocation structure variation in the warm rolled ultrafine grained low carbon steel, Materials Science and Engineering A354 (2003) pp31-39
N. Igata, K. Nishiyama, K. Ota, F. Yin, W. Wuttig, I.S. Golovin, J.V. Humbeeck, J. Sun Juan, Panel discussion on the application of HDM, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 355 (2003) pp230-240
篠原英毅 井上忠信 長井寿, 広幅板材継手強度の簡易数値評価法:溶接広幅継手機械特性の数値評価に関する検討(第一報), 溶接学会論文集, 20,4 (2002) pp539-545
F. Yin, S. Takamori, Y. Ohsawa, A. Sato and K. Kawahara, The effects of static strain on the damping capacity of damping alloys, Materials Transactions, 43, 3 (2002) pp466-469
N. Tsuchida, Y. Tomota and K. Nagai, Compromise between Environmental Burdens and Performance in Strengthening Steels, J. Advanced Science, 13, 3 (2002) pp269-272
N. Tsuchida, Y. Tomota and K. Nagai, High-Speed Deformation for an Ultrafine-Grained Ferrite-Pearlite Steel, ISIJ International, 42, 12 (2002) pp1594-1596
土田紀之 小野匠 友田陽、長井寿, フェライトパーライト鋼の引張変形応力におよぼす温度,ひずみ速度とフェライト結晶粒径の影響, 日本機械学会論文集A , 675, 68 (2002) pp 1547-1552
T. Hanamura, A. Yamashita, O. Umezawa, S. Torizuka and K. Nagai, Improvement of Strength-and-Toughness Balance of Recycled Steel through Ultrafinement of Grain Size, J. Advanced Science, 13, 3 (2001) pp179-182
林透 長井寿, ひずみ硬化設計による超微細粒炭素鋼の強度-延性バランスの改善, 機械学会論文集, 68, 675 (2002) pp1553-1558
殷福星 高森晋 大澤嘉昭 佐藤彰 川原浩司, 加工性及びリサイクル性に優れたMnCuNiFe制振合金の開発, 日本金属学会誌 (2001)
F. Yin, S. Takamori, Y. Ohsawa, A. Sato and K. Kawahara, Characterization of the strain-amplitude and frequency dependent damping capacity in the M2052 alloy, Materials Transactions, 42 (2001)
N.Tsuchida, Y.Tomota, H.Moriya, O.Umezawa and K.Nagai, Application of the Kocks-Mecking Model to Tensile Deformation of an Austenitic 25Cr-19Ni Steel, Acta Materialia, 49/15 (2001) 3029
牧野一成 五十嵐泰昭 井上忠信 北條正樹 田中基嗣 落庄治郎, Push-out試験での界面き裂進展における母材弾性率の影響の数値解析およびその実験評価への応用, 日本接着学会誌, 37巻 7号, 2001, pp266-272
M. Hojo, K. Terashima, Y. Igarashi, M. Shida, S. Ochiai, T. Inoue, Y. Sawada and Y. Suzuki, Interfacial Fracture in Model Composites under Static and Fatigue Loadings -Mechanism Consideration Based on Experimental and Analytical Approaches-, Materials Sci. Research Int., 2 (2001) pp189-196
F. Yin, Y. Ohsawa, A. Sato and K. Kawahara, Tetragoanl Distortion Induced {101} Twinning and Structural Modulation of Gamma Mn Phase in a Mn-20Cu Alloy, Zeitscherift Fur Metallkunde, 91 (2000)
N.Tsuchida, Y.Tomota, H.Moriya, O.Umezawa and K.Nagai, A Description of Stress-Strain Curve of a Ti-Fe-O alloy at various Temperatures and Strain Rates based on Thermal Activation Model, ISIJ International, 40 (2000) 84
土田紀之,友田陽,長井寿, 加工熱処理工程における二酸化炭素排出量の推定とMn-Si-C鋼の組織制御によるエコスティール材料設計,鉄と鋼,86 (2000) p181
N.Tsuchida and Y.Tomota, A micromechanic modeling for transformation induced plasticity in steels, Materials Science & Engineering A, 285 (2000) p345
K. Nagai, Ultrafine-grained steels: Basic researches and attempts for application, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 44, 2 (2005) pp187-194