Research Topics
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Mott Transition Mott Physics Frustrated Magnet Spin Chain Metallic Ferromagnetism Magnetic Transition Theoretical Approaches

 Magnetic phase transition and critical phenomena

I have investigated phase transitions and critical properties in magnets. Specifically, using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we have studied the spin-flop transitions in two- and three-dimensional XXZ models with Ising-like anisotropy, which are equivalent to the superfluid-insulator transitions in hard-core bose Hubbard models with large nearest-neighbor repulsions [1]. Critical properties of the magnetic phase transition in the ferrimagnet Sr8CaRe3Cu4O24 have also been investigated by using numerical simulations [2,3]. For impurity effects on frustrated magnets, we have theoretically shown that an infinitesimal density of impurities causes a macroscopic reduction of magnetization in one-dimensional frustrated ferro- and ferrimagnets [4].

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© 2011 Masanori Kohno