Dr. Kenji Tamura

1) 研究テーマ

Studies on Novel Functional Hybrid Materials based on Geomaterials


2) 研究の概要



  Various nano-scale materials and an abundance of recipes, which offer many potential benefits in our life and contribute to create a sustainable society, are latent in nature. For example, ubiquitous minerals, such as rock and efflorescent minerals (soil), contain various polymorphous nanomaterials such as nano-ball, nano-tube, and nano-sheet, which all show their unique physicochemical properties including ion exchange, adsorption, colloidal nature, and swelling. Our life benefits unknowingly from these materials in so many ways.
  We refer to human-intervened natural minerals for engineering ends (to enrich our lives) as the 'Geomaterials'.
  Novel functional composite materials are being studied in our laboratory as a means to develop new engineering technologies (for engineering ends). To improve various properties of materials (strength, stiffness, corrosion resistance, surface finish, weight, fatigue life and so on), composite material combines two or more materials on a micro- and macroscopic scale to form a useful material.
  The major subjects of our studies are (1) Preparation of organic-inorganic nanocomposites with controlled structures and morphologies on a nanometer scale, and (2) Development of the method for construction of the nano- or super- structured multicomponent systems. We learn their properties and mineral genesis from nature and then create the new hybrid material using innovative ideas. To develop new types of functional (high performance) hybrid materials, we mainly utilize geomaterials such as layered silicates, layered double hydroxides, and allophane, in addition to amphiphillic metal complex, and various organic polymers.




4) Name

Kenji Tamura


5) Affiliation

NIMS, Photocatalytic Materials Center





7) リンクしたい団体のアドレス

The Clay Science Society of Japan



  • National Institute for Materials Science
  • Competence in Bionics
  • The Clay Science Society of Japan