NIMS employs outstanding scientists from various countries
Current Positions Available
- 2025.01.20
- There are no positions currently available.
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Recruiting information of permanent employed researcher
Hiring Policy
- NIMS employs outstanding scientists from various countries who have abundant knowledge and strong research skills in materials science.
- We will welcome the application from female researchers, non-Japanese researchers and researchers who have careers in private companies.
Conditions for Employment
- As a general rule the position is permanent (Retirement age as of FY2023~2024: 61). However, the applicants may be accepted as five-year or less fixed term employees if the reviewers judge that final decision should be made after watching the performance of the applicants on the job. If this is the case, they can be reviewed for transfer to permanent researchers after a certain period of time.
- Even under such fixed term employment, working conditions including annual income shall comply with the treatment of permanent employee. For instance, they are covered under the national public service personal mutual aid system. They can get an exemption from repayments of scholarship loan by JASSO (only for scholarships for graduate programs (category 1) received by March 31, 2004). They also can apply Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by JSPS. Workmen's accident compensation and employment insurance are available.
- Following the national government employees, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years in stages starting in April 2023, and will be 65 years old after April 2031. (For those born on or after April 2, 1967, the retirement age will be 65.)
Policy of Recruitment and Screening
- Employment information is being announced worldwide through our website and advertisement on prestigious academic journals.
- Candidates are selected through an impartial, multi-faceted examination process, which includes a review of the application documents and an interview.
Employment Data
Salaries (estimate in FY2019)
- Immediately after receiving a Ph.D. degree: 6.27 million Yen (estimate)
- Five years after receiving a Ph.D. degree: 6.7 million Yen (estimate)
- Ten years after receiving a Ph.D. degree: 8.07 million Yen (estimate)
The above data are based on an annual salary scheme that consists of basic salary, achievement allowance and other benefits, such as the ability allowance, the terminal allowance, the diligence allowance and the retirement allowance.
The above data are just for reference.
Hiring to date (As of April 1, 2023)
- FY2022: 14
- FY2021: 18
- FY2020: 10
- FY2019: 16
- FY2018: 16
- FY2017: 14
- FY2016: 15
- Human Resources Development Office
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 JAPAN
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