


Data-driven Algorithm Team

Innovation in Materials Research with Data Science

The Data-driven Algorithm Team develops "data-driven algorithms and tools specialized for materials data" to accelerate data-driven materials research and development. We then conduct applied research using these tools in collaboration with experimental groups inside and outside NIMS. Since the needs of materials research are diverse, the data handled changes with each research. Therefore, we believe that true data-driven materials research and development is possible only by developing and optimizing algorithms suitable for each theory and using them.

Field of Expertise/Research Subjects

The main research topics is below
  • Development of a black box optimization method suitable for materials research
  • Development of software to control automated experiments
  • Development of data-driven algorithms to understand materials data
  • Development of Materials Informatics Methodology Using Ising Machines and Quantum Annealing Machines

Team Leader


Data-driven Algorithm Team
1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0044 JAPAN
TAMURA.Ryo=nims.go.jp (Please change "=" to "@")

