1. Exciton states in quantum tetrapods
K. Sakoda
SPIE Photonics West(Jan 26, 2011)
1. Energy renormalization of exciton complexes in strain-free GaAs quantum dots
T. Kuroda
2010 Int. Conf. on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanosystems (July 18-23, 2010)
1. Lifetime control of GaAs quantum dots by photonic crystal microcavities
K. Sakoda, T. Kuroda, N. Ikeda, T. Mano, Y. Sugimoto, T. Ochiai, K. Kuroda, S. Ohkouchi, N. Koguchi, and K. Asakawa
OSA Conference on Nanophotonics (13 May, 2009)
1. Purcell effect of GaAs quantum dots embedded in photonic crystal microcavities
K. Sakoda
Laser Optics 2008 (23 June, 2008)
2. Comprehensive Analysis on the Localized Electromagnetic Modes in the Menger sponge
K. Sakoda
International Workshop on Photonic and Phononic Fractals (3 Mar, 2008)
3. Nanowire waveguide self-assembled from organic dye molecules: Optical properties and device applications
K. Takazawa
PRiME 2008 (15 Oct. 2008)
1. Superfluorescence in photonic crystals studied by first-principle calculation
K. Sakoda
Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS) VII (8 Apr, 2007)
2. Electron-induced light emission in photonic nanostructures
T. Ochiai
OSA topical conference on nanophotonics (20 June, 2007)
1. Quantum localization of photons and non-Markovian emission in photonic crystals
K. Sakoda
PBG-2005 (25 Oct, 2005)
2. Quantum localization of photons and non-Markovian emission in photonic crystals
K. Sakoda
12th International Conference on Unconventional Photoactive Systems (UPS-12) (4 Oct, 2005)
3. Nonlinear photonic crystals: Basic properties and possible applications
K. Sakoda
SPIE Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics (COO-2005) (30 Aug, 2005)
4. Selection rule for light scattering by localized eigenmodes of the Menger sponge fractal
K. Sakoda
International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-VI) (24 June, 2005)
5. Optical spectroscopy on individual self-assembled molecular aggregates
K. Takazawa
International Conference on Laser, Applications, and Technologie (12 May 2005)
