平成9年からスタートした超鉄鋼プロジェクトは当初計画より1年を残し平成18年3月で終了しました。 |
新構造材料センター | 旧超鉄鋼研究センター |
The ultra-steel project which began in 1997 was completed in March 2006, a year earlier than its original plan. In April, the Steel Research Center will become The Structural Metals Center with a new organization that will incorporate steel materials as well as nonferrous materials. The center will cover the aspects of basic research as well as applied research and practical usage to enhance the results of the ultra-steel project. We hope that you will continue to give us your encouragement and support. |
Steel Research Center |
Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Structural Metals Center. All rights reserved.