Femtosecond-picosecond dual pulsed titanium sapphire laser with an optical parametric oscillator

Femtosecond pulsed titanium sapphire laser

Fluorescence microscope
Spatially and spectrally resolved fluorescence microscopy image of nanostructures can be recorded.

Picosecond streak camera with a monochromator

Monochromator with CCD camera

Nanosecond pulsed dye laser

Nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser

CW dye laser with a ring cavity

CW titanium sapphire laser with a ring cavity

CW green laser

He-Cd Laser

Luminescence spectrometer

UV-VIS spectrometer

Liquid Helium cryostat for micro photoluminescence

Liquid Helium cryostat with a superconducting magnet

Liquid Helium cryostat

Two workstations
dual-core opteron x2, quad-core pentium x1, for numerical calculation
