




Gallery and Media



  1. Tomoko K. Shimizu, César Moreno, Oleksandr Stetsovych, Oscar Custance 

       Submolecular imaging and atomic species identification on the anatase TiO2(101)

       surface by simultaneous AFM and STM

       UK-Japan Symposium on Atomic and Molecular Manipulation, Dec. 15-16,

       2015, Nottingham, UK


  1. Tomoko K. Shimizu, César Moreno, Oleksandr Stetsovych, Oscar Custance 

       Submolecular imaging and atomic species identification on the anatase TiO2(101)

       surface by simultaneous AFM and STM

       Swiss-Japan Workshop 2015 “Nanoscale Electron-Photon Interactions via Energy

       Dissipation and Fluctuation”, Sept. 7-9, 2015, Les Diablerets, Switzerland


  1. Tomoko K. Shimizu, TomokJaehoon Jung, Hioshi Imada, Yousoo Kim

       STM study of adsorption and supramolecular assembly of diarylethene

       The 31st European Conference on Surface Science,  Aug. 31- Sept. 4, 2015, Barcelona,


  1. Tomoko K. Shimizu, Oleksandr Stetsovych, César Moreno, Oscar Custance

       Imaging three-dimensional surface objects with submolecular resolution by atomic force


       MANA-DIPC Workshop “Nanostructures and Complex Functional Materials”, Aug. 27-28,

       2015, San Sebastian, Spain

  1. Tomoko K. Shimizu, César Moreno, Oleksandr Stetsovych, Oscar Custance 

       Submolecular imaging and atomic species identification on the anatase TiO2(101)

       surface by simultaneous AFM and STM"

       NIMS Conference 2015, Jul. 14-16, 2015, Tsukuba, Japan


  1. Tomoko K. Shimizu

       Atomic resolution imaging of soft molecular systems using scanning probe microscopy

       The 95th Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2015, Funabashi


  1. T. K. Shimizu, C. Moreno, O. Stetsovych, O. Custance

        Imaging Three-Dimensional Surface Objects with Submolecular Resolution by Atomic

        Force Microscopy

        Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces

        Dec. 7-11, 2014

        Hawaii, USA

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, H. Imada, Y. Kim

        Supramolecular Assembly of Diarylethene via Ion-Dipole Interaction

        7th International Symposium on Surface Science

        Nov. 2-6, 2014

        Matsue, Japan

  1. 清水智子, O. Stetsovych, C. Moreno, O. Custance (日本語発表)

        NC-AFM/STM同時測定によるアナターゼ型酸化チタンTiO2(101)表面 および分子吸着の観測 

        表面界面スペクトロスコピー 2013

        Dec. 6-7, 2013

        Mishima, Japan

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, H. Imada, Y. Kim

        STM Study of Photochromic Diarylethene Adsorbed on Noble Metals

        12th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces

        Nov. 4-8, 2013

        Tsukuba, Japan

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, H. Imada, Y. Kim

        Stability Reversal and Superstructure Formation of Photochromic Diarylethene on

        Noble Metals

        American Vacuum Society 60th International Symposium & Exhibition

        Oct. 27-Nov.1, 2013

        Long Beach, CA, USA

  1. T. K. Shimizu

        Identification of Atomic Species and Adsorption Configuration of Molecules on TiO2

        Anatase by Means of Simultaneous AFM and STM

        Swiss-Japanese Nanoscience Workshop: Materials Phenomena at Small Scale

        Oct. 9-11, 2013

        Tsukuba, Japan (招待講演)

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, Y. Kim

        Combined STM and DFT Study of 2D Molecular Superstructure Formation on Noble


        Korea-Japan Joint International Symposium on Molecular Systems

        Feb. 14-17, 2013, Muju, Korea

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, T. Otani, Y.-K. Han, M. Kawai, and Y. Kim

        Formation of 2D superstructure with wide bandgap n-type behavior

        American Vacuum Society 59th International Symposium and Exhibition

        Oct. 28-Nov.2 , 2012, Tampa, Florida, USA

  1. 今田 裕, 清水 智子, 山本 直紀, 金 有洙 (日本語発表)

        Zn-doped GaAs(110)表面におけるSTM発光の定量解析

        日本物理学会 第67回年次大会 

        Mar. 24-27, 2012, 西宮

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, T. Otani, H.Imada, M. Kawai and Y. Kim

        Combined STM and non-contact AFM study of interfacial structure and electronic

        states of fluorinated fullerene monolayer on Au(111)

        The 6th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-6)

        Dec. 11-15, 2011, Tokyo, Japan

  1. H. Imada,T. K. Shimizu, N. Yamamoto and Y. Kim

        Atomically-resolved scanning tunneling luminescence spectroscopy of p-type


        The 6th International Symposium onSurface Science (ISSS-6)

        Dec. 11-15, 2011, Tokyo, Japan

  1. 今田 裕, 清水 智子, 山本 直紀, 金 有洙 (日本語発表)



        Dec. 2-3, 2011, 横須賀

  1. 今田 裕, 清水 智子, 山本 直紀, 金 有洙 (日本語発表)

        p-type GaAs(110)表面の原子分解能STM発光観察


        Sept. 21-24, 2011, 富山

  1. 清水 智子, 大谷 徹也, 鄭載勲, 川合 眞紀, 金 有洙 (日本語発表)

        Au(111)表面におけるフッ化フラーレン C60F36 単分子膜の構造及び電子状態


        Sept. 21-24, 2011, 富山

  1. 大谷 徹也, 清水 智子, 金 有洙, 川合 眞紀 (日本語発表)

        フッ化フラーレンC60F36 のAu(111)上での電子特性


        Dec. 3-4, 2010, つくば

  1. 大谷 徹也, 清水 智子, 金 有洙, 川合 眞紀 (日本語発表)



        Sept. 23-26, 2010, 大阪

  1. 清水 智子, 鄭 載勲, 金 有洙, 川合 眞紀 (日本語発表)



        Sept. 23-26, 2010, 大阪

  1. T. K. Shimizu, J. Jung, Y. Kim and M. Kawai

        Verwey transition on the magnetite (111) surface studied by scanning tunneling


        18th International Vacuum Congress

        Aug. 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China

  1. T. K. Shimizu, Y. Kim and M. Kawai

        Termination and identification of surface species on the magnetite (111) surface

        studied by scanning tunneling microscopy

        American Vacuum Society, 56th International Symposium and Exhibition

        Nov. 8-13, 2009, San Jose, CA

  1. 大谷 徹也, 清水 智子, 金 有洙, 川合 眞紀 (日本語発表)



        Oct. 27-39, 2009, 東京

  1. Watanabe, T. Shimizu, Y. Kim, Y. Tateyama and Y. Einaga

        Enlargement of the electric double-layer capacitance of heavily boron-doped

        diamond electrodes

        20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes,

        and Nitrides

        Sept. 6-10, 2009, Athens, Greece

  1. T. K. Shimizu, A. Mugarza, P. Cabrera-Sanfelix, D. Sahchez-Portal, A. Arnau, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Water adsorption on Ru(0001) pre-covered with atomic oxygen studied by STM

        American Vacuum Society, 54th International Symposium and Exhibition

        Oct. 14-19, 2007, Seattle, WA

  1. A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Understanding the adsorption of water molecules on Ru(0001) and their interaction

        with co-adsorbed oxygen by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy

        20th Symposium on Surface Science

        Mar. 11-17, 2007, Les Arcs, France

  1. A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Effect of oxygen on the ordering and decomposition of water on Ru(0001)

        American Vacuum Society 53th International Symposium and Exhibition

        Nov. 12-17, 2006, San Francisco, CA

  1. P. Cabrera-Sanfelix, D. Sanchez Portal, A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, M. Salmeron and A. Arnau Pino

        Water adsorption on O-covered Ru(0001) surface

        13th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces

        Nov. 6-10, 2006, Bariloche, Angentina

  1. T. K. Shimizu, A. Mugarza, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Adsorption, dissociation and cluster formation of water on Ru(0001) Studied by

        Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

        The University of Tokyo International Symposium and the 10th ISSP International

        Symposium on Nanoscience at Surfaces

        Oct. 9-13, 2006, Kashiwa, Japan

  1. A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron (in Spanish)

        Manipulacion de moleculas de agua y sus productos disociados a traves del acoplo

        vibracional (Manipulation of water molecules and their dissociation products through

        vibrational coupling)"

        V Congreso Espanol de Fuerzas y Tunel

        Sept. 20-22, 2006, Murcia, Spain

  1. T. K. Shimizu, A. Mugarza, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Effect of oxygen pre-adsorption on the adsorption of water on Ru(0001) studied by

        scanning tunneling microscopy

        American Chemical Society, 232nd National Meeting&Exposition

        Sept. 10-14, 2006, San Francisco, CA

  1. A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Manipulation of individual water molecules and its dissociative products by scanning

        tunneling microscopy

        American Chemical Society, 232nd National Meeting&Exposition

        Sept. 10-14, 2006, San Francisco, CA

  1. A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Ordering and decomposition of water on Ru(0001) as a function of temperature

        International Conference on Nanoscience&Technology 2006

        Jul. 31-Aug. 4, 2006, Basel, Switzerland

  1. A. Mugarza, T. K. Shimizu, D. F. Ogletree and M. Salmeron

        Diffusion, bonding and dissociation of water and its decomposition products on

        Ru(0001) induced by inelastic tunneling

        International Conference on Nanoscience&Technology 2006

        Jul. 31-Aug. 4, 2006, Basel, Switzerland

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Copyright © Oscar Custance. All rights reserved.

Nanomechanics Group / Research Center for Advanced Measurement and Characterization

National Institute for Materials Science

Sengen Site / Interface Science Laboratories

Sengen 1-2-1, 305-0047 Tsukuba, Japan