The 3rd Special CMSM-ERATO Joint Seminar
(The 260th Special CMSM seminar)

Spatial and dynamical phonon controls with ultrahigh-frequency phononic crystals

Dr. Daiki Hatanaka

NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation,
Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan

Date & Time: 15:30 - 16:30, November 27th (Mon), 2023.
Place: 2nd Conference Room, 1F, Main Bldg., Sengen site.


 Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of microwave phonons for applications to classical and quantum information technologies [1]. In spite of the promise, the ability to manipulate such ultrahigh frequency phonon waves has yet to be fully developed because of their nano/microscale tiny structures. Phononic crystals (PnCs) provide a suitable platform for addressing the difficulty and enable the microwave phonons to be spatially guided and trapped in wavelength-scale regions by engineering its artificial elastic structures [2]. The resonantly enhanced ultrahigh frequency vibrations in a PnC cavity are locally measured with an optical interferometer, showing quality-factor reaching Q = 4,000 at room temperature. The high-quality vibrations can be dynamically modulated through interaction with ferromagnetic magnons [3,4]. Our achievements on the PnC magnomechanics pave the new way for establishing alternative control technologies for microwave phonons in on-chip phononic circuits. In addition to the above, at this seminar, I will present a brief review of phononics/mechanics researches and also share our latest results on topological phononics [5].

[1] H. Qiao et al., Science 380, 1030-1033 (2022), E. A. Wollack et al., Nature 604, 463-467 (2022)
[2] D. Hatanaka, H. Yamaguchi, Phys. Rev. Appl., 13, 024005 (2020).
[3] D. Hatanaka et al., Phys. Rev. Appl., 17, 034024 (2022).
[4] D. Hatanaka et al., Phys. Rev. Appl., 19, 05071 (2023).
[5] D. Hatanaka et al., arXiv:2310.04008


Ken-ichi Uchida, Spin Caloritronics Group
E-mail: UCHIDA.Kenichi[at]