Christian Joachim
- Affiliation:
- Nanosciences Group, Center for Material Elaboration & Structural Studies (CEMES), CNRS, France
- Specialty:
- Computer Science and Nanoscience
- Academic degree:
- PhD in Applied Mathematic (1985) and PhD in Quantum Physics
Education & Research History
Molecular Electronics started on my home blackboard one evening in May 1979. At that time, I was studying solid state physics of electronics in a French "grande école", named "Ecole Superieure d'Ingénieurs en Electronique and Electrotechnique" (ESIEE) in Paris. During that period, I was also studying at the Masters level "Quantum Field Theory and Laser" at the University of Paris VI (Jussieu). After graduating from ESIEE and getting in the same year his Masters from the Paris VI University, I decided to spend at least a year far away from France. I was attached to the French embassy in Singapore, teaching at the Singapore Polytechnic during the year 1980-1981. This was a fantastic experience; first because I discovered Asia and Singapore, and second because during this period, I started to work on Molecular Electronics, a not very well known field at that time.
Selected Papers
- Grill L, Rieder KH, Moresco F, Rapenne G, Stojkovic S, Bouju X, Joachim C, 'Rolling a single molecular wheel at the atomic scale', Nature Nanotechnology, 2(2), (2007) 95-98.
- Chiaravalloti F, Gross L, Rieder KH, Stojkovic SM, Gourdon A, Joachim C, Moresco F, 'A rack-and-pinion device at the molecular scale', Nature Mater., 6(1), (2007) 30-33.
- Caffrey TM, Joachim C, Paracchini S, Esiri MM, Wade-Martins R, 'Haplotype-specific expression of exon 10 at the human MAPT locus', Human Molecular Genetics, 15(24), (2006) 3529-3537.
- Joachim C, Ratner MA, 'Molecular electronics: Some views on transport junctions and beyond', Proc. Nat. Acad.Sci. USA., 102(25), (2005) 8801-8808.
- Repp J, Meyer G, Stojkovic SM, Gourdon A, Joachim C, 'Molecules on insulating films: Scanning-tunneling microscopy imaging of individual molecular orbitals', Phy. Rev. Lett., 94(2), (2005) Art. No. 026803.
- Joachim C, Ratner MA, 'Molecular wires: guiding the super-exchange interactions electrodes between two electrodes', Nanotechnology, 15(8), (2004) 1065-1075.
- Rosei F, Schunack M, Naitoh Y, Jiang P, Gourdon A, Laegsgaard E, Stensgaard I, Joachim C, Besenbacher F, 'Properties of large organic molecules on metal surfaces', Prog. Surf. Sci., 1(5-8), (2003) 95-146.
- Loppacher C, Guggisberg M, Pfeiffer O, Meyer E, Bammerlin M, Luthi R, Schlittler R, Gimzewski JK, Tang H, Joachim C, 'Direct determination of the energy required to operate a single molecule switch', Phy. Rev. Lett., 90(6), (2003) Art. No. 066107.
- Joachim C, Gimzewski JK, 'Single molecular rotor at the nanoscale', Molecular Machines & Motors Structure & Bonding, 99, (2001) 1-18.
- Joachim C, Gimzewski JK, Aviram A, 'Electronics using hybrid-molecular and mono-molecular devices', Nature, 408(6812), (2000) 541-548.